Solve Your Problems Using Creativity
by Justin Mazza
Creativity is defined as the tendency to generate or recognize ideas, alternatives, or possibilities that may be useful in solving problems.
Creative problem solving involves using your imagination and intuition to come up with ways to solve problems using your natural creative thinking.
The creative process involves being able to view things from a different perspective and the ability to generate new possibilities or alternatives.
The Creative Personality
Characteristics Of A Creative Person according to Flow and the Psychology of Discovery and Invention by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi.
Creative individuals have a combination of playfulness and discipline, or responsibility and irresponsibility.
Creative individuals alternate between imagination and fantasy on one end, and rooted sense of reality at the other.
Creative people seem to harbor opposite tendencies on the continuum between extroversion and introversion.
Creative individuals are also remarkably humble and proud at the same time.
Creative individuals to a certain extent escape rigid gender role stereotyping and have a tendency toward androgyny.
Generally, creative people are thought to be rebellious and independent.
Most creative persons are very passionate about their work, yet they can be extremely objective about it as well.
The openness and sensitivity of creative individuals often exposes them to suffering pain yet also a great deal of enjoyment.
As you can tell the creative person is a walking dichotomy. By being creative the individual is able to view circumstances through different lenses or points of view.
As a result creative people are excellent problem solvers and innovators in our society.
Creative people experience the world in their own original way and they generally have fresh perceptions, insightful judgments, and make important discoveries that only they know about.
Just think about Einstein, Newton, Picasso and Edison to name a few of the famous ones.
Why Do We Need To Be Creative
One of the most valuable uses for creativity is the ability to solve simple or complex problems.
Life is uncertain and the ability to problem solve quickly can not only save you time but will also increase your personal confidence.
When I bought my current home it was a fixer-upper to say the least. Every room had to be re-conditioned due to neglect by the previous owner.
My home improvement skills were limited and so was my finances. I had to use creativity in order to repair my home without spending a lot of money.
Every project that I did I had a pre-conceived idea about how much money it would cost me to repair it.
By using my own creativity I was able to do every project way under budget saving me money that I could use to do other projects.
One example would be that I decided to stucco my living room and dining room ceiling. Stucco ceilings look like stalactites hanging from the ceiling and it’s less work doing it this way than finishing and sanding repeatedly.
Well I needed a stucco brush which I didn’t have and I also did not want to drive all the way to Home Depot and spend the money buying one.
What I did next was use some problem solving skills using creativity. I opened up myself to a solution and sure enough one came to me.
I had an extra push broom in the garage that I wasn’t using so I decided to remove the brush part from the stick handle and cut it in half using my chop saw.
This became my stucco brush and it worked perfectly.
Universal Laws Of Creation.
There is also a Universal form of creation that you may or may not understand. These are known as the four laws of creation. These are Universal laws that apply Absolutely and can NOT be broken?
The Four Laws Of Creation according to Bashar:
1. You exist and in some form you always will (physical death is not the end)
2. The one is the all the all are the one (we appear to be separate individuals but we are all one)
3. What you put out is what you get back ( this is known as karma/cause and effect/boomerang theory)
4. Change is the only constant except for the first three laws ( impermanence)
Being creative is similar to being like God. We are all creators all of the time. The question is do we consciously create our life or do we unconsciously live it?
Find Your Passion By Following What Excites YOU
by Justin Mazza
What is my passion and how to find it is a question that I get from many of my readers.
When I was a child I wanted to be a teacher and a race car driver. I didn’t have any logical reason for either of these choices but it felt right to me at the time.
As a child I loved going to the go-cart track with my family, and even though I was only seven or eight years old, I would always come in first or occasionally second place. I liked going fast and it was pure excitement to have control over the little go-cart.
My older brother had a desk in his bedroom at our childhood home. When he wasn’t there I would go in his room and pretend that I was a teacher instructing a classroom. Even though I thoroughly despised school as I got older (being a student) I loved the teaching aspect.
What does this have to do with finding your passion? Well, even though I am no race car driver or professional teacher, the theme has remained. I prefer going fast when learning, taking it all in, immersing myself in knowledge and experience. I also love teaching and sharing what I had learned with others.
I have little patience for things that require a lot of steps and procedures. I just want to get from point A to point B as quick as humanly possible.
My Passion
Becoming a Blogger was really an outlet for me to teach the things that I believe are important. What I find important is subjective of course but I can tell that there are many others who are interested in what I have to teach.
While I am a lifelong student of life, I am equally committed to teaching what I had learned to anyone who is interested.
Finding Your Passion
It’s so easy to get caught up in life. We have our daily to do’s and not want to do’s that we rarely, if ever take a look at what excites us.
Finding your passion is not the same as finding your purpose even though they are similar. Passion would be more feeling oriented while a purpose would be something that is more static in nature like choosing a profession.
Passion is more flexible while purpose is more static. Passion is when you feel excited about doing something new like taking that trip to Europe or learning a new language. And yes passion could involve suffering if we choose to experience it that way. It’s entirely up to you (Think Exercising).
Exercising could be viewed as an uninspiring experience, but if we are doing something that we enjoy like playing a sport, than we can exercise our body while having fun at the same time. We’re too busy enjoying the moment to notice that we are actually exercising ourselves.
Follow Your Excitement
We all have options available to us of things that we can do at any given moment. We can take a walk, call someone that we love or drive our car. It’s the excitement in the little things that we do that will take us to the bigger things that excite us.
It’s the excitement that tells you what the next thing that you need to do is. Learn to follow your excitement because it will become the shortest, fastest path to where you need to be.
If you find that you are doing something that excites you and you cannot go any further than look for something else that excites you. What will happen is that you will get better at sensing what excites you.
Not only will you become more sensitized to what excites you, but you will be able to bypass the let me think about what I want to do with my life part.
You will basically be setting out little excitement intentions and all you have to do is go with the flow or follow your excitement.
Life will become a synchronistic and ecstatic experience as long as you trust it and live it. Don’t deny your excitement, but go with it by taking the first step. Believing is seeing and not the other way around.
The more you show to the Universe that you trust, that what you put out is what you get back, that the more you demonstrate in your behavior and actions by following your excitement, the more the Universe will reflect that back to you.
What Happens When I Don’t See The Change In My Reality
Many times you will see the reflection of your reality change but there are times when it seems that nothing has changed at all. Did you do something wrong? No, you didn’t. What you are being given is an opportunity to change your response to familiar situations.
How many of you have kids?
Were you a little tougher on the first one than you were on the rest. Why? Because you learned to respond to familiar situations by being different, by re-acting different, by responding differently than you did before. That is real change my friend.
It’s our responses to familiar circumstances that need to change to experience expansiveness in our being. That’s what let’s you know that your reality has changed because you acted differently to it than you did before.
State of being plays a big part in being able to act differently to familiar experiences though. If you continually run from a low consciousness level than I wouldn’t expect much to change for you.
Raising your vibrations on a daily basis through meditating, healthier food choices and exercising are critical for lasting change.
How to find passion in yourself is not as hard as you think. Passion is an emotion that is created by a mental state of being. When I think of a passionate person I think of Gordon Ramsay.
The man is so passionate about cooking and life in general. Remember that passion is a state of being. Just watch Gordon and see what a passionate person walks, talks and acts.
Trust your excitement.
Respond differently to familiar circumstances.
Solve Your Problems Using Creativity
Perception Equals reality but not the Truth
Choose to feel good regardless of outside circumstances. The truth is that outside circumstances have nothing to do with the way you feel.
It is our perception of outside circumstances that cause us to feel a certain way. And more importantly it is our belief about what something means and our internal labeling of it as either good or bad.
When an event occurs in our lives we immediately place a label on it and file it under good for me, or not good for me. Let’s say that you are stuck in traffic on your way to work.
This causes you to be thirty minutes late. The whole way to work you begin complaining and worrying about being late and all that it entails.
You then arrive to work and see that your office building has caught fire. I bet that little traffic jam wouldn’t be placed in the bad for me file would it.
My point is that perception is reality, but it is not the greatest truth. Often times we judge people or scenarios too quickly. Give it a little space for events to play out before you come to a conclusion.
Some events may take longer to play out than others. Use this as an exercise tool to build some patience with yourself and others.
We tend to give away so much of our power to outside circumstances and events. This will literally siphon energy from your body leaving it vulnerable to disease or dis ease.
We must learn to focus our energy on what we can control. Controlling other people must be your number one item to remove from your list.
The next would be the weather, institutions, and so on. Yes, we can influence to a degree, but it is better to let some things play out on their own.
I often times hear people complaining about people, jobs, institutions, etc. They seldom ever have a game plan to enact change or control in themselves. Take a look around you and count how many people you know that have little want to change anyone or anything.
These people tend to be a little more grounded and centered in themselves. They realize things are exactly the way they are meant to be.
Here is a quick list of ten things that I can control.
What kinds of food and drink that I put into my body.
How I spend my money.
How clean I keep my house.
Things that come out of my mouth.
Who I spend my time with.
How I spend my free time.
What kind of clothes that I wear.
What groups or organizations that I belong to.
How fast I drive my vehicle.
How much money that I save.
Mental discipline would be a good place to start. For some, the word discipline has a negative connotation.
Discipline may mean to you losing some freedom to do whatever you want. Actually discipline can bring you even greater freedom. Keeping your house clean, paying your bills on time, and saving some money each month will definitely cause you freedom in the long run.
Initially it may feel the opposite because your perception is telling you that you are giving up something.
This is true to a point, but you will reap the rewards in the long-term with consistent focus and action. Lose the thought of instant gratification as much as you can. This has caused humanity to spiral downwards into much unneeded debt, stress, obesity, ill physical health and poor relationships.