Thursday, June 18, 2020


Big Question Indeed

Robin Sharma authored the book, "Who will cry when you die?"
In this he shared some very positive behaviours that'll enable you attain a position that people will remember you when gone.
But really and honestly how does it matter when you are dead?

Instead if we asked ourselves, "Who will be happy with our living?"

We will get answers to that question by those whom we lead, who we serve, those who derive strength by our being, those who are happy with our being.

We need to be at our best with our courtesy, respects, affection, time, language, words, action, promise, commitment, follow up, behaviour, attitude etc.

We can use all these in-puts to keep all those constituencies well served and also keep them happy.

Ask this question of yourself, "Who will be happy with your being?"

Make out a list and ensure everyone around you, everyone with you and even the ones who pass by you feel good about your being.
The answers will give you your progress report.

Scripted exclusively for the members of this group
R3 - Raman's Random Ramblings,"

While others are...

Competition - Comparison - Confusion

"Zidh hai khudh jeethney ki, khudh sey haarneyki...
Mai bheed mey nahi hoon duniya ki..mere andhar hai mera guzrah hua kal, mera thajurbha ek zamana hai ache or burre ki... Shukr hai ham ke yeh sab thaleem bhan gaye hame jathe rahne ki..."

Translation : Am determined to win with me and also lose to myself. Am not in the crowd of the world, as withing me are the yesterdays and the days before, a generation of experience, good and bad. Thankfully all of it are lessons that keep me going."

As soon as we got into school, we were set up for a competition in life - by parents, teachers and all.
We didn't know what it meant because we didn't know what it turn out to become. When we began to know, we  put my best effort. Ahead sometime, behind sometime.

Because we weren't too sensitive we came out unscathed.

When we reach the workplace we realized the competition is just with ourselves.

We ought to better ourselves, become better and better, by competing with our own selves. We therefore become our own motivators.

Life goes on a brings you to a point where neither competition nor competence nor excellence means nothing more than maintaining yourself, your values and your standards.

This isn't a weakness, it is just a manifestation of strength...

No competition, no comparison, no confusion.

Scripted exclusively for the members of this group R3 -  Raman's Random Ramblings,
by Raman

Release the Donkey

A donkey was tied to a tree. A demon came and untied it. The donkey ran into the fields and was destroying the crop.
The farmers wife saw this and shot the donkey dead.
The donkeys owner was upset so he shot the farmers wife.
The farmer came back to see his wife dead, he went and shot the donkeys owner. The donkey owners wife asked her son's to go and burn the house of the farmer.
The boys went late evening and carried out their mother's orders happily assuming that the farmer too would have been burnt with the house. Sadly for them it wasn't that, so the farmer came back and shot the donkey's owner's wife and two sons.
Remorseful he asked the demon why did all this have to happen?
The demon said, "I did nothing, I only released the donkey, but, all of you reacted, overacted and released the inner devil."

Did you get it?

The devil doesn't do anything but wake you up by triggering the ego in you that turns into evil intent and goes harming others.

So the next time before replying, responding, reporting, rebuking or avenging a revenge, stop and think. Be careful. Many a times what the devil does is that it just releases the donkey in us.

Scripted exclusively for the members of the group
R3 - Raman's Random Ramblings,
By Raman

A Thought

Saw someone blown up balloons and thinking about it I saw some lessons we could take linking it to life.

01. What's outside is not, but, it is what's inside that makes you fly.
02 Your humility is admirable, your head is down even when flying high.
03. You are always light, you've got very little weight - even on the head.
04. It is not the color that makes you fly. You come out  flying in all colors.

Scripted exclusively for the members of this group R3 - Raman's Random Ramblings

Leaking Bucket

~ You wake up early morning trying to do your Pooja / Prayers /Yoga but your mind is elsewhere and before you know it, you're done with it, without being mindful of it. (A leaking bucket)

~ You're very kind to outsiders / people in general and speak with them gently, but with your own family you're always harsh / rude. (A leaking bucket)

~ You honour and treat your guests well but when they leave, you gossip about them and talk about their flaws. (A leaking bucket)

~ You try to read as much religious books, listen to Satsang /Keertan, participate in social services/ Sewa but you swear,  insult, curse daily. (A leaking bucket)

~ You help others but you're doing it to gain something in return from them and not doing those acts of kindness selflessly. (A leaking bucket)

~ You frequently advice/preach others, but practice none yourself.
(A leaking bucket)

~ You slander other devout persons out of hatred/spite when your views do not meet one another. (A leaking bucket)

~ You look down on others and feel more superior than them, judging their level of knowledge, based on external appearances (A leaking bucket)

We struggle to fill our "lives"(the bucket) with the so called "Wisdom" and "Knowledge" (the water), hoping it will retain inside but it is leaked by the many flaws (the holes) nothing but our inconsistent habits that we commit daily.

An excellent reminder for all, including myself, to try and patch these holes up so we may progress further on this beautiful path of life.

- While we lead our life being in the "comfort zone, enjoying stability, we don't much care till we are hit by an uncertainty.

 "We just don't know..,"
what potential we hold within us or how strong we are mentally, till it is tested.

Perhaps this story will enlighten you...

An eagle was in a cage kept captive for a long time, so it had forgotten flying.

It was no better than the domesticated fowl.

One day it was decided that the eagle will be let free.

Large number of villagers gathered. The eagle was taken to the cliff and the cage was opened. It came out.

The breeze from the ocean below opened its wings. They started fluttering.

The eagle was making adjustments by flapping. It settled on a stone opened its wings and kept flapping and flapping, while all the villagers were clapping and clapping trying to encourage the eagle to fly.

One strong gust of wind swept the eagle from the stone where it was perched.

While falling down from the cliff the eagle started to flap its open wings vigorously. It managed to take off and began to fly making adjustments to use the wind for navigating its path and gliding.

The eagle which didn't know its natural power was now soaring in the skies.

Isn't this true of ourselves too. We have enough talent, skills, inert capabilities which we can use and soar high, instead we fold our wings and sit down passing one day after another as if nothing is ever going to happen....till someday....

Why would you I or anyone have to wait for that day instead of challenging the status quo in our life and make things happen rather that wait.

Scripted exclusively for the members of this group
R3 - Raman's Random Ramblings,

Peace in the midst of Chaos

A king of a country who was fond of arts, invited artists to his palace for a one-day painting competition, with several gold coins as a prize on offer.

Many artists came from far and wide and got on paint their best.

In the evening the king went around to see the paintings to pick the best.

He appreciated all of them for coming and for displaying their artistry, but, singled out two for the final choice.

Both of them stood out for its beauty.

One was blissful and tranquil. It had a mountain, tree with fruits in a forest forests, a lake, beautiful sunshine, flying birds, etc., all displaying various hues.

The other painting on the contrary was boisterous and tumultuous. It had a lake, a forest, sun peeping out of clouds, gusty winds swaying trees, lashing rain, gushing waterfall and in a crevice hidden behind the waterfall was a bird feeding its young ones despite the turmoil all around. The king chose this for the winner and explained his reason. The world we live is a chaotic tumutous one, and one finding peace despite all the commotion denotes high evolution in life by not just keeping calm but even enjoying bliss.

So folks, that's the truth of life. We need to find our peace and happiness in between all the happenings around us in this world.
Enjoy the bliss, circulate among people and share your joy.

Scripted exclusively for the members of this group
R3 -  Raman's Random Ramblings,

We are "restricted" only by thoughts.

The boat on water keeps a float because it is created to keep a float.
It sails, expresses itself, by tossing up and down the wave, gives fun for some, provides livelihood for others, but, all of that when it is in calm waters.
During storms it is tied to the shore, not because it can't keep afloat, but, one never knows - it will be tossed, overthrown or sink as water enters the hull. All of it is understandable.
Our life is much like the boat - we sail, we explore, we accomplish, we stretch ourselves because we have goals to meet.
When we hit an obstacle that is much like the turbulent weather, we tie strings to the wharfs of our mind and behave as if we have bren clamped down or curtailed. It is our thoughts, fears etc. that introduces us to invisible doubts. We place limits on our abilities and behave helpless and weak, instead of releasing ourselves from the clamps we have laid on ourselves responding to our strengths.
Let's sails freely and release ourselves from the limits we have placed in ourselves.

Scripted exclusively for the members of this group R3 - Raman's Random Ramblings,
by Raman

What do you see,  in the mirror.

We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are.
What we see depends on mainly what we look for.
Wondering if we can even trust what we see because powdered sugar and salt look the same.

There's a story they tell about dogs.
Both at separate times, walk into a room.
One comes out wagging its tail, the other comes out growling.
A lady watching over this get into the room to see what's happening inside that can make one dog happy and the other angry.

She see's a lot of mirrors in the room on all sides and is surprised. The happy dog sees a 1000 happy dogs and so comes out happy, the growing dog sees 1000's of growling dogs coming at him, so comes out angrily.

Coming back to where I started on this script and interpreting the story, "What we see in the world around us is merely a reflection of who we are."

Reflect on things that happened in 2019 (Incidentally these last few days are the only ones in which we can see teen years, and none of us will be here to see the next teen years for sure), keep the good experiences in memory to build further on and scrap the old not so good experiences.

Scripted exclusively for the members of this group
R3 -  Raman's Random Ramblings,
by Raman

Isn't this true?
TIME and Us

Let's look at this in a new light nearing Christmas the festival of gifts.
Time...time...time...all of us have the same in 24×7×365, nothing more, nothing else. None of us can buy, not donate time...
It is a mistake that time is isn't going anywhere. It is we who are going.
Time is infinite, we are finite. And when the time comes (each one of us have a different date and time), we exit, but, time goes on.
Instead of using our time well we use it for airing our opinions unwantedly on issues that don't concern us, we argue, we differ, we hate more than we should love. What is deplorable is we compare ourselves with others.
Take this for instance...
The cow, sheep, elephant, giraffe, zebra, rhino, hippo all herbivores, they eat grass and grow fat.
The cat, dog, tiger, lion and all carnivores all of them are fat they are too, will die if they have to eat grass.
No comparison.
The lion and the shark are professionally great hunters A lion can't hunt in the ocean nor a shark in the jungle.
This doesn't make either of them useless as the have their territories and natural habitats.
If the rose smells sweeter than tomatoes, it doesn't imply that roses will be good for salads. Each has its place and utility.

It is never good to compare ourselves with anyone.
We have to run our own race, the only choice is the pace we can set to open and use our gifts.
Some of it is left unpacked all our life.
Take inventory of your stocks you hold, unpack the gifts and unleash the wholesomeness it contains to keep you and everyone around you happy.

You have your strengths, expand them. You have your weakness, work on them and you have your vulnerabilities expose them to become better and strong, but never to be invincible.

All animals of the planet we see and know Noah's Ark are Almighty's creations and that includes even the snail.

If the Almightycould wait for the snail too to enter the Noah's Ark, his door of Grace will surely not close till you reach your given position in life.

Never look down upon yourself.
Never underestimate yourself.
Keep pushing yourself to the best you can become.
You never know who you are and what you can become.

Remember even broken crayons are colors and can give the best till they become dust.

Scripted exclusively for the members of this group
R3 - Raman's Random Ramblings,

An Appeal

This isn't just for the new year 2020 but also for the new decade that kicks of at 12 tonight.

Practice these little things regularly

01. The Art of Appreciation
02. The Art of Gratitude
03. The Art of Forgiving and Forgetting
04. The Art of Apologizing if you've wronged
05. The Art of Contentment

Have discussions, dialogues, agree or disagree, but, never take anything personal.

Keep all your relationships conflict free.

Am neither preaching nor  prescribing, am only urging without assuming that you aren't practicing these arts.

Have found this wanting in many hence my share.

Take care.
With lots of love, respects and regards to you all.

Your affectionately,

Past & Future

Over the last few days I have been reading and listening about this being the last "ten-year," of this century, in fact in it last few hours this day. Enjoy every moment this day and savour it.

Tick off another year into history and move on to welcome 2020 cheerfully, joyfully, happily, hoping for health, peace and prosperity.

Life is a dream within a dream. The past is nothing and the future an illusion.
In between the vastness of time-spaces our own existence is a microbial reality.

Unlike the human being no other living creature spends it's day brooding over their history of wrong doing or agonize over the vagueness surrounding their future.
Our preoccupation with the past and future often times causes us to fail to embrace the true joy of living each day, one minute at a time.

Some people are inclined to sabotage their present happiness by assigning disproportionate significance to their past. Other people escape meaningful engagement with reality by fantasising about their future.

As I sign off one good news I heard this morning is that India's forest cover has increased by 5188 sq. kms (2017-2019), which is the size of Goa + Delhi combine.  There's still a distance to go to reach our country's goal of having one third of our geographic area with forest.
We all have a role to play in this.

Delhi is reeling under s cold wave with temperatures at 5°C making it the the coldest day in a 100 years. Always know to be the coldest place in India, Saichen, the last point on which India has armed forces gaurding our borders, usually cold through the year has a temperature at 23°C now.

We also had fairly decent monsoon this year.

Net net everything around us is changing, so should we.

Am signing off with R-3 Raman's Random Ramblings, this day the last day of the "teen-years," which none of us will ever see.

Best wishes aplenty to all of you and your family.

Warm regards

Priorities and Prioritisation

Most people I exchange notes with these days are all busy..

Being busy serves a natural belief the we are achieving and that we are becoming indispensable is a feeling that sets in unconsciously.

An inflated feeling really because busy-ness doesn't equal productvity, accomplishment or achievement.

Prioritizing requires one to think ahead, to know what's important, to know what's going to come next, to see how everything relates to the original story/vision/thought/idea.

Questions of ourself will help.

01. What is required? What can I do that nobody can do for me?

02. What gives the greatest return?
Work in your strength areas. Check if 80% can be done by others? If yes, delegate.

03. What brings the greatest reward?

Life is too short not to fo somethings you love. What energizes you and keeps you passionate?

Today and everyday after today, give your time only to those that pass the requirement, return and reward test.

After saying this let me quickly add, "do not forget to be a human being and care for people.

This piece today (the first double digit day of not just this day but the first in the decade),  has been inspired by several hundred thinkers and writers down the ages.

Scripted exclusively  for the members of this group R3 - Raman's Random Ramblings,

One thing all successful and or good
have in common, is that they spread fast.

But why?

Among the many including content, it is "trust or believability factor."

When we believe something, we don't just sit on it, but, we share and spread it.

So the first question, we all  ought to ask ourselves isn't just how to get our thoughts
spread across to people,
- it is
how we can, do or say something worth believing in, trusting in.

Whenever we  communicating anything next  be it
a thought
if it is trustworthy,
be assured it will receive rapt attention and of many too.

In the process you as a generator of the
earn you an enormous credibility and a reputation gets built.

With integrity, credibility, consistency, clarity of thought comes character and with ethics added we become not just highly respected humans but, classy professionals as well.

Scripted exclusively for the members of this group R3- Raman's Random Ramblings,

Keep Calm in the Storm

It is said that deep inside the storm there's a zone of calm.
If we are open to it, your darkest days are when you get the best lessons.
Tough times don't last, tough people do. It is at those times we get to learn about life, leadership and people. That's when you'll love to come and work everyday.
It is true that most aren't comfortable with the demands of the jobs. It is true one can never ever feel relaxed in a demanding job  as they are when they have grip of the systems in place.
When we get into a role it is a new role obviously, and we try getting to know people, because we have known the systems and so we basically  get our feet under the desk. This takes time. Added to all this with technology in the forefront everything is visible out there. People can gauge what we do and some could judge too. So the stress increases. Over a space of time we get to know people and systems and also get our feet under the desk. It will be good to let it go there on. The problem comes when we try wearing a mask, instead of being authentic and our true self.
"If you want to be within yourself think and be like a microscope. If you want to go far think and be like the binoculars. If you want to go further than all of that think and be like a telescope."
You have all the choices.
Remember - great leaders see much farther than most.

Scripted exclusively for the members of this group R3  - Raman's Random Ramblings,

You are this...if

We say someone has integrity, when one does the right thing always, even when no one is watching us.

Integrity can't be bought as it is never on sale.

People with Integrity are not just respected but, also trusted.

People with integrity are known to display abundance of humility with generousity in thought, word and deed.

People of Integrity also
have the Patience and Poise of a Monk.
The Courage and Conviction of a Warrior.
The Innocence and Imagination of a Child.

You are the judge of who you are..

Scripted exclusively  for the  members of this group R3 -  Raman's Random Ramblings,

Reactive Thinking

Here's a sensible cohesive piece - an example of how we think in a particular moment and how we react immediately.. read on

I am ugly.
So don't try to convince me that,
I am a beautiful person.
Because at the end of the day
I hate myself in every single way.
And am not going to lie to myself saying,
"There's beauty inside of me that matters,"
So rest assured, I'll remind myself
That I am a worthless, terrible person,
And nothing you'll say, will make me believe
I still deserve love
Because no matter what
I am not good enough to be loved
And am in no position to believe that
Beauty doesn't exist in me
Because, whenever look in the mirror, I always think
Am I as ugly as people think and say?

Now, instead of reacting, we were to step back and think about it, the perception changes completely.

Read this same piece again from the bottom to the top and see the difference.

Lesson - Respond, don't react.

Scripted exclusively for the members of this group R3 - Raman's Random Ramblings
by Raman

Seems Slow...but...!!!

I came across a quite recently.
"When passion goes away, it is the practice that sustains it." ~ Jeff Goins

I kept thinking about these simple but impactful words for over a few weeks and when I looked back I realized, when things went out of control, when we experienced setbacks as a part of growing, were a result of failing on promises or over-commiting.
What saved the day was, "the practice - which are a set of habits, rituals, processes and plans that are scheduled to support the goal."

It may make sense to you too.
Just look at this....

Focus on the habit, result will flow in by itself. With most things frequency is what matters.

Make the habit small and repeatable. Then make it difficult with consistent practice. Don't binge. Nibble.

Don't do something big and/or audacious. Do something small and right consistently.

The secret to breakthrough be it goals or even the change you want to make is doing it consistently bit by bit. It isn't the big things that change our lives our world, it's the small things that add up over time.

Drip by drip as Seth Godin likes to say.

It's not the passion, but the practice that usually sustains us.

Scripted exclusively for the members of this group
R3 - Raman's Random  Ramblings,

Disclaimer Note :
The expressions here are purely personal and in no way, my intent to impose my thoughts or views on anyone. You have your choices.

Have An Imperfect Plan

You must be thinking this is odd isn't it?

People plan for ideally perfect products and perfect  customers. This helps business grow.

However, in reality trying to be perfect or to have a perfect customer is difficult. We could have some days when things don't go exactly as expected.

Great companies work hard to delight their customers even during those disappointing moments.

They get busy trying to workout more on apologing and take a bow.

However great we may be, whatever good we might do, there could be just a small slip and one can falter. It is humility, regret and apology that makes them greater.

Arrogance and pride can never take anyone the distance one can actually go if they use their potential completely.

Scripted exclusively for the members of this group
R3 - Raman's Random Ramblings


Everything we do is to show up our talent to meet our purpose, we work with passion, using the skills we have acquired.

Don't we all know how difficult it is to do all this in "unison," so that we get someone's attention and recognition.

All of this is not easy, because talents is an "inborn gift," whereas skill is acquired, purpose and passion are defined is unique to each of us.

Attention like every other scarce resource on the planet is scarce. You get it for a while and is gone next moment if it isn't followed up well with another strategy.

It is hard to sustain anyone's attention for long. Not all succeed, but, some always do.

What instead of grabbing attention, we try giving attention to people to understand what they do. The more people we give our attention, the more we we get to pay attention to us too.

Wont they?

Giving yields a lot more results than getting.

Scripted exclusively for the members of this group
R3 - Raman's Random Ramblings,

Know And Get There

It is that time of the year that all promises and resolutions made are being dissected to fix targets, goals and the time it would take to accomplish them.

Very often again we all set professional and personal goals targets.

We go an prioritize them after categorizing them which is fair enough.

Then we need to prioritize between professional and personal. Now that is a myth.

When it comes to prioritizing between professional and personal goals we just can't say this gains priority over that or vice versa. Both of them have to be handled simultaneously.

For instance health vs job. You can work only if you are healthy. You work to keep things going in life and to be healthy to make this happen continuously.

Take stock of those things you've planned to achieve and review your prioritization.

Think it over well and revise your priorities list.

Scripted exclusively for the members of this group
R3 - Raman's Random Ramblings,

Spare a Moment

We all need a job to earn a living. The more we get paid, the better is the savings, the better we can afford a better and comfortable living. At least hoped.

We get to work and become experts at doing the same things over and over again. We add a few more things to the existing work and then keep doing it over and over again, to become experts again in a few more areas.

The big leap comes when we acquire more knowledge, contribute to more ideas, assume more responsibilities, become more accountable and add value.

All this can happen only if we can commit and dedicatedly work to enhance our knowledge, for instance by reading more or by taking online course and certifications or take a study leave to study full time.

Being eternally busy with work and giving excuses that work occupies all the time leaving one with anytime for self development is asking for trouble tantamounting to self sabotage.

The choice is yours to grow or remain happy whinning all the time that the employers exploited you by not promoting you enough.

Scripted exclusively for the members of this group
R3 - Raman's Random Ramblings

Routine - Comfort Zone - Middle Class - Thinking.

Always seeking for a better life.

Starts to feel excited quickly. And also gets streesed, disappointed, dejected,  too soon.

Has goals to achive and always thinks goals.

Has excuses for not meeting goals

Rationalizes excuses.

Entertains too many doubts.

Engages fear perpetually.

Seeks advice regularly from friends and relatives often.

Decides to delay action.

Talks oneself out of making a decision seeking postponements always.

Mighty averse to take risks.

Gets back to the same old life.

Same routines - home to work, back home, me my family - husband, wife, children, parents, siblings  FB, WhatsApp, TV Soaps.

Wonders why nothing changes.

Then cribs about everything.

Scripted exclusively for the members of this group R3 - Raman's Random Ramblings,

Lions Are Never Bothered By Flies.

Flies are flies, the spare none be it the rich/poor, mighty/weak, whoever.
It bothers the King of the Jungke too, especially when sitting doing nothing.

Lions aren't bothered anyway. They might lift their tail once a while ti sawt the flies and forget about it.

Just image what'll happen if the lion tries to teach the fly a lesson. Obviously, first it has to give up being the lion (King of the Jungle), act like a monkey and catch the flies.

Sometimes this is exactly what happens in our life too. There are some many small (flies) things that happen in our life that bothers us.

And what do we do?

We forget the main things of life. We forget the aim and goals of our life, and spend time on trivial things.

And what do we do?

Just focus our attention and energy on the flies, as against the lion that doesn't bother about it. It knows it is bother when sitting idle, remain inactive, lying dormant.

The lesson the lion imparts is to be fully focused on the main things, goals (hunt), so that these small (flies) problems wilm stop troubling us.
Goals are attained this way.

When your moods are low, recalling this story may help you raise your spirits.

Scripted exclusively for the members of this group
R3 -  Raman's Random Ramblings

Humpty Dumpty
This rhyme of old so relevant even today.

Philosophy and metaphors say:  Life is a...
- game of art - different forms
- quest, discovering self
- a game, you play different roles, one of them being career
- a battle, the effort to execute through conflicts, chaos etc
- school, a constant learning place.

In the midst of all this our life is running too trying hard..

- Who you are? (The Denial Trap acts as a roadblock which is of denial and unwillingness to examine ourselves deeply).

- Be yourself in this world. (The Approval Trap - a  roadblock which is that of seeking approval from others).

- Organize efforts for maximum results. (The Availability Trap - a roadblock which settles for things being available easily).

- Make changes necessary to make things happen. (Lack of Self-Confidence Trap - a roadblock which  tests our ability of patience when things go wrong, of learning etc.).

Everything seems a challenge and as an default addition of modern day life.

Efforts are to gain connections, recognition, rewards etc., to acquire and hold.

Efforts are always for more economic growth.

At the personal level - status, money, fame, recognition, admiration, knowledge for leveraging position etc.

All of it are real dreams that if we get enough of all these parts, it'll become a whole.
The biggest challenge for all is "time," as they spend all their energies in these pursuits and miss out on good things, good people, good happenings of the world.

But alas, all the king's horses and all the king's men can't put ole Humpty Dumpty back to gether again.

Scripted exclusively for the members of this group
R3 - Raman's Random Ramblings,

Bell curve
Alexander Graham Bell was an undistinguished student which was marked by absenteeism and poor grades, though his liking for science was evident and surprisingly in Biology.
In this space of time he visited his maternal grandparents abx was there for a year. That's when things started to turn around. The endless hours of discussion with his grandfather. His grandfather was fully in awe about the way in which his grandson would think and communicate with conviction, as much as an experienced teacher would.  This resulted in his curiosity being aroused and his love for studies and learning returned. He didn't become a teacher but, became a scientist and an inventor too.  We all know what he discovered - yes a telephone.
Whenever any telephone bell rings - it is a tribute to Alexamder Graham Bell.

Lessons :
There's no time too short to awaken "genius," in anyone.
To be great one needs to be very good at something.
Most geniuses were late bloomers.
It isn't late to discover or invent anything anytime.

Scripted exclusively for the members of this group
R3 - Raman's Random Ramblings,

Geometry for Success

Generally discussed, "To have succeeded is to go from "A" to "B" this translated in simple terms would mean to go from where you are now "A" to where you intend going to "B."

The first need is to challenge status quo.
The next is tk fall back on our inner stance - our core - the reservoir from which we draw our fuel, energy and everything we will need to push ourselves forward.

Attitude - never give up..
Bridge gaps
Flawless execution
And so on...that the list can go on endlessly.

We need to connect these dots in a "straight-line," without deviation.

So the true geometry of getting from "A-to-B" is a "straight-line."
It is as simple as that.

Scripted exclusively for the members of this group
R3 - Raman's Random Ramblings

To be Crushed, Squeezed, Pressurised, Pressed.. is to be Transforming.

Grapes are crushed to make wine, and so is Sugar Cane for all its derivatives.

Lemons and oranges are squeezed to get juice, and so is the Honey Comb for honey.

Coconuts, Olives, Groundnuts are pressed for  edible oils, and so is the pedal to release gas, to move an automobile or the break pressed to stop it.

Seeds grow in darkness much like half of our life.

So, when ever you feel you are crushed or squeezed, put under pressure or subjected to being pressed remember you are in the most power place, of transformation.

Always TRUST THE PROCESS. It will be gruelling, but, be assured the outcome is usually rewarding.

Scripted exclusively for the members of this group R3 - Raman's Random Ramblings,

Win or Lose
It is up to us. It is within us.

Everything we say ot do is done twice.

First, in the six inches from the neck above between the ears - the mind, and then on the outside.

It has been the same since humanity began, every relationship, every war, every event and everything that happened in history followed the same process which became a mindset.

A fixed mindset that took a long time to change.

In this Art of War, over a period of time orators, speakers, theatres artists, sportsmen, have developed a skill of locking themselves to strategize their mindset, of shutting down all the noise surrounding them and zone in.

Just for example, even before and then the Sachin's, the Dravids, the Federrers, the Sindu's, the Sania's, the Messi's etc., of the world, and after, are all examples of this practice.

This is how they raise their concentration level to accomplish and to become what they became.

It is understood that people in other walks of life in Corporates, Business and several other areas have adopted this practice so that they can forge ahead and do what they have chosen to do.

Shut off the noise around them and intensify focus.

Scripted exclusively for the members of this group R3 - Raman's Random Ramblings,

A Grin An Hour

We've all heard this, "An apple a day keeps the doctor away," that's something for health. In today's stress filled chaotic world, we need to remind ourselves about something we have forgotten.

Am talking of the simple smile.

This may sound ridiculous, but, the next time you look yourself into the mirror, try out your smile. You'll love it. The more you smile and laugh the more people around you will not just appreciate it, but, will smile back too.

Just like a yawn will trigger others to follow suit, smiles will make others smile.

Attitude is contagious.
Start this trend as soon as you set out of your house and carry it right through the day through traffic, through work etc., and notice the difference.

I can see you smiling after reading this. Am sure you'll carry it further.
Happy 😊 Smiling.

Scripted exclusively for the members of this group R3 - Raman's Random Ramblings,
by Raman


All of Almighty's creations are meant for a purpose.

The analogy of the Bee and the Fly.

Every day the bee visits thousand of flowers of alm kind, be it bunched or even one single flower. It might even pass by a pile of garbage but still not miss a flower from which it gathers nectar.
It looks for the good even in rubbish.

The fly goes past the flowers, the fragrance heads to filth and garbage. It chooses dirt over good things.

Now among us in our relationship with people at home, at the work place in the community etc., there are people who are like the bees who look for only the positives, appreciate the good things they've received, the praise the nice things in people and spread happiness/joy all around whenever/wherever they go - much like the bees, searching for nectar to make honey.

And contrarily,  there are others who keeping whining constantly about everything and find only faults/mistakes in people ignoring the good. They have very little appreciation for self or the others. Their negativism causes stress and over a period of times times a toll on people's health too - very much like the fly.

The choices are with us to be a bee or a fly.
As for me I choose being a bee with the sting too, over the fly.

Wishing You all Happy Relationships.

Scripted exclusively for the members of this group R3 - Raman's Random Ramblings,

Emptiness is useful.

Imagine a house. It has four walls, and a big cavity that gets a frame to be called a door and another set of cavities that get frames to be called windows. While the door allows entry, exit and safety windows give light and allows fresh air circulation.

Like wise in a hollow bamboo which has holes drilled on it is makes to be known as flute which produces melodious musical notes.

It is all from the emptiness.
We need to take a lesson from this.

Our life has become one of busy-ness, that we hardly have the time to create vacancies of time.

One doesn't realize working endlessly like this can cost us our health, mental peace and all of that.

We need to create some space for emptiness time daily.

We need to dump things that we don't need to carry, so that we can keep ourselves charged all the time.

Happy Sunday.

Scripted exclusively for the members of this group R3 - Raman's Random Ramblings 

The Reptile and the Firefly

It so happened a snake was chasing a firefly, to devour it. Days went by with this chase, till one day the throughly exhausted firefly decided to end the story once and for all.

It looked at the snake and said, answer these three questions and do what you want with me.

Firefly began, "First, am I a part of your food chain plan?"

Snake replied, "No!"

Firefly, "Have I harmed you or any in your family anytime?"

Snake, "No!"

Firefly, "Then why do you want to kill me?"

Snake, "Because you shine even at night!"

Listening to this the firefly vanished.

Lessons from this : In a wired and connected world you can be noticed from everywhere when you do good and shine.

You never know that there can be people (unknown), who will discuss about you, talk about you and could even be critical about you. High performers in organizations are vulnerable to this unknown trap.

You may even be willing to forgive them from your kindness within you.
Whether the others change or not, it isn't for you. You be who you are and were meant to be - the best original.

Scripted exclusively for the members of this group R3 - Raman's Random Ramblings,

Set the Context
Give meaning to words.
Read this story..

A father asked his seven year old son to get some sand.

The boy carried it is his palms and by the time he reached his father, all the sand he carried slipped through.

Looking af the boy the father said, "When you go next time take a bag?

Next time the father wanted the pup to be brought to him and the boy brought it in a bag, with a great deal of struggle.

The father said you should have carried a rope.

This time the father asked the boy to go and get some sweets from the sweet meat shop.

He took a rope. And by the time he reached home there was nothing left but the rope.

This was the story my father told me when I was a child, explaining to me how important it is to communicate clearly with context and that one solution doesn't fit all.

In this story it is so clear that the father was assuming while communicating and the boy was just following instructions without thinking. What's right for one situation may not be right for another.

One should use ones own judgement to figure out what to do when and how, rather than be told.

The best words too without setting the Context will be a waste.

Get back to your own workplace to check if you are setting the right context for your communication to be understood the way it was intended by you.

Scripted exclusively for the members of this group R3 - Raman's Random Ramblings,

Hues hues, hues.

Colours have a massive impact on us.

It influences our thoughts, feelings, emotions, personality and a range of things in life.

Black and white are colours too. They can be stunning in contrast and make a great visual appeal.

In combination with other colours it becomes even better. Just imagine our life with just one single colour which ever it may be. Life would have been so boring. Deserts and ocean for instance can be tedious, yet in the vicinity of an oasis or an island the whole feeling changes.

Companies also use colour for their branding. That's the impact of colour in our life without which  our optical vision would have been so narrow.
Enjoy life enjoy colours.

Scripted exclusively for the members of this group
R3 - Raman's Random Ramblings

Your Ikigai

Whether we like it or not, we need to be all this

An electrician
who can mend connections between two who don't talk.

A painter
to paint a smile on faces that can last beyond our life time.

An optemeterist
who can, not just correct a vision but also perspective.

A gardener
who can plant seeds of good thoughts and values right from the roots.

A plumber
who can fix leaks and mend broken relationships.

A doctor
who can fix the problem of "ego" between people.

And last but not the least

A recruiter
who can get people on board which is not just talent  and a bundle of degrees and experience but good trustworthy human beings who can love and respect people.

Let's MARCH along. Have a great week and month ahead.

Scripted exclusively for the members of this group R3 - Raman's Random Ramblings,

Our thoughts make us...

It is all in our mind.

We all know how powerful even a pawn can become when it's time comes.

Believe me, nothing happens until we choose
to make the right moves
at the right time
for the right purpose,
for the right reasons,
for the right causes to get the right results,
for us
for the right people
who are
at the right place
at the right time
fir the right reasons
doing the right things.

So take care of just those moments which can be defining moments.

And how do we know what are the defining moments, you may ask.

"I'll say, I don't know, but, I will take care of each moment as one that is going to a defining moment in my life."

Our life is nothing but millions of moments that make our life time, like several drops of water that make a mighty ocean.

Scripted exclusively for the members of this group
R3 - Raman's Random Ramblings,
by Raman

In the War of Mahabharat, Aswathama was furious on Dronacharya’s deceitful killing by the Pandavas.
He used a weapon of mass destruction called the
‘Naraya-astra’ on the Pandavas.
No body had any weapon that could counter Narayan Astra.
The astra would burn all who were fighting or even had a weapon in their hand in the Pandava Army.
SriKrishna asked his army to leave their weapons and stand still with their hands folded. He asked them to think only good thoughts and push out all thoughts of war from their minds because that too fed power to the Astra.
The people did just that. Narayan astra on not getting any negative energy became calm, and the Pandava Army was saved.
The context of this great episode is that all cannot always be won by brute force. Sometimes, we just have to Stop doing everything, leave aside all the agitation, fill our minds with positive thoughts and become calm and still. Then only we can overcome the Negative forces around us.
This is an Analogy for overcoming the Corona Pandemic. We really need to stay put and stay calm.

This important life philosophy of Srikrishna shall help us to overcome these adverse times.

Pause Read Think
It's an eye-opener isn't it, we have been made to realize everything is equal - no rich, no poor, no young, no old, no male, no female, no beautiful or handsome no ugly, no dark no fair, no tall, no short...everyone is one the same do we protect ourselves, how do we save the others.

You amazing dream job is no longer anything like that. Your expensive branded clothes hanging in your expensive teak wood almirah have no meaning. No one cares a damn... Whether you have a Rolls Royace, Lamborgini or a Nano it is all the same - static - standing on it's 4 wheels.
Whether you live in a mansion on a cliff overlooking the ocean or a 8'x8' dingy single room it makes no difference.

We are seeing a few of them doing some very important jobs..there are just a few people out there taking care of us, serving our needs.
The shop keeper near by
The health worker
The NHS staff
The emergency staff
The doctors and the nurses
The lorry driver distributing essentials
The ambulance drivers
The leaders
The refuse workers

These are the people who are doing crucial jobs to us keep ticking over and helping us feel safe. This is not just during normal times but also during such trying times but always. They are people who often go absolutely unnoticed. These are the ones who we frown upon generally gloat that we earn much more than them.

But what worth is all of that?

For now let's take a bow and be grateful to all these people who make a difference in our life.

Let's step back and look at the reality we are staring at.

Some are skeptic about their future and are wondering if their job is secure?

Some are waiting to get back.

Some are thinking working from home may become the new normal.

Many of them at leadership positions are engaged in dialogues on strategies and that includes how to take every pandemic and/or lockdowns.
The other strategies might be think of alternatives to Annual Plans be abandoned and only work on Strategic Plans so define new methods of going about business.

It then means we need to reinvent a new us to take on the new realities.

It means we need to be open to many changes that will redefine our life.

It means we need to find newer attitude to cope up and to grow.

The need of the hour is humility, acceptability, curiosity, learnability.

New mantra
01. Start Up
02. Stand Up
03. Spruce Up
04. Steady Up
05. Scale Up
06. Size Up
07. Speed Up
08. Soar Up
09. Sail on..

Scripted exclusively for the members of this group
R3 - Raman's Random Ramblings,

Let me explain.
The grey is the existing reality.
Orange is just a thinking based on the reality of each individual.
The left side is a statement. "I am safe."
The right side is how do we want to define what we want to do by being safe. It just gives one thing "I am spending time with my family." There are many more things I am doing by being safe. "I am reading, writing, speaking, walking, exercising, eating, and doing 100 normal things I do on a daily basis. I can list all of it because it will get mundane.
Lesson understand the crux and extrapolate. Don't go just by what you see, what you read. Think more what is being conveyed.
17/06/2020, 21:25 - Care for what comes free.

A 93 year old being discharged from the hospital after close observation, when the bill was handed over to him he began crying.

The doctor calmed him down and asked him the reason for crying because he thought the old man had a shortfall of money to pay.

The old man said it isn't that I can't pay the bill. I was looking at the charges fir the ventilator.

Realized it costs Rs. 6000.00 a day and have to pay Rs. 18,000.00. I was in tears and thanking God he have me free air for 93 years.

It is sad that we just don't care for what we get as s gift.

"Air," so far has been a free gift for all of us, for everything else we need to pay (includes water).

The love of our parents, siblings family and friends too comes free.

Let's us care for all of it snd share.

Scripted exclusively for the members of this group
R3 - Raman's Random Ramblings

March 31, 2020 is the last day of our financial year. I thought I'd close my account with this also coming freely from within me.


Be Curious...

To grow and prosper as an individual. Sometimes the best thing to do is to let go off something you already know to top up with newer knowledge.

We spend the best part of our life seeking answers.

Gertrude Stain quotes,
"There's no answer..
There never was an answer..
There never'll be an answer..
That's the answer.."

There are no formulas. No absolutes. Keep searching, and you'll realize that you'll never find the answers to the challenges as complex as figuring how to be a good human being, leave alone becoming a great one.

As soon as you find one solution, circumstance and situations will change.

If you don't keep asking questions, you won't keep pace.

Eliminate the word "certain," from your vocabulary. If you allow yourself to believe you have the final answer, you'll stop believing there's something new to learn every moment of the day.

"I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but, people will never forger how you made them feel." - Maya Angelou

Scripted exclusively for the members of this group
R3 - Raman's Random Ramblings,

Thought for today..

Thank you God, "I learnt that "Cost of living" is never expensive, but it is the "Cost of Life Style," that makes it exhorbitant.

I really don't have to spend too much even today for my basic living - Food, Clothes or for Shelter. It was the same decades ago in proportion to my income today it is almost the same.

Then what has been the change. The change has been our extravagance.

Top-end mobiles, expensive automobiles and/or motorbikes, increasing consumption of fuel, large screen TV's music systems, shopping for expensive clothes when there no place for storage, wasting cooked food by ordering on Zomato etc.

Am not saying one should indulge in fantasies like this at all.

The lockdown is an eye-opener.

What the future holds for us is so uncertain.
It is very difficult to predict how long it will take to restore the economy to steadiness.
One wonders what decisions would business take to reduce costs.
Am desperately praying it is not going to be giving the pink slips.

I will be looking for the figers that can wipe the tears of sadness in my bad times rather than ever remembering the hands that clapped for my success.

Also remember each and everyone of us goes through some pain or the other sometime in life.

Some get lessons early in life, some in middle age and some in the later stage. Exceptional are those who had  to face difficulties early and overcome it. Then again get to another unexpected difficulty and overcome that too. The early experinces come good to handle whatever comes in their old age, because they think every moment of their life is a bonus.

The tragedy of life is we get too old soon and wise too late.

Scripted exclusively for the members of this group
R3 - Raman's Random Ramblings,

YOU Version 3.0
A Simple Framework for Wellness - Happiness.
Each of us basically are in search of just this Wellness and Happiness.

It has just 4 Elements





We need all of them.

Therefore the formula is
PQ + IQ + EQ + SQ = CQ

Now you must be wondering what is this thing called CQ.


I'll explain :


PQ has four dimensions that's connected to our physical being and health.

4 T's

TIMELY - Eating and consumption habits daily.

TASTY - Things, palatable to eat.

TRAINING - Regular exercises to burn extra calories, to keep fit - by walking, through YOGA, and meditation (as perferred), by some.

TRASH - Saying no to fast food, which is also known as junk food.

A healthy body gives birth to a healthy mind that if oriented well generates great thinking.

That then brings us to the next one...


Humans by nature are different from all other species on the planet because of our ability to express/speak our thinking mind and execute thoughts.
Intelligence is a defualt installation in our system.

What we need to do on a regular basis is to keep learning new things, observe, listen, share, receive, distribute knowledge to gain experience and turn wise.


Takes me to the next.
We are aware of ourselves, our thoughts, our intelligence etc., so our self-awareness, prompts us to connect with others to understand them.

Steve Covey in his famous work 7Habits of Effective People, has his fifth habit which say, "First understand before wanting to be understood."

If we do this then we our Emotional Quotient increases to become influencers.

Next is Spiritual Quotient, which is much more than the religious beliefs we all follow.  Sarvajano Sukhinobhavanthu, that means we serve people beyond ourselves and not just work for ourselves our family, our wealth etc.

Just to give you an example "A doctor has to look to serve the sick and bring them back to life. The earnings from that could help him create assets, as against, having assets as the main focus and treating people who come to him sick. It doesn't matter to him if they recover or perish. That is disaster for them and a huge betrayal of the Spiritual Quotient.

Now putting these four pieces PQ + IQ + EQ + SQ we show up our CHARACTER, which comes from our upbringing and our CULTURE.

The way we treat people then speaks about the CULTURE QUOTIENT we develop.

All these aspects play a mighty big role in our life, in our career and professional life, our society and country.

With the world being tested and tried now by an unprecedented happening, the changes that will take place will call for a new version of ourselves.

That is when YOU Version 3.0, will become significant.

The first two
- being absolute human beings without technology and
next with technology and trying to being human.

This now the next being equally good   - good human beings with ability to channelizing technology for
development of the human race tackling challenges of environment and health simultaneously.

T. S. K. Raman
Sunday - April 19, 2020
Rights reserved with me
Check and seek permission or acknowledge author before distributing it further.

Sunday morning musings
Life is very much like a game of Tennis, Table-Tennis, Badminton, Squash or even Volleyball..

If you have to play well,
you need to serve well
return well
play with a cool temperment
and you must remember, every game starts with love-all.

The result could be any of the two:

You may win and
at times despite all your best efforts you may even go down fighting.

The only other result is when the game is called off due to rain or other critical conditions.

Unlike in cricket which yields two more results - a draw and a tie.

In life the results

Can be a win (good keep it up).

Can result in a failure (even better because failure teaches many good lessons to learn).

The other result is win-win (you win and make others along with you win too).

A final thought.
Our gratitude to...
The soldiers guard all our frontiers day and night so we sleep peacefully.
And, at unprecedented times like we are passing through now, the doctors, the nurses, the healthcare workers, the sanitation and hygiene helpers, the police forces, the support forces, the leadership, the government executives, the village level workers.

Lets pay our gratitude and tributes to all the citizens who follow the government recommended protocols on safety and hygiene.

Thank you one and all for your being a part of our life.

Wishing you all a gratitude filled day all along.


There's only one WHY!

I am a great fan of Simon Sinek the creator and the greatest practicing advocate of his concept and theory of WHY?

Someone asked him is there a professional WHY and a personal WHY?

He vehemently says NO, there can't be two WHY's because if there is then either one of the two whether it is Personal or Professional is a lie.
He adds that his WHY is to inspire others - friends, relatives, customers are all receivers of his products of inspiration in various forms through different messages.

The WHO is (him), the WHAT is his message and his HOW is through short video's, his books, his programmes etc.

I look back at my own self and ask what's my WHY? The answer is to inspire thoughts and share it with others.

WHO am I?
An influencer.

And WHAT am I saying?
Keep your mind focused on your WHY and make it big.

And HOW do I do it?
Being in circulation through scripts like this, my writings on social media, my audios and videos (coming soon).

If our WHO, WHAT and HOW, doesn't align properly   then our WHY, will not show up prominently.

And to repeat what Simon Sinek says, "If you don't know your WHY  then your WHAT and HOW doesn't matter WHO you are."

"If your intent is good, nothing else matters and if your intent isn't good nothing else matters. Be who you are and say what you feel, for those who know you will not mind and  those who mind don't matter to you."  This quote from ~ Dr. Suess, goes very well with my WHO, HOW, WHAT and WHY.
And so does this quote from ~ Maya Angelou, "For in the end people will not remember what you said or did, they will remember what you made them feel."

Scripted exclusively for the members of this group R3 - Raman's Random Ramblings

Changing People's Mind

We all spend a lot of time trying to convince people of our opinion @ work, in business, in life as a whole.

If only we could attract more attention...of the others..
If only we could attract more  customers...
If only we could persuade them to spend more...
If only we could get more budget approved...
If only we could offer more..
If only we could deliver more..
If only our colleagues too thought if everything this way...
If only all of them could listen to us...
If only this...
If only that...
This goes on in our mind...

What if we stopped devoting our energy to persuading those who may never want to change and began nurturing the relationships with people who believe what we believe, instead?

How would that change our attitude, behavior and the sense of what is possible?

What would the impact be on us and on the work we do, then?

Experience tells, it's a lot easier to find a like minded person more easier than trying to change a closed mind!

The point is - are we open-minded or are we close-minded, we need to check ourselves on this aspect closely.

We aren't obliged to catch every ball that is thrown up.

It's not about being open-minded. Receive what comes - process, analyze, think it over and only then decide whether to act or let it pass by.

We need to use our judgement and not be close-minded either.

Always be a part of the solution and not the problem.

Scripted exclusively for the members of this group
R3 - Raman's Random Rambling

It is all a mind game...


When the mind is weak, every situation becomes a problem...
which will make us believe it can't be overcome.
Even a pebble will seem like a mountain.

Everyone becomes our advisor. We are confused.

When the mind is balanced ever situation becomes a challenge...
which we believe we can overcome.
Even a mountain will seem like a hill.

We listen to what others tell us and use our own thinking to decide.

When the mind is strong, every situation will seem like an opportunity...
we will know how to use every resource
for the right purpose,
in the right ways,
in the right places,
for the right reasons,
that will benefit,
not just us
everyone around us.

We will ask for inputs, feedback, we will consider every aspect and firm up things according to our belief, confidence and experience. Winning is just another result and losing is another lesson to gain experience.

The differences we see here is being derailers (losers),  and influencers (winners).

In the game of life what is important is playing (participating, contributing, giving more than taking)   the game well.  
Winning or losing, is a by product.

Scripted exclusively for the members of this group
R3 - Raman's Random Ramblings,

An Indelible Page.
Yes, we all are a part of an indelible page in the history of mankind....
History will remember this war against a deadly virus, brought unto us involving all of mankind's survival.

It will go down as a war fought by doctors, healthcare staff, hygiene workers and people at large, not just soldiers who fight conventional wars.

History will also remember how scientists worked night and day for creating medicines that can contain, cure and eradicate this artificially created virus.

History will remember this war as one that was fought by soap, sanitizers and not by bullets, shells, rockets or bombs.

History will remember thst this battle was not fought on the battlegrounds, but by us in our homes along with everyone's prayer and support.

History will remember the sacrifices of the many poor innocents who lost their lives unsuspecting.

History will also remember with gratitude the survivors of this virus and their personal stories to enable us protectect ourselves adhering to the protocols.

History will also remember the leadership of the tallest leader of their country and the world will be willing to seek advise from.

History will not forgive anyone for brought this misery on humankind to gain supremacy by power or for economy or both.
Take cover, stay home, stay safe.

Scripted exclusively for the members of this group
R3 - Raman's Random Ramblings
A Major Shift

The world is changing its perception at the speed of light.

The ways of life are changing, life styles are changing, working styles are changing.

How can we afford to be stuck in the past and try looking forward?

There is nothing from the past that anyone can tell us about what we are going through for the last month or so across the globe.

According to in-puts I receive :

People are listening a lot better.

Are seemingly more disciplined and more accountable.

Are able to build more trust now.

Are communicating much better now.

Are able to show more  presence and productive contributions  now.

Are able to establish better connections and are much more involved and engaged now.

Are more impeccable with their word now.

There are others who say most people are open to feedback now.

Only thing hoped is that

- people don't take it as personal and view it only as a feedback on out-put.

- people don't assume too many things and so ask a lot many questions to get clarity.

- people become more patient, as the pressure of WFH is a lot higher..

Summarily therefore, it seems the

Volatility has now moved to become Versatility

Uncertainity has now become a New Equity

Complexity has now become Creativity


Ambiguity has become the latest Agility.

The current VUCA has certainly boosted the Overall  Confidence of people.

Scripted exclusively for the members of this group
R3 - Raman's Random Ramblings

Inner Scorecard
We regularly measure our status and our progress, with what we see externally.

We have grown in the lap of comparison, when our mothers used to rant about our first tooth, then on it continues to school from day one into higher studies where it escalates to marks, percentage, distinction and what not.

We are by this time actually aware of all that is needed for external dressing up to make us feel smart in front of others. We want to feel remarkable in the eyes of the others. We have all learnt and work by what Warren Buffet, calls the ouuter score card often on the expense of what is right and what is right for us.

If what's on our inner score card grounds us, we must get into the act of prioritizing those things. Inner score cards are essential for individuals and organizations are alike.

Now the point is what are things you are proud of and makes you feel remarkable.

What's on your inner scorecard?

Scripted exclusively for the members of this group
R3 - Raman's Random Ramblings,
by Raman

"Coping With Transitions,” Like A Butterfly...

Transitions, are usually changes that occur in predictable patterns, that we find comforting, but, are essential parts of learning, growing and getting ahead in life.

The transition that is happening now is unpredictable, but, the process and learning is the same.

Nourish yourself with experiences. You can learn from anyone you meet. Challenging or easy ALL are important to you for your future form.

Retreat, rest and practice self-care. Enjoy the flow of creativity and inspiration that comes from a place of quiet contemplation.

Outside appearance may appear unchanged, but, nourishment from those new experinces and the time to retreat and rest transforms us into a new being.

Emerging from its cocoon, wings have formed leaving behind the old ways of being.

The old mindset of crawling is now transformed by a growth mindset of flying.

The butterfly is now ready to  wing it's way forward with courage sharing its hues and beauty with the world.

Hoping you all will be like the "butterfly," transitioning through the most difficult period mankind has ever known.

Rest, relax, stay at home, stay safe and enjoy your weekend.

Scripted exclusively for the members of this group
R3 - Raman's Random Ramblings

One World...Different People

When we see the world from our eyes, we see the same.. but, how we feel or how we think. Then your world and mine looks completely different to my world, not because of economic or social factors, but, because of  our beliefs, as it shapes the way we see the world.

One is born in a 5-Star hospital, another in the hands of a mid-wife...both survived...

One woke up from a warm soft bed, another from the cold hard floor...both slept well..

One went to a modern private school another to a government school, but, both ended up from the same the same education..only levels of knowledge and wisdom and how it shaped their life later differed..

One grew rich and arrogant, the other ordinary and humble...they lived in their worlds...

One wore expensive clothes, the other ordinary...bith clothed to converse their nakedness...

One ate rich food every meal, the other ate simple...both fulfilled their hunger.

One drove expensive cars the other used public transport, both got to work...

One might read this message from an expensive iPhone6+ and the other from an ordinary Smartphone, the message remains the same...

Just because my neighbor has amassed possessions, it doesn't mean we are failures if we don't...the point is how we have impacted another's life...

Happiness doesn't come from having everything but by having enough to live and putting those resources for maximum yield.

Happiness isn't having a lot of what we like, but, liking what we have and learning to make the most of it by giving and sharing!!!

It's about how we see ourselves!!! Happiness is a state of mind!!!

Lifestyle isn't a competition, whatever paths, lanes or roads we take the final destination we all reach is the same..

Change your thinking...
Own your beliefs
Mould your mind...
Process the inputs...
Renew yourself...
Rejuvenate yourself
Reward yourself...

Scripted exclusively for the members of this group
R3 - Raman's Random Ramblings

EGO.. is the ENEMY

There's one virus in all of us the is a permanent resident - and that is our EGO.

Whether we realize it, accept it, or not we all have it in us. Some have a little..
Some have a little more..
Some have a lot...lot more..

We will know about this if we reflect on it...

01. Wherever we are, whatever we do, our worst enemy - EGO - dwells in all of us...only the degree° varies.

02. People with ambitions, talents, drives, and potential are hampered, as EGO comes within their territory too..

03. Self-Confidence becomes arrogance, assertiveness becomes obstinacy and self-assurance becomes reckless abandon.

EGO is the ENEMY of all What you Want and What you Have.

It helps being a student all our being...





Just think of the little creatures like the ants, bees,  squirrels and the like of insects and animals...they never showed their "EGO" ever, but if the ever do, we all can imagine what the consequences can be...

If you can't believe what I say, just think of the invisible microcosmic virus called CARONA/COVID19 and the havoc it has caused making human go on their "knees," as if in surrender.

The world is at a standstill, reminding us probably it is time to shun our EGO.

Pause, Ponder and Position yourself for a better start beginning now...

Scripted exclusively for the members of this group
R3 - Raman's Random Ramblings,

Fear of Failure

"I don't know," are three of the hardest words for fallible human beings to say.

We will avoid it at all costs, at every turn, every step, because, in our thinking, giving the wrong answer, is worse than none at all.

But, we are ignorant of the fact that mistakes are not failings and that it is data from which we all can learn.

Every failure inches us close to progress.

A wrong turn is a simple sign that you are still on the journey.

Build the trust engine

- Care more for others and more than what others will care for them, and do this genuinely, without expectation.

- Give the best of all that you have and always.

- Give the others an opportunity to express how they feel, and make the climate congenial/cordial to speak their minds freely.

- Absorb the truth without being defensive and make amends.

Scripted exclusively for the members of this group
R3 - Raman's Random Ramblings 

Reboot....Restart, Resume

Right now none of us can tell what the future holds.
It is easy to get upset over things around us now. No point wasting precious time and energy plotting things that might turn out to be.

But, acting urgently making the immediate moves right and asking critical questions and doing that more often you and in turn your organization will be prepared for better outcomes.

Change your MINDSET now. Be a THERMOSTAT for your home and do not let anything disturb your inner peace. Any one can MINE FAULTS but only a few can MINE GOLD.

Adopt a leadership perspective and seize the moment of truth.
- Cultuvate good ethics - personally/professionally.
- Honor commitments made, get things done on-time.
- Don't give excuses, block out distractions, become emotionally intelligent.
on just a single thing....all of us know what we can be by claiming to be multi-skilled (walking on the treadmill), all action but static.

Scripted exclusively for the members of this group
R3 - Raman's Random Ramblings,
17/06/2020, 21:25 - Fear
It is said that a river trembles before entering the sea.

It even gets pushed back.

It looks back at the journey from the mountain top, creating a path for itself, overcoming all obstacles and in fact, even creating new paths.

From the peak of the mountains, down as a stream crossing roads and villages it gives life to everything in it's path.

Generations after generation it has been the only other source after the sun, that has helped raise new civilizations and life.

All that is mere history now as it confronts the ocean, so vast, and it also means it will disappear forever.

Poor river, it has no other way, as it can go back either.
In fact, the truth is nobody can ever go back either.

The only way forward is to risk the merger which is inevitable.

The fear disappears when it merges for now it is no longer a river, but, an ocean.

How true, this is in real life too.
We are born somewhere, we to journey down like the river and we all keep heading to the vastness of an unknown ocean of the Almighty of which we become a part.

Scripted exclusively for the members of this group
R3 - Raman's Random Ramblings

Learn, Unlearn, Relearn...

The "pandemic," as we all know wasn't just humanity's fight against nature for survival, it also revealed the "ugly face," of man's lust for power and supremacy.

The events that unfolded speaks of the hysteria, the backlash, the acceptance, the challenge - graduating to self-less action - humanity first.

The questions that come up are :

- Will this bring about a change in human behaviour?

- Will this bring about a change in our life style - particularly the work life style?

- Will it bring about a change in business too?

We all know tomorrow isn't going to be the same ever, as any of the by-gone of yesterdays or yesteryears.

New business opportunities will begin to emerge, new technologies will be adopted that will usher in a new work is all a question of perspective.

The paradigm shift is happening.
It isn't about out-of-the-box thinking anymore.
It'll be a great opportunity for fixing all that broke, develop the existing and disrupt business for new creations.

A great maxim that gas stood the test of times "LEARN, UNLEARN, RELEARN," needs to be understood in the new context, because old ways can never address the new realities - the unforeseen and the unpredictable.

The "pandemic," was also a testament that the fittest companies were often the ones that were the quickest  to "LEARN, UNLEARN AND RELEARN," were the quickest to adapt and innovate too in challenging times.

Curious to know your thoughts on what the future holds - be it for business, life style, work style, education, travel etc.

Scripted exclusively for the members of this group
R3 - Raman's Random Ramblings

A lesson for a lifetime

If someone does us a favour or helps us, we think that returning the favour is a must. Whether we do it well or not is another matter.

Most people do this as an act of balancing, though we have all been told that calculating favours and help isn't done.

But, the lesson that is important for us to know when we help or do a favour is that we communicate that we are there for that person during hard times and that we are not friends for good times alone. This way we strengthen the bonds with people and we help build long lasting if not ever lasting relationships.

What or Whom are you taking for granted !

A disciple of a Guru wasn't happy with the space in his house, so he went and complained to his Guru.

The Guru listened to his woes and asked him to also take his ten buffaloes too into his house.

The surprised disciple did this and found that the space was further cramped.

He went back to the Guru once again to complain.
Seeing his the Guru said, "I know you have five goats too, now take them too into your house !"

The suprised disciple did what the Guru told him and found there was no more room for anything else.

He ran to the Guru yet again.

On seeing him the Guru said, drive away the buffalos and the goats.

The disciple was at his wits end...first he was asked to admit all the buffaloes, then admit the goats and mow he was being asked to drive all those animals away.

Anyway, being an obedient disciple he went home and drove the buffaloes and the goats outside, and found there was so much of space in the house now.

Now that what happens when we aren't happy with what we have.

We look for more, something else happens and again something else happens.

When we sit back and think it over we realize we sweat for nothing.

By making tiny adjustments or alterations we can get more.

What we need to do is to take stock of what we have.

Are we taking things or people for granted and look for more?

That's when it begins to hurt!

Check back in your own life, with the pandemic in the back ground and look at the life style you were used to and also look at the work style. You may have been feeling inconvenienced a bit, perhaps a bit stressed too. But, now that it has been over forty days of the lockdown you've got adjusted to the new style be it for life or at work.

Perhaps it is appropriate to recalibrate and analyze things from a new perspective - what was and what is to redefine what will be...


Scripted exclusively for the members of this group
R3 - Raman's Random Ramblings

The Lost Art of Storytelling

Our ancestors - great grandparents, grandparents all - couldn't script a Tweet or send WhatsApp text messages or update FB or Instagram page nor even send an eMail, but, they possessed a lot many life skills (DIY - Do it Yourself), and were the GOOGLE of our times. We don't think much of any of them or any of those things and also forget that we are here today because of them and the lessons they imparted through stories.

The generations of the past knew - how to build fire, knit clothes, grow and preserve food and many more things including the art of storytelling.

Each of them were such masters at the art that all of us put together would make just one.

They told stories to pass on skills, to make sense of their world and to share that understanding. They also did that to earn the trust and cooperation of all. That makes sense, doesn't it?


We need these skills more than we realize.

We need stories and also skills of telling stories. Some have, many don't, but, the truth is all of us have stories and a lot of them.

Sit back and think.

What stories will you weave today and why will it matter to the people who hear them?

Scripted exclusively for the members of this group
R3 - Raman's Random Ramblings

What will you do when the lockdown is lifted...?

Seriously... what will you do...put your hand on your heart..and be true to tell what you will do...

Will you hurry to a friends house for a drink?
Or will you watch sunsets as the sky turns ink...

Will you rush to shop in the largest mall?
Or will you still find music in the koyal's call..

Wilm you join in a wild party to celebrate?
Or you will read to your little one till late..

Will you ache to visit the restaurants and bars?
Or will you find wonder in the tiniest flower..

Will fumes and smoke again make you cough a d wheeze?
Or wilm you step aside to converse with the breeze...

Will your evenings be spent amidst the line of cars?
Or will your eyes paint the stars.

Will you stomp in to join the herd?
Or will you have found wings, to soar like a bird...

When the lockdown is over...what will you do?

The eyes of the children are focused on you..

Will you return to the nights of the pooping pills?
Or will you have learnt the "Art of Being and Living Fully," in a rejuvenated planet earth..

Zindagi mey na jaaney kaunsi baath aakhri hogee,
Na janee kaunsa din ya kaunsi raath aakhri hogee...
Miltehey julthey baathen karthe raho yaron...ek dusre sey...
Na janey kaunsi mulaquaat aakhri hogee...

Scripted exclusively for the members of this group
R3 - Raman's Random Ramblings,

We are much more than....

Yes, we all are much more than we give credit for ourselves.

Any doubts?
If yes, let's explore...

If I were to ask you to explain your "value proposition," you'd probably  hesitate, at least for a few moments, then...say...
it will go on by putting you in a think mode.

But, if I were to ask you what your stakeholders will miss if you aren't there.
You are likely to have some thoughtful answers, as to why someone else needs what you do,
what you make,
what you serve,
what you offer/sell.

As you can see here it is the language used and the question that sent you on the - back foot, and the other made it possible to come on the front foot.

So one way to go about this is to have a picture of your "value creation," in your mind always, meaning what can or will happen...
Without us fewer people...
By filling these things up we will begging to tell better stories about our "value proposition."

Know your true value...
Sit back and script your list.

Scripted exclusively for the members of this group
R3 - Raman's Random Ramblings,

Thoughts to ponder over.

We all have two eyes but our opinions aren't the same ever. Our views differ.

We have two ears but even when we hear the same we don't decipher it the same. Our perceptions differ.

Humans are strange, they have egos because of their knowledge, but, have just no knowledge about the ego each one carries.

The letter "O" is the beginning of "Opportunity," but, "O" doesn't figure in Yesterday, once in Today and twice in Tomorrow.  What does that mean?

Pain is unavoidable, but, suffering in optional.

Never ignore the one who cares for you and loves you, for you never know you've lost the moon counting the stars.

Sometimes life doesn't give you what you want. It isn't because you don't deserve it, it is because you deserve it more and that sometimes isn't good for you.

People who matter don't judge and people who judge don't matter.

The most distinguished characteristic of successful people is that they are curious always wanting to learn. They know change is inevitable and are willing to change. They are flexible mind and swift in their action.

When the road is beautiful don't worry about the destination and when the destination is good don't worry about the road.

It isn't just our messages to influence people, but, our life should become a message for others. That's ultimate influencing.

Scripted exclusively for the members of this group
R3 - Raman's Random Ramblings,

Life... Football... Reality...
There are quite a few things similar to real life and a game of football.

Goals make both, life and football meaningful.

You need to think...unilaterally....

You need to plan...comprehensively...

You need to look...around 360°...

You need to move...constantly...

You need to find space...always...

You need to help others...if you have to win, learn or gain experience to get to your goals...

If we keep the basics right, in the end, you will appreciate and realize that everything is so easy and simple, isn't it...?

If yes, let's stop working overtime trying to complicate it...

Live without pretending
Love without depending
Listen without deafening
Dwell without depending
Speak without offending
Reality is that everyone want to be a diamond without wanting to be cut...

Some people look for beauty wherever they go, some transform everyone and everything to look beautiful wherever they go, whenever they go, everytime they go..
They leave a legacy...
They remain to be legends...

Scripted exclusively for the members of this group
R3 - Raman's Random Ramblings

Experts aren't simple ever.
A group of doctors sipping tender coconut water after their morning walk saw a man limping towards them.

"He has arthritis is his Left Knee," said one doctor.

"He has Pantar Faciitis," said another.

""He just has an Ankle Sprain," said the third.

The fourth thumped, "The man can't lift or bend his knee, he looks to have impaired Motor Neurons."

"But to me he seems to have a Hemeplegia Scissors Gait," declared the fifth.

Now before the sixth could proclaim his diagnosis, the man approached them and asked, "Where can I find a cobbler nearby, who can nend my biting shoes?"

This is how exactly Experts speak on Social Media - WgatsApp, FB, Twitter, Instagram, Telegram, YouTube, Podcasts on TV Interviews, on every platform they speak.

Wondering how many of them ever primarily consider knowing their audience is essential or do the assume, judge and take them all for granted.

Real accomplished experts will sound simple yet solid. Ajm to be one of this tribe.

Scripted exclusively for the members of this group
R3 - Raman's Random Ramblings,

Change Your Mindset...
Change Your Thinking..
Be on the Move...
All the Time...

The earth rotates on it's axis 24x7x365...and revolving around the sun year after year and that's been happening ever since the planet evolved millions and millions of centuries ago.

The same is true of us too as we learn, keep learning, continue to learn...this cycle goes there's no end to learning ever...

When the world spins it ushers in progress and brings technological advances too...and so we have to keep updating and upgrading ourselves constantly...

The issue is sometimes we pause, check and think we have understood whatever we want....
That is the mistake we make...
The world never stops...
it moves on...
things around us change...
urging us to change too...
so we can never reach a point and say...that's enough...that's why the more you learn you reach a new point of ignorance...and so you learn...
This cycle goes on and on, and on....
You stop living when you stop learning...

Stay safe...
Happy living...
Happy learning...

Scripted exclusively for the members of this group R3 - Raman's Random Ramblings

We are all meant for a purpose...
We have heard this from several well learned people, but, sadly many don't know. However, nature has a way of settling this quandary.
The whole world is a "jig-saw," puzzle with many pieces that get fit. This is an ongoing puzzle with new pieces being added and deleted every moment.
We are born to fill the jig-saw puzzle in our home with everyone else. Our home is one in the jig-saw puzzle of the community, society, complex etc., which is a part of the street, road, village, town or city. This fits into the jig-saw of the district, state, country and the world.
From a tiny you, me, us we are all accommodated in the jig-saw of the world. We just slipped into the slots and life goes on.
Each one of us being unique do different things to earn our bred and to make a living, so while each of us do different things in live for living and survival, our purpose gets defined by what we do.
If we take the left eye as our careers and the right eye as our homes, we must get the two eyes to synchronize to see things clearly. That's when we say we strike a balance we begin to see things in the right perspective. If we focus too much on either eye we lose so balance is necessary even if it means we have to use lenses with additional power to adjust focus.
That is life.
Purpose then would be to do our best for mankind and ourselves - peace, love, knowledge etc., not just for ourselves but the nations' good, for humanity's good.

Scripted exclusively for the members of this group
R3 - Raman Random Ramblings,

Balance in Life...

He lost his 20 year corporate job and was feeling devastated.

His spouse gave him all the support he needed and asked him to try out a new career with a skill of influencing he had.

He became a Speaker.
He started churning out speeches on YouTube, Podcasts, began to get sufficient viewers and listeners. He began to carve a niche for himself. He was being recognized as the fastest growing "influencer," and in his reflections he was regretting how he spent 90% of his time at work and neglected both his family and other hobbies.

He transformed his life completely, thanks to his spouse who sparked the idea in him and his close friends too for spreading the word.

He decided that he wouldn't repeat that mistake any more and like he had made good investments of the money he earned, he recast his investments on his personal life too and divided the 24 hours equally -
8 hours to earn money
8 hours for the family
8 hours for rest, relaxation, reading, hobby etc.

And this time he reconnected with some of the other things he used to indulge in and that was dramatics. Thus he began to create another avenue for an alternate living by which he could either act, direct or script stories, write lyrics for songs or write screen plays.

Everyone admired him for creating a new life opening up so many avenues using all the resources he had in him.

When we are focused, have self-belief and are confident, with hardwork, perseverance  and patience we can do wonders.

Let this story spark your imagination too. Don't wait for something to hit you hard and then struggle to restart life.

Scripted exclusively for the members of this group
R3 - Raman's Random Ramblings

Finding Yourself

In the recent happening around the world due to the pandemic, it seems most of us have forgotten ourselves. You may for a moment also think, "Yes, I have..., but, it doesn't work that way."

You aren't a currency note left in last years' winter coat pocket.
You aren't lost either.
Your true self is right their beneath your skin under  cultural conditioning, other people's opinions and inaccurate conclusions you drew while growing up as a kid, that became your beliefs about who you are.

Finding Yourself," is actually returning to yourself, an unlearning, an excavation, a remembering who you were, before the world got its hands on you.

Don't be impressed by money/titles/followers/degrees/appearances/social media/big words... instead be influenced by kindness/trustworthiness/authenticity/genuinity/generosity/integrity/honesty/sincerity/optimism...etc.

Scripted exclusively for the members of this group
R3 - Raman's Random Ramblings,

We are all scared of the deadly virus that grips us physically now, but, there have been several other viruses that has been killing our Joy  happiness and progress for ages.
Rumours is one of them.
Rumours are carried by haters, spread by fools,  fanned by cynics who shoot from others'shoulders and all this is believed by "idiots," at the top, bottom, left, right, straight and centre.
Be responsible - you can't stop rumours or rumour mongers, but you certainly can squash them by arresting it from spreading no further by not contributing to it anymore.
Just like breaking the chain so to control the virus doesn't spread, rumours also need to be arrested by breaking the chain and we maintain social distancing with "rumour" and  "gossip," mongers who can cause our psyche untold damage.
Scripted exclusively for the members of this group
R3 - Raman's Random Ramblings, 

The Pi of Chai

Take teabags of different brands, physically their labels and colors will be different the strings could be different but what could be common is the size and quantity of tea dust in the back.

The difference or similarity doesn't end there because what real make the difference ultimate is that which is inside the tea bag - the colour, the aroma, the flavour, the taste of what's inside the bag.

To demonstrate this we need to hear this story.

At a fair in a village a balloon seller was there selling colorful balloons. He filled up a red balloon with helium and left it skywards. Children would look at the balloon and pester their parents to buy it for them. He did that with a blue, then a green, then a yellow and then a pink.

A curious child watching all of this from the corner cane rushing went to the balloon seller and pointing to a white balloon asked whether even that would fly that high?

The balloon seller showed the helium can and said all balloons will and can fly as it depends on the gas it has in it.  So it has nothing to do with the colour but with what's inside it.

The same principle holds good - for the tea-bags, balloons and even us - it is what's inside that matter most.

Scripted exclusively for the members of this group
R3 - Raman's Random Ramblings,

...You have to...

We can share any amount of learning, but, we can't grow your knowledge, you have to.

We can have a lot of delicious things made, but, can't taste it for your approval, you have to.

We can create any number of offerings, but, can never compel experiences, you have to.

We can show you the path, but, can't travel for you, you have to.

We can create any number of invitations, but, we can never guarantee enjoyment, you have to.

We can only offer you bread and butter, you have to eat, bite chew, eat and digest it.

We can empathize with your pain, but, we can't endure it for you, you have to.

We will say, we are there for you and support you overcome obstacles I life, you have to work to overcome them.

Life is out there with everything, you have to choose what's good for you and everyone around you so you can make a life worth remembering and emulating.

Scripted exclusively for the members of this group
R3 - Raman's Random Ramblings

Shades not Shadows

When I gained enough cofidence, the stage was gone.
When I was sure of losing the game, I won.
When I needed people the most, I found me alone.
When my tears dried, I found a shoulder to cry on.
When I mastered the skill of hating people, I found someone who loved me more than life.
I find telling others what to do and not to, but, when it comes to me, the same things hurt.
This is life...

I know if I have the courage to begin, I also have the courage to succeed, but, how do I measure success.
Someone tells me success isn't measured by where I've reached now as much as I have climbed over the many obstacles and from the depths to reach the top.
I know that the difference between success and failure is hardwork and determination, yet, when someone else succeeds I think it is luck.

It is this flaw, as much as many more that makes me up I am trying to correct, because mistakes help me learn and the more I learn the better I become, as my awarness, leads me to curiosity.
The more and more I seek the more and more I gain. That is the difference between just knowing and become wise.

So sometime in life I need to run away from all not just to keep distance, but also to see who is following me.

If there's in light in front of me, what follows me is my "Shadow," which has not different "Shades," but one, and that's none but me.
I learnt all this because life, is much larger than me.

When I look at more and more people and  things outside me I realize what my life, is.
It is enlightenment that can make all the difference in life.

It is beautiful if I am willing to learn, to unlearn, to relearn, to adapt, to reinvent and to grow, else I am a statue - erected, unchangeable on which 
pigeon's and birds love dropping constantly.

Scripted exclusively for the members of this group
R3 - Raman's Random Ramblings,

We all need People...

Don't we?

I believe yes, people do matter over everything else.

Let's imagine this pandemic happening 20+ years ago with very little technology support.

We may have been using our landlines not caring even for a moment what the bill could run into.

Despite technology it seems it has been people who have helped us a great deal.

Apart from medicines, food supplies and essentials that people helped us with, the connect, the feeling of being together, the assurance of we are together etc., have helped us tide over several difficult days now.

Looking at the pickle jar theory - the huge rocks represent spouse, children, family and health. The perceived importance for job, house, car, luxuries are all pebbles that fit into spaces after the rocks. Sand fills whatever space is left over and the story goes there's still some space more for water.
All this is only after taking care of the rocks.

One cannot understate the importance of money and the needs/wants, it fulfills, but, it all comes only after people.

Gratification in life comes only when one knows to gather (people)
keep and share (affection, love and respect),
build (relationships),
cherish (moments).

Love you people, everyone of you and thanks for being there helping me being here and saying all that I am with gratitude from the bottom of my heart. Be Blessed.

I was dreaming of wanting shoes, complaining about everything that kept me away from buying the one think I dreamt about, one thing I wanted most. I forgot everything about all that I had that keeps me happy and going...till I met a man without feet...and happily moving around...

Scripted exclusively for the members of this group
R3 - Raman's Random Ramblings,

History, Heritage and Hindsights,
...are powerful teachers, but we are too much in a hurry, to reach higher ground, to learn from them....

...don't be so busy to get from here to there, that you forget, how you got here from there...

If you want to connect the dots between all your yesterday's and hopeful tomorrow's, start with your back story...

Embracing and sharing your back-story...

01. Connects us to our purpose and vision - for life, career, business...

02. Allows us to celebrate our strengths by remembering, how we got from there to here...

03. Deepens our understanding of our unique value and what differentiates us from the rest of the world...

04. Reinforces our core values...

05. Helps us act in alignment and to make value-based decisions...

06. Encourages us to be responsive to people's needs rather than be reactive to people or situations...

07. Attracts people who want to support people who reflect and represent their values...

08. Builds an image that gives us a story to tell...

09. Attracts like minded people we want to be with...

10. Helps us stay motivated and continue to do the work we are proud of...

Rewind, Reflect, Reposition are characteristics of growth-minded people...

Scripted exclusively for the members of this group
R3 - Raman's Random Ramblings

Coaching has been defined in many ways. The essence of coaching is:

To help a person change in the way they wish and helping them go in the direction they want to go.

Coaching supports a person at every level in becoming who they want to be.

Coaching builds awareness empowers choice and leads to change.

It unlocks a person’s potential to maximise their performance. Coaching helps them to learn rather than teaching them.
Coaching has traditionally been associated with sports. Every top athlete has a coach. In the last few years, coaching has become applicable in every area, in business and in every aspect of life as well as sport.
Now, it is quite normal for someone to see a coach to help them achieve their goals in their life and work.
Coaching is a partnership between coach and client.
The coach helps the client to achieve their personal best and to produce the results they want in their personal and professional lives. Coaching ensures the client can give their best, learn and develop in the way they wish.
The coach need not be an expert in their clients’ field of work.

It is useful to distinguish coaching from similar activities.

What is Mentoring
Mentoring is when a senior colleague, seen as more knowledgeable and worldly wise gives advice and provides a role model. Mentoring involves wide ranging discussions that may not be limited to the work context. A mentor is a sponsor with great professional experience in their client’s field of work. Both mentoring and coaching are concerned mainly with achievements in the present and the future.

What is Counselling
Counselling is working with a client who feels uncomfortable, or dissatisfied with their life. They are seeking guidance and advice. A counselor works remedially on a client’s problem.

What is Therapy
Therapy is working with the client who seeks relief from psychological or physical symptoms. The client wants emotional healing and relief from mental pain. Therapy deals with the client’s mental health. Coaching deals with the client’s mental growth. The client’s motive for entering therapy or counseling is usually to get away from pain or discomfort, rather than moving towards desired goals. Coaching is not remedial, it is generative. Both therapy and counseling are more likely to involve understanding and working with past experience than coaching.

What is Training
Training is the process of getting knowledge skills or abilities by study, experience or teaching. The trainer by definition is the expert, and the training course is likely to be targeted on specific skills for immediate results. Training is also likely to be one to many rather than one to one.

What is Consultancy
A consultant provides expertise and solves business problems, or develops a business as a whole. A consultant deals with the overall organization or specific parts of it and not individuals within it. Consultants only indirectly affect individuals.

What is Teaching
Teaching passes knowledge from teacher to student. The teacher knows something the student does not. The opposite is true in coaching. The client is the expert and the client has the answers, not the coach.

Play into the Gaps
It's a leaf out of a great cricketer of our times, Ricky Ponting, fondly nick named "Punter," for his penchant to place bets on racing.

"Punter" Ponting grew to become what he eventually became was his "never-say-die," attitude.

When "Punter," became a prolific run getter, was asked by a journalist as to what was the secret of his  dominance and consistency. He said, "Every batsman  surveys the field before taking strike so that the fielders positions are imprinted in their minds.
I too this, but, the difference is I see not just the fielders, but I see more of the gaps between them." This art sped his cricketing ability exponentially and went on to become the player he eventually retired as.

If we take a leaf out of Ponting's ability and take the lesson :
- Focus on the opportunities gaps), not on the obstacles (fielders).
- Concentrate and be patient when on a task, taking each task by it merit.
- Focus on your ability to solve problems (score runs)
Life in many ways is like playing cricket. There will be people and challenges that'll  keep appearing very often as obstacles in the way of your achieving things you want. In addition there will be people around you who like the opponent captain will use every strategy to get you out (competitors and rivals, will often do this), and our business is to overcome the obstacles and go on to achieve the objectives (much like looking for the gaps to score the runs), and push forward.

In whatever you do there'll be fielders (obstacles) and
your job is to get past the fielders (obstacles) to get ahead, the "Ponting" way of looking at the gaps to score, no matter what the odds and obstacles are, including the present time during the pandemic. Stay within the crease, step out only if it is safe to play confidently otherwise occupy time in the middle and play safe  thinking year 2020 is the test match of your life not an ODI or 20:20.

Scripted exclusively for the members of this group
R3 - Raman's Random Ramblings,
What "is in" is "What Spills"

You are standing with a "cup of coffee," in your hands and someone bumps into you to spill the coffee. This gets you become irritated and angry.

But, why did you spill coffee?

Because someone bumped into you.

Wrong answer.

Had there been tea in the cup, even would have spilled!

Whatever is in the cup spills.

Therefore when life comes along and shakes you (which will happen), then whatever is in comes out. You just can't fake when rattled.

So we need to ask ourselves what's in our cup?

When life gets tough what spills over?
Humility, joy, thankfulness, gratitude, peace forgiveness..
Anger, hatred, harsh words, bitterness abuse...

You have to choose, and all choices are yours...
yet, recommendation would be to choose - Affection, , Care, Cheerfulness, Compassion, Delight, Excitement, Gracefulness, Happiness, Humility, Joy, Intimacy, Kindness, Love, Motivation, Nectar, Opportunities, Passion, Patience, Quality, Quietness, Respect, Sweetness, Tranquility, Uniqueness, Versatility, Wonder, Yearning and Zest...

Scripted exclusively for the members of this group R3 -  Raman's Random Ramblings