Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Be Real
by TSK. Raman

I've heard this saying, "If you enjoy what you do it means you are not working, you are having fun." This is really nice to to read and to hear, but, in real terms I cant recall having been with, seen or met many who fit this. Though I guess people l;ike the musci maestros like A.R. Rahman, Rahul Ram, Bhimsen Joshi, and several others could be enjoying their work as they create soulful tunes, ragas, and songs, that make millions of fan like them and hum those as their favorites. A lucky few may get too work in companies or the industry that compliments their passion, but, someday even that can be challenged as they too can have 'bad day,' then what next.

In real life and the the truth though is you need to work to earn your daily bread, to hold your head high. You really need to work hard to learn, to put that learrning to practice, esperience things, and then claim your next step in the ladder of growth. You get recognized only when you can bring value to the table not other wise. You need to accept the fact that work is not 'fun' by any means. It's is a serious thing and it is for that reason it is called 'work,' and it is for that reason why you also get paid. If you want 'fun' you need to pay, so work is definitely not 'fun.' The way you dispose the work that comes on hand can be done without getting stressed or without accumulating stress, can be 'fun.'

Simple as it may sound, the truth of accepting reality is needed if you are to clear your head for what is to come next. Life is a journey, remember that, then work is just one bit of the jopurney. Learn to enjoy the journey, then things might be different, job may become 'fun.' The irony is we take our life too seriously, and that is the way we lose out of many of the good things in life. Be real, take life as it comes, enjoy yourself.

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