Friday, July 16, 2021


Become a Possibilitarian

“Become a possibilitarian. No matter how dark things seem to be or actually are, raise your sights and see possibilities — always see them, for they’re always there,” said ~ Norman Vincent Peale. The concept, however, was introduced much earlier in my life. In fact, I don’t remember a time when it hasn’t been a part of how my world view was influenced and developed, this is a quote that inspired me from the time I began my career.


We tend to mistakenly fuse positive and possible together, as if they represent the same point of view. We see it as being a half-full or half-empty perspective. And that is where I believe we begin to go astray about the true power of what it represents. It isn’t at all whether the glass is half-full or half-empty, it is the possibilities you see from what is there and the opportunity for more. Think about that for a moment. Raising our sights, seeing possibility — being a possibilitarian — has the potential to increase our ideas, exploration, discoveries, inventions, innovation, collaboration, creativity, life, and joy.


What could we do with just a bit of stretch?

In the end, nothing else will mark our lives more profoundly than our ability to do just that.


Here is the actual philosophy in Mr. Peale’s own words:

“I challenge you to become a possibilitarian. No matter how dark things seem to be or actually are, raise your sights and see the possibilities — always see them, for they are always there.”


The root meaning of the word possible is “capable of making happen.” 


A possibilitarian attitude combined with a system disrupter approach to life is one that generates possibilities.

What does mean by this?


Keeping an open mind.

Dreaming. A lot.

Imagining opportunities.

Being wildly curious.


Questions that you should ask yourself are:

What else?

What if?

What’s next?


And be willing to disrupt the status quo. Taking the first step because moving in any direction creates momentum.



What habits are getting in the way?

What needs to shift or change?

What is one step I am willing to take now?


Being a possibilitarian is an attitude. Being open to possibility allows the space for opportunities to show up. To find more-in-me.


Can you think of anything more invigorating and inspiring than facing each day knowing we are “capable of making happen” whatever we choose?


It raises the bar for what we see as choices to a very different level, doesn’t it?


What does it take then to be a true possibilitarian?

My motto for living is: Where your focus goes, energy flows. Be aware of your thoughts and choose your attitude, for they determine your possibilities. ~ Laurie Hunt


Would you like this to be you?


Here are some signs that your may not be experiencing the full power of possibility thinking:


Limited or guarded perspective – Do you find yourself overly cautious about what your choices might be? Do you think in terms of “this or that”?


Focused on Perfection over Progress – So often we full reign to the technician in us and fail to let our creative self-join in the fun!

Have you embraced the fact that perfection is a myth?

Confusion between Talent & Skill – Skill is learned and 90% of what we need comes from that. We confuse these terms. We see something as requiring talent when it really only needs desire. Talent is less specific, it can travel many places.

Over planning & under-preparing – This is a very telling sign. Something not going to plan?

How do you respond?

Are you able to pivot?

Do you see loss or new opportunities?

How you have responded to these statements and questions will help you begin to see where you could bring your own possibilitarian self-more fully to the forefront.


This is also a good place to remind you what possibility thinking and living is not:


It is not positive thinking. This is not a Pollyanna view of life. It has strong roots in realism. The reality is that there are far more possibilities than we think. Some of the most effective possibility thinking comes from crisis or even just things not going as originally planned.


It is not always “out of the box” thinking. If fact, in most cases, possibility thinking begins with looking at what is there now in a new way. Think innovation. Rarely does that mean doing a new thing. It is most often about doing the same thing in a new way.


So what exactly is it?


Possibility thinking is a mindset that does not accept limits unless they are constructive.


Possibility thinking is a mindset that knows there are always 1000+ other ways to get the result you need and/or want.


Possibility thinking is a mindset that doesn’t merely change what you do; it changes how you do it.


Possibility thinking can and does change who you become.


Possibility thinking is based on the fact that the only way to change your choices is to change your perspective.


What does it take?


Here are six steps to letting possibility thinking reign in any part of your life:


Believe it’s possible (Yes – obvious but true!)

Believe it’s possible for you (First stumble happens here – get rid of the excuses!)

Be willing to do the work (Oh yes – it’s not magic. It still takes work.)

Be willing to pay the price (Promise to price equation – Your Why Power in play.)

Partner with the right people (Others can often see the possibilities before we can. Use their brain!)


Play to keep playing (infinite vs. finite) and not simply to win. (The real key to it all.)


As I have been working on my soon to be released book on this very subject and have been thinking about what to share with my readers as my hope for the work. Kelly Rae’s words again spoke to me: “My hope is that my work invokes a sense of clarity and peace inside of you as you walk your own path in life; and that it inspires you to discover your own limitlessness.” So perfectly said I thought I might borrow it here. Are you ready?


Live today like you want tomorrow to be and as Emily Dickinson said: “Dwell in possibility.”


Live well.


Then resolve to take the advice of Emily Dickinson and begin today to “Dwell in possibility.”


Laurie Hunt - On Being A Possibilitarian: Yes Pigs Can Fly! Coaching Focus Fortitude Leadership Motivation Possibility Will & Willingness Oct 18, 2017

KathyLaughman - Are you a possibilitarian? Do you want to be? March 28, 2019

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