Comparisons don't take you
Output and Results, do.
Let me begin with a story
The emperor's personal stylist,
despite all his efforts of making the emperor look smart, he was upset that he
neither enjoyed the influence, status nor got the price equal to the emperor's
personal secretary.
He gathered courage and one day poured his woes
to the emperor, who listened to him patiently. He said, "Ok, we will test
it out. There's something very special happening in our capital today. Tell me
about it?"
The personal stylist was baffled, didn't have the
answer, but, asked for a little time and dashed off into the streets.
He asked everyone what's special that's happening in our capital
After meeting many, he found a big new ship had berthed in the
Feeling elated about the finding he rushed to the
emperor and told him, "Your majesty, a big new ship has arrived to our
port today."
The emperor said, "Good. Where is it from?"
The stylist didn't know the answer and dashed off
again this time to the port, and found it has come from Hong Kong. Delighted he
rushed to tell the emperor about his finding.
The emperor was happy, and said "Good, what did it
The stylist had no answer he rushed back to the
port, found out and came to report.
The emperor acknowledged and
kept asking more and more information that the stylist had to make almost
twenty trips back and forth to the port and got tired.
The emperor calmed him down with sweet words and said relax.
The emperor sent for his personal secretary, who
came in almost in a flash. "Your highness you wanted me." The emperor
said, "Yes. Can you tell me what's happening in our capital today?"
The personal secretary said "Your highness
there's a buzz today because a big ship built in 1949 of teak from Burma, owned
by a Chinese Business tycoon, with a capacity of carrying 250 elephants, has
come from Hong Kong carrying silk, spices, herbs, scents, rice and tea,
captained by Ching Lee, with 65 other sailors has been berthed here. It is
believed that after a week of selling some of its wares and refilling essential
stocks it leaves for its long journey to Jamaica."
The emperor was mighty impressed, and glanced at
his stylist, who gracefully bowed both to the emperor and his personal
secretary and said, "Pardon me your highness for my stupidity and for
being such a loud mouth. I understand where I belong. Thank you, your highness
for exposing my ignorance, naivety and for opening eyes to reality."
Just sit down and think about yourself and see
how your are performing. Are you like the personal stylist or the personal
secretary. Chalk out what are things you can do to personally shape yourself
for meaningful roles in your career.
Inspiring true story Originally Published in the
Readers Digest. THE LONG LIFE OF ROOM 1108 by Laurie Olson, Dayton, Nevada
A long flight of weathered steps led to a hollow
wooden door with rusty numbers beckoning us into room 1108. Inside, we barely
noticed the lumpy bed, faded wood paneling, and thin, tacky carpet.
We could see the seashore from our perch and
easily wander down to feel the sand between our toes. We returned again and
again until the burgeoning resort tore down our orange-shingled eyesore. Forty
years later, my husband periodically sends me short e-mails that declare the
time: 11:08. “I love you, too,” I write back.
"Clarity precedes success." - Robin
“A lack of clarity could put the brakes on any
journey to success.” - Steve Maraboli
“Clarity affords focus.” - Thomas Leonard
Nothing Grows by itself.
Biologists often talk about the
"ecology" of an organism: the tallest oak in the forest is the
tallest not just because it grew from the hardiest acorn. It grew to become the
tallest because no other tree blocked it's due sunlight, the soil around it was
deep and rich, no squirrel dug out the acorn, nor did any rabbit chew through
its bark as a sapling, no lumberjack cut it down before it matured.
Let's get to real life now..
What is the question we always ask about successful people?
We want to know them, we want them to know us,
we want to know what they are like,
what kind of personality they have,
how intelligent they are or
what kind of life styles they have,
what special talents they may have or
be born with,
in short, we want to become what they are,
because we assume that it is those personal qualities that explain how they
reached the top.
We believe they certainly from
hardy seeds, but, we do not know the sunlight that warmed them, they soil in
which they were able to put down their roots, and the rabbits and lumberjacks
they were lucky to avoid?
Believe me no one will ever tell you the entire
truth, but, what is certain is that they had the right people in the right
places at the right time for the right purpose, providing the in-puts, clearing
the path, urging them, eeking the, nurturing them, tutoring them, mentoring
them, coaching them. There's another truth to this, all this either happened or
the individual made it happen. All the same, there was a process a method and
the individuals hardwork too. Indeed, there are no short-cuts to any progress
in your career.
Seek the right people even if on teams at a
price, because you are sure to derive value out of it.
"Once you have commitment, you need the
discipline and hard work to get you there." - Haile Gebrselassie
“Commitment is an act, not a word.”- Jean-Paul
Sartre “Commitment is what transforms a promise into a reality.” - Abraham
Yes, be it in business, career, sports or life,
there are three important questions to ask yourself for all your money's worth.
01. Why do you want to achieve and become, what you want?
If you know the answer for your "why"
your "what" becomes easily visible, and your "how," will
invariably find a way to get it.
2. "What" do you stand to believe - your principles, your
values, your ethics, your priorities?
You achieve what you believe about your abilities
and your skills. You beliefs, your values and principles help provide the
energy and discipline that drive you towards your goals. Beliefs and values are
what roots are to trees, because trees will get uprooted if the roots aren't
deep and widespread. Just like strong winds test the strength of trees to
withstand force
Even we, can be tested on values and beliefs as
performance can take a beating in the face of competition and pressure.
03. What is your action plan?
How will you prepare, organize yourself to
execute actions to reach places you want to get to.
Your answers to these three questions could be
the platform on which you build your performance.
You increase your chances of doing well when you
plan properly, prepare carefully, when you execute your tasks well, and when
you respond sensibly and positively to results.
Good preparation requires
clarity, simplicity, attention to details and superior execution calls based on
solid decision making, which comes from mastery of basics, mastery of self,
pure clear thinking, good concentration and calmness, both of mind and body.
Debriefing of performance in the end is a
powerful weapon that is often neglected. It allows you to monitor standards,
correct mistakes, make better plans and do better next time.
"Zeal will do more than knowledge." -
William Hazlitt
"Zeal without knowledge is fire without
light." - Thomas Fuller
"Zeal is a volcano, the peak of which the grass
of indecisiveness does not grow." - Khalil Gibran
There's a difference between management and leadership.
Management is about doing stuff - the daily
operations for the tactical things to get done.
Leadership, on the other hand, is about people.
Itis less about what you are doing and more about you're being. It is how you
show up for your people. It is about being available to handle the human side
of things.
When we are constantly at tactical things like
- what milestones to hit,
- what metrics to reach,
- what products to ship,
- what project deadlines to meet... what have wry little time to
care for the people who make these critical tactical things happen.
On the other hand leaders aren't responsible for
results as much as they are responsible for those people who get the results.
And without the support of our people, it is us leaders who have to feel and
take more responsibilities for even those tactical things because we know
ultimately it is our butt that's on the line.
What if we focused more of our energy on leading
and building relationships with our people so that we can trust them, and they
can trust us?
Then we can empower them to take accountability
for the tactical, which would open us up to do what we do best as leaders -
look to plan for long term future.
If you are in a leadership position in your
organisation, consider asking yourself this question, "What percentage of
my time do I spend MANAGING vs LEADING?" If leading percentage is smaller
imagine what would be possible if the numbers were reversed.
"With mindfulness, you can establish
yourself in the present in order to touch the wonders of life that are
available in that moment." - Nhat Hanh
"Mindfulness helps you go home to the
present. And every time you go there and recognize a condition of happiness
that you have, happiness comes." - Nhat Hanh
"Mindfulness is about love and loving life.
When you cultivate this love, it gives you clarity and compassion for life, and
your actions happen in accordance with that." - Jon Kabat-Zinn
Get Your Priorities Right
We live in an age of information overload and
excessive pressure, which often plays tricks with our minds and our
They destroy our sense of priorities and make the
line between what is really important and what is not, blurry.
We often give trivial things importance they do
not deserve and make make mountains of mole hills.
Concentrating on the important priorities first is the key to
good performance.
The story below about big and small apples
illustrates effects of high and low priorities on concentration and
An apple farmer once asked his two sons to sort
out the stack of apples into piles of big apples and small apples weeding out
bad apples.
His sons worked hard all day long and when they
finished the job they called their father to show him their work.
The impressed father congratulated them and asked
them to mix the the two piles - the big and the small ones again.
The boys were furious because they thought their
time was wasted. Anyway, they did as he said.
The father then asked about the other small
apples piled up near by. They said, those were bad and rotten apples which they
"Very good," said the father and added,
"If I told you to remove the bad and rotten apples from the entire pile,
you'd have missed some of them, but, now because you looked at each apple
carefully you were able to check if was big or small apple, and in the process
you didn'tiss out on the bad ones and we're able weed out the unwanted.
Prioritise first, performance will improve by
itself with the clarity that prompts action.
The point is High Priority items are the ones that
determine action, and Low Priority items, however, shouldn't be ignored, they
must be taken into account too.
Enjoy the festival. May the Almighty Bless all of
Pressure and the Mind
Pressure can either be a friend or a foe. In the
right proportion it can lift performance to great heights, but, if it gets out of
hands it can mess up everything including health and a career.
The ability to cope up with pressure usually
separately great professionals from the others. It is also true that even great
professionals sometime succumb and fall victims to chronic pressure.
In life, we constantly play two different, but,
interrelated games - a public one (outer game) and a private one (inner game).
The outer game is played in a way everyone can
see. It needn't be only against opponents.
The inner game is played in our minds, it is
against us. An unseen game in which there is constant interaction between our
thoughts and feelings, our goals and fears, our confidence and our doubts, our
strengths and our weakness. Many of us fail to either recognise or acknowledge
our vulnerabilities. We play this game all the time without being too aware of
Formal instructions, mentoring, training, or
education usually do not address the inner game as such, hence playing the
outter game becomes difficult. Coaching helps get a "mastery," of our
inner game.
Champion professionals, play both these games
well, therefore they are Champions.
This is not to say it is difficult, it calls for
a high amount of Discipline, Dedication, Hard work, Integrity, Practice and
It is Within You
We are ruled by our limiting beliefs
Too often we believe we are not good enough;
something is not working for us and it needs to be fixed; something is missing;
and something special needs to be added to make it worthwhile. These limiting
beliefs often hide the wealth within.
This story will explain...
A young man inherited a statue of clay, which was
in the possession of his family for ages. He was feeling ashamed to show it up
proudly to anyone. Wished it was of gold, so when he did earn some wealth, he
had the statue gold plated, as it was made to look the way he wanted.
Over a period of time flakes of gold started
peeling off from the statue. He began to spend more and more time and money on
maintaining it. Was growing very frustrated.
One day his grandfather him, the young man showed
him the statue, feeling rather embarrassed and ashamed because of it
dishevelled appearance, of clay somewhere flakes of gold somewhere.
The grandfather who knew the statue well,
recognised the statue and started to rub it with aoist cloth. After roving the
clay, he said, "Many many years ago, this statue must have fallen in mud
and clay, to cover it up completely and they must have forgotten to wipe or
wash it, and so it must have become covered. You wouldn't know."
Saying this he began to rub the statue even more
vigorously and as he did so he began to remove the stuck clay and the bright yellow
metal started to appear.
"The grandfather then told the grandson,
"Underneath the clay statue has been one of solid gold from the beginning.
You didn't have to put more gold on it. From now on all you have to do to show
up gold is to remove any clay or dust that settles on it."
Like the clay on the gold statue, poor vision,
limiting beliefs, negative thoughts, self doubts, poor excuses and habits hide
the wealth within which undermines our desire and ability to perform well, to
succeed. These obstacles are like the anchor at the bottom of the sea, holding
up everyove we make. Removing them sets our inner resources free.
Performance is better more often by understanding
ourselves well from within, and from constantly - learning, unlearning,
relearning, being curious, creative, innovative, being interested and by being
present 100% every moment.
What are you waiting for them, start unearthing
the gold lying hidden inside each of you.
"Failure is simply the opportunity to begin
again, this time more intelligently." - Henry Ford
"Success is where preparation and
opportunity meet." - Bobby Unser "If opportunity doesn't knock, build
a door." - Milton Berle
Change Your
Beliefs and Perceptions and you will change your Performance
Good morning folks. It's a relaxing Sunday
morning, a cool gentle breeze brushes my face, while
I sit to script this message after enjoying my
cuppa steaming aromatic coffee, a little while ago.
Henry Ford said "If you believe you can or
if you believe you can't, your right."
I was on a call last night with a friend, who has
tonnes of self belief and loves taking on odds, especially things that others
say she can't do. She thrives in proving them wrong. She has on her own steam
come a fair distance in life battling several odds, overcoming several
obstacles. She is really a "powerhouse of energy," carries a lot joy
and is adventurous by nature. She is in terms of sport a very "talented"
and a "gifted athelete," in the race of life she runs wanting to
better her own timing, as she isn't in competition with anyone. This script of
today is dedicated to that friend Very Special friend VS...
She reminded me of
Roger Bannister, the English Athelete who created history by
breaking four-
minute barrier for the mile. Until then no one believed that it
was possible to
run a mile in less than four minutes. Once Bannister smashed the
belief, the task became easier because everyone knew it could be
Within a year, the race was run under four minutes by forty
atheletes and
with ten years 296 times.
What's the lesson here?
If you want to achieve
something really worthy, change the limiting beliefs that are holding you back
and the negative self-talk that is sabotaging your performance, your career,
your life.
Beliefs, perceptions, thoughts and self-talk
control our emotions and behaviour.
If you change your belief, you'll change your perception,
if you change your perception, you'll change your
thinking and your self-talk, and
if you change your thinking and self-talk, you
will change your feelings, action and performance.
If a plant grows in a bottle it will take on the
shape of the bottle and will be confined to it even though it has the potential
to become a large and beautiful tree. This is exactly what happened to my
friend who was bottled up.
To get that plant to grow one would have to break the bottle to
set it free.
The plant will grow mature, bear fruits and propagate.
Like the bottle, limiting beliefs inhibits
growth. Unmindful of all these she has earned enough laurels and has set her
mind on much bigger things with which she wants to impact several young life’s
by empowering them and enable them reach the potential as quickly as possible.
Inspiring true story Originally Published in the
Readers Digest.
A Date With Fate
by Emily Page Hatch, Wilmington, North Carolina
In a kitschy bar in Cambridge, he asked to sit at
my table, though later he would insist that I made the first move. I was
intrigued by his tattoos. He thought I went to Harvard. All we had in common
was that we’d both almost stayed home. Friends had dragged us out on a frigid
February evening. We still never agree on anything, except that it’s a darn
good thing we sucked it up that snowy night. Our wild blue-eyed son always
stops us in our tracks, reminding us that fate is just as fragile as our
"Believe it can be done. When you believe
something can be done, really believe, your mind will find the ways to do it.
Believing a solution paves the way to solution." - David Joseph Schwartz
“Be brave to stand for what you believe in even
if you stand alone.” - Roy T. Bennett
"Believing in yourself is not for you; it's
for every person who has touched your life in a significant way and for every
person your life will touch the same way five minutes from now, or five
centuries from now." - Jaye Miller
"The mind is the limit. As long as the mind can
envision the fact that you can do something, you can do it, as long as you
really believe 100%." - Arnold Schwartzenegger
“Envisioning the end is enough to put the means
in motion.” - Dorthea Brande
"I am an artist, and I have the ability and
the free will to choose the way the world will envision me." - Lady Gaga
Stop - Start
In any mechanical vehicle - motorized or
mechanical. One uses the brake to stop and the accelerator pedal to start.
You thought it was only for vehicles, but, no you
too have to use the start and stop to make progress.
Let's see how :
Stop worrying about how to get attention.
Start paying attention.
Stop obsessing about creating awareness.
Start becoming more aware.
Stop making people want things.
Start making things people want.
Stop analysing data
Start seeing people it represents.
Stop trying to be more interesting.
Start becoming more interested.
Stop keeping score
Start forgetting the past incidents.
Stop hoarding.
Start sharing.
Stop competing.
Start collaborating.
Stop comparing.
Start noticing.
Stop doubting.
Start doing.
Stop striving.
Start caring.
Stop wondering about what's next, start from here and right now.
If you have this, you will go
In a fast paced world that we preside over now,
we can't be blamed for looking at instant gratification, speedy growth, quick
buck, fast food, and lightning quick answers to whatever we want to know or
solutions for whatever we seek, because there's Google to our rescue which
provides us all answers, muchore that we want or have bargained for.
We want to become information rich because we
wanted to show off that we are intelligent, and our IQ is high.
There's one driving force which fuels all of this
that makes us explore for new things, new thoughts and new ideas.
You may be wondering what's all this.
You guessed it right, it is just one thing that
drives all of us from "the cradle to the grave," and that is
CURIOISITY. The impulse to seek new information, the craving for new
experiences and to explore new possibilities is a basic human trait, and that is
CURIOUSITY drives us to view critical aspects
more creatively. History is a witness to all of this and bears a testimony to
it for most breakthrough discoveries and remarkable inventions of mankind -
from flint stone for fire to wheels, right down to the much talked about and
awaited driverless cars.
This when it comes to an organisation, it seems so
paradoxical as both leaders and employees receive an implicit, message that
asking questions is an unwanted challenge to the authority.
People are trained to focus on process and
process alone, for guaranteed performance results that lead to the milestones,
goals and vision of the organization.
On the other hand it is the same management of
organization's that urges it's people to maintain a
sense of wonder, which is crucial to creativity and innovation.
The most effective organizations of the world and
their leaders look for ways to nurture their employees' CURIOUSITY to fuel
leaning and discovery.
See where you are and see where is your
CURIUOSITY, leading you to in every step you take.
IQ - EQ - DQ - RQ
"The capacity to learn is a gift; the
ability to learn is a skill; the willingness to learn is a choice.
People are definitely the greatest asset of any organization.
It is only as good as the people who make it. It is not going to make a
difference whether the company makes cars, cosmetics, capsules, writes codes or
makes rockets.
That which makes these things happen is
IQ (INTELLIGENCE QUOTIENT) -> Building Knowledge.
The ultimate source of happiness, is our mental
attitude, which comes from wisdom, and that is built on knowledge.
EQ (EMOTIONAL QUOTIENT) -> Having Emotions
Once in a lifetime, you meet someone, who changes everything in
your life.
Emotional Intelligence will say, "No matter
what age you are or what your circumstances might be, you are special, and you
have setting unique to offer. It's your life, because of who you are, and that
to me has meaning. Trust and long lasting relationships are built by Emotional
DQ (DECENCY QUOTIENT)-> Having Decency
Greeting and treatinng people following etiquettes.
RQ (RELEVANCE QUOTIENT) -> Being Relevant.
While you are waiting someone else is already doing it.
It all comes down to employee engagement.
It all comes down to recognition.
It all comes down to leadership, which leads to
everyone feeling ownership and accountability for the results.
You can ask a team to achieve targets or even
accomplish a mission, but you never can order excellence.
People do not buy the product, they buy the
experience. It can be Apple, Mercedes, IKEA etc., - it's thoughts and products
you have bought for sheer experience.
Majority vs Minority
If you were to cook 3 glasses of rice, would you
be adding 3 glasses of salt to it?
Certainly not!
So in every rice thing you cook, the quantity of rice
always outnumbers the salt, but, a little salt added, enhances the taste of the
Look at the ceiling of room that you are right
now in. You'll see the bulb is 1:5000 of the room, but, when it gets dark after
sunset, one flip of the switch turns on the bulb which makes darkness flee.
If you and I are the "salt" of the
earth that adds taste and the bulb the light of the world, then that
"little you and I," has the ability to make things happen.
Sometimes we feel overawed, outnumbered, and
overwhelmed by sheer magnitude of evil or wrong doers, so we choose
powerlessness and decide to go with the flow instead of standing up for what is
right and opposing the vast majority.
Little doesn't mean "insignificant."
Our presence should make a difference because youou and I are certainly
significant. Let's stop being on the side of the majority, for it is a trivial
majority, whereas we are an impactful minority. They could be the rice, we are
the salt, they could be the room, we could be the bulb, let's make our
influence felt.
Remember, this always.
Inspiring true story Originally Published in the
Readers Digest.
by Marybob Straub, Smyrna, Georgia
We went looking for a wedding dress on Sunday. Laughing,
we made for the door of a bridal shop. This would surely be the first of many
stores before we found the perfect gown. Having witnessed other brides and
their mothers, we vowed to be happy in these moments. Unexpectedly, my mind
went back to the day we brought her home some 27 years ago. I said a silent
thank-you to the young mother who, by letting her go, allowed her to be mine at
this precious time. Two hours later, there she stood, in the dress of her
dreams. My beautiful girl.
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