Friday, September 20, 2019

Accept People Accept Things As They Are.

While he was fishing one day a fisherman, found an oyster with a beautiful pearl in it.
He picked it and noticed it had a small flaw.
He tried scraping it, but, ended up peeling one layer, but, the flaw remained.
He kept scraping and yet another layer peeled, but, the flaw remained.
He kept scraping and scraping, layers kept peeling and peeling till such time there was neither the flaw nor the pearl.

Doesn't this happen in real life too. We notice something in someone, we correct that, we notice something else, then something, then something, till the person feels absolutely value less.

Resist your temptation to be a perfectionist. Not just that you try being perfect, you drive the others too paranoid. It causes immense pain and undue stress, which are absolutely avoidable.

Scripted exclusively for the members of this group R3 - Raman's Random Ramblings,

Is this the new normal?
An old lady was sitting making vadai under a tree.
A crow watching her, swooped down, stole one vadai flew and sat upon the tree. A fox strolling that way noticed the crow and the vadai. Felt like eating it, sang in praise of the crow and asked it for a song.
Floored as the crow was, it opened its desk to sing. The vadai fell down. The fox picked it and ran away.
Haven't we heard this and a number of moralistic stories growing up as children.

"Thatha, this is such a boring illogical story, which doesn't challenge our intellect, nor does this equip us to face challenges of today's times," said a nine year old, who is already preparing for an engineering entrance exam that's 8 or 9 years away.

The kid didn't stop at that and asked the Thatha a few more questions.
01. Did the crow realize how many calories it needs to burn if it ate the whole vadai?
02. Is the crow vegan?
03. Is the fox vegan?
04. Why was the old lady so casual and disorganized with her inventory?
05. Did the old lady not think of insuring her finished goods?
06. Is the fox, liable for criminal proceedings for running away with an already stole thing?

Thatha, was sweating hearing these questions. He knew in his times that C-Section children arrived with much larger heads so more brains to think, but, this is C-Section+ which is the new normal.
This is evolution beyond imagination.
Scripted exclusively for members of this group in R3 - Raman's Random Ramblings,

"Morning Coffee......"

Morning coffee.. with or without sugar?

Without please.

Knowing what you want is much more clear when you know what you don't want.

Knowing which you are.... is as important as knowing who you are not.

One defines what you stand for, live for. The other what you stand against and keep away from.

Knowing your "NO" makes
Knowing your "YES"
a lot easier to deal with several things you confront in life as a whole.

And now I sign off for this day, if I may ask you,
"A cup of tea...with or without sugar?"
What will you say?

Scripted exclusively for the members of this group R3 - Raman's Random Ramblings,

Piece by Piece

We invest money, our time and expend energy to become educated.

We get recognized by earning a degree, we gain knowledge, we become wiser and we got out to seek a career with hope.

We enter a chaotic world outside that is run by competition, governed by policies, ruled by people.

Those who weathered this storm are the ones who are successful for they know life is not meant to be in a place where there's no noise, trouble or hard work. It means being there in the midst of all these things around you and still be calm within, learning all that one needs to become, waiting patiently like the "Chinese Bamboo," and then shoot up to the sky.

That is to earn Peace for ourselves Piece by Piece.

I'd love to hear and to know if your life is any different.

Scripted exclusively for the members of this group R3  - Raman's Random Ramblings

Is this the new normal?
An old lady was sitting making vadai under a tree.
A crow watching her, swooped down, stole one vadai flew and sat upon the tree. A fox strolling that way noticed the crow and the vadai. Felt like eating it, sang in praise of the crow and asked it for a song. 
Floored as the crow was, it opened its desk to sing. The vadai fell down. The fox picked it and ran away.
Haven't we heard this and a number of moralistic stories growing up as children.

"Thatha, this is such a boring illogical story, which doesn't challenge our intellect, nor does this equip us to face challenges of today's times," said a nine year old, who is already preparing for an engineering entrance exam that's 8 or 9 years away.

The kid didn't stop at that and asked the Thatha a few more questions.
01. Did the crow realize how many calories it needs to burn if it ate the whole vadai?
02. Is the crow vegan?
03. Is the fox vegan?
04. Why was the old lady so casual and disorganized with her inventory?
05. Did the old lady not think of insuring her finished goods?
06. Is the fox, liable for criminal proceedings for running away with an already stole thing?

Thatha, was sweating hearing these questions. He knew in his times that C-Section children arrived with much larger heads so more brains to think, but, this is C-Section+ which is the new normal.
This is evolution beyond imagination.
Scripted exclusively for members of this group in R3 - Raman's Random Ramblings,

Intelligence and Wisdom 
Worth reading on ...

01. Intelligence leads to arguments.
      Wisdom leads to settlements.
02. Intelligence is power of will.
      Wisdom is power OVER  will.
03. Intelligence is heat, it burns.
      Wisdom is warmth, it comforts.
04. Intelligence is pursuit of knowledge, it tires the seeker.
      Wisdom is pursuit of truth, it inspires the seeker.
05. Intelligence is holding on.
      Wisdom is letting go.
06. Intelligence leads you.
      Wisdom guides you.
07. An intelligent man thinks he knows everything.
      A wise man knows that there is still something to learn.
08. An intelligent man always tries to prove his point.
      A wise man knows there really is no point.
09. An intelligent man freely gives unsolicited advice.
      A wise man keeps his counsel until all options are considered.
10. An intelligent man understands what is being said.
      A wise man understands what is left unsaid.
11. An intelligent man speaks when he has to say something.
      A wise man speaks when he has something to say.
12. An intelligent man sees  everything as relative.
      A wise man sees everything as related.
13. An intelligent man tries to control the mass flow.
      A wise man navigates the mass flow.
14. An intelligent man preaches.
      A wise man reaches.

Intelligence is good
but wisdom achieves better results.

What is spiritual maturity?

01. Spiritual Maturity is when you stop trying to change others,...instead focus on changing
02. Spiritual Maturity is when you accept people as they are.
03. Spiritual Maturity is when you understand everyone is right in their own perspective.
04. Spiritual Maturity is when you learn to "let go".
05. Spiritual Maturity is when you are able to drop "expectations" from a relationship and  
      give for the sake of giving.
06. Spiritual Maturity is when you understand whatever you do, you do for your own peace.
07. Spiritual Maturity is when you stop proving to the world, how intelligent you are.
08. Spiritual Maturity is when you don't seek approval from others.
09. Spiritual Maturity is when you stop comparing with others.
10. Spiritual Maturity is when you are at peace with yourself.
11. Spiritual Maturity is when you are able to differentiate between "need" and "want" and
      are able to let go of your wants.
And, last but most meaningful !
12. You gain Spiritual Maturity when you stop attaching "happiness" to materialistic things !!

Wishing all a happy Spiritually matured life

Spiritual Maturity

You are said to be Spiritually Mature, when you...
...stop wanting.
...accept people as they are.
...stop trying to change others...instead focus on changing yourself.
...understand everyone has the right to their own perspective.
...learn to let go.
...stop comparing yourself with others.
...drop all expectations from our relationships, and give for the sake of giving.
...understand whatever you do, it for you alone and for your peace.
...stop showing off to the world how intelligent you are .
...don't seek approval, from the others to live your life.
...are at peace with yourself.
...are able to differentiate between your "needs" and "wants" to be able minimize your "needs" and let go off your "wants."

And last but the most meaningful aspect of "Spiritual Maturity," is when you stop attaching "happiness" to "material things and gains."

Be Blessed.

This is a compilation from various sources exclusively for the members of this group R3 - Raman's Random Rambling,


Every morning you are presented with a brand new start, make the best and most of every moment of the day.

Have proof above your head
Have loyal friends
Have food to eat
Can stand and sit by yourself
Can breathe
Can see
Can hear
Can smell
Can speak
Care about others
Treat everyone with respect, not just those who you need to impress
Strive to do better
Have running water at home... 
No matter what, you get up, show up, give it all you've got - and never ever give up ever, then you are still a star player in the game of life. Everyday is a gift, make it a masterpiece.
Be Blessed.

Scripted exclusively for members of R3 - Raman's Random Ramblings, 

Empowerment at its best

It is Ok

It is ok to be confused.
At least you are thinking.

It is not ok to assume you know it all.
You shut doors to learning anything.

It is ok to try and fail.
You'll learn a lesson.

It is not ok to be super ambitious.
You can bite the dust with just one slip.

It is ok to mess things up.
You worked, you tried.

It is not ok trying to be a perfectionist.
You can become miserable, a paranoid and make everyone around you feel bad.

It is ok, because it is my prerogative. 
It is ok not to know it all,
all of us have a calling,
some of us are meant 
- for exploring
- for experimenting
- for experiencing
the nuances of living our own chosen and precious way.

I will live by my judgement and not yours.
I will let my effort and attempts decide my self-worth and not your set benchmarks.

I will decide which mountain to climb or just admire its beauty from the base.
I may choose to hoist my flag at the summit or not even attempt to aim for it.

I'll be driven by my expectations from self and not your laid out comparable targets.

It is totally ok to be the way we are, however, not ok it might to others seem. 
Who cares.

No one will come and hand over empowerment to you on a platter, you have to empower yourself.

Scripted exclusively for the members of this group 
R3 - Raman's Random Ramblings
by Raman

Moms will be Moms...
doesn’t matter who you are...

Here is some Mom talk :

Issac Newton's mother: "But did you wash the apple before eating it?"

Archimedes's mother: "Didn't you have any shame running naked in the street from bath to home?  ...and, WHO is this girl Eureka???”

Thomas Edison's mother: "Of course I am proud that you invented the electric bulb. Now turn it off and get to bed !!!"

Abraham Lincoln's mother: "Now that you have become President for heaven's sake get rid of that shabby tailcoat and stovepipe hat and buy yourself a decent outfit."

James Watt's mother: "If you just keep watching that damn lid lifting and dropping, rice will be burnt. Turn off the stove now."

Graham Bell's mother: "You have installed this new silly thing in the house alright, but I do not want girls calling you at odd hours."

Galileo Galilei's mother: "What use is seeing that goddamn moon with your telescope if it does not help me to see my mother in Milano."

Samuel Morse's mother: "Make sure your school report card doesn't have only dashes and dots.”

Mona Lisa's mother: "After all that money your father and I spent on your braces, is that the best smile you can give us ?"

Michelangelo's mother: "Can't you paint on walls like other children ? Do you have any idea how hard it is to get that stuff off the ceiling ?"

Albert Einstein's mother: "But it's your senior picture. Can't you do something about your hair ? Use styling gel or something...?"

Bill Gates's mother: "You keep browsing all day long; watch out if I ever catch you on any adult web-site."

Danial Fahrenheit's mother: "Stop playing will boiling water and let me make tea."

Georg Ohm's mother: "I don' like you resisting everything I say."

Robert Boyle's mother: "If your volume is really inversely proportional to pressure, you must be having a constipation. Take a laxative."

Alessandro Volta's mother: "It is shocking to see you all the while dipping those copper and zinc rods in that beaker.”

Andre Marie Ampere’s mom: “Apart from fooling around all the time shall you ever find time to glance through your current books!”

Socrates's mother: "If you keep drinking from any cup, it is not necessary that you will also survive like Meera Bai."

Christopher Columbus’ mother: "I don't care what you were busy discovering and where, you could still have dropped a two line letter !"

Inner Chatter

Whether we know or not, whether we want it or not, whether we like it or not, there is an inner chatter within all of us.

The difference is seen with the way we behave.

If the chatter is high, we show it out with our losing our temper, showing anger, yelling etc.

If it is not with high decibels, we may not get excited soon, but, there's no guarantee that it will not erupt when feeling get accrued.

Very wise are those, who know how to channelize this chatter to churn out inspiring stuff. They rise above all the others and become extraordinary. Emotionally intelligent people.

Ordinary people display a lot of emotions  they act, react, recover, sober down, repent, apologize etc.

The truth is, chatter begins very early in life and stays with us till the end, so learning how to tame the chatter, channelizing them to results of positive energy, optimism, achievement, success etc., is what separates the ordinary and the extraordinary. 

Think about this and make a difference.

Scripted exclusive for the members of the group 
R3 - Raman's Random Ramblings,

Wisdom in a capsule.

Aristotle the great Greek philosopher, get-out and divided up living things by species and genre's. He had a theory of knowledge based on a sensation which depended on repetitions.

He elaborates...
Sensations repeat themselves -> Leading to perceptions.
Perceptions repeat themselves -> Leading to experiences.
Experiences repeat themselves -> Leading to knowledge.

What should we derive from what Aristotle, said. 
My perception prompts me to interpret it as...
You keep doing things you've been for long it becomes a habit.
Good or bad isn't the question.
The other inference is
If you keep thinking of anything repeatedly it becomes a reality.

Now just think it over...
- Perfectionism in you and others
- Judging yourself and others
- Self doubt
- Worrying
- Complaining
- Trying to control everything because of convention, tradition, practice and assuming the worst is to happen are things worth having. 

It is in the choices of egoistic habits we want to cultivate or avoid thinking in reality, of the negativity in brings in us. Is it worth anything?

Scripted exclusively for the members of this group 
R3 - Raman's Random Ramblings


Yes, it is a simple yet nit just a word but also a powerful tool in our hands.

Choosing thoughts and acting with awareness requires a high level of alertness and confidence in what one wants to do or say.

"How aware am I being in the moment in relation to the world?"

Every human being on the planet, looks for just one thing - happiness. Being aware of people, who they are and what their feelings are and about things around them, around us is one sure way to happiness.

Being happy or sad, 
being stressed or relaxed, being passive or aggressive, being restless or in peace, being rigid or flexible, being attached to problems or being solution oriented, 
how impacted are we every moment by the occurrences in the world and can we keep our "eye on the ball," irrespective of all this is what finally counts in the end. 

Every moment is a choice!

To be able to think and make decisions in the present moment, while keeping in mind the lessons from the past and the consequences of the future, there needs to be awareness of quality, qyantity and the direction  of thoughts.

The blues of life could be a mighty long road or a long river, that twists, turns and flows into the sea of limitless happiness potential we need to be aware of it.

My hint to you Be Aware. 
My wish to you Be Happy.

Scripted exclusively for the members of this group 
R3 -  Raman's Random Ramblings,


A father throws his little son in the air, a clear right feet above the ground. The child is laughing and enjoying it all, even though it knows nothing about what it is except play.  What's invisibly at play is TRUST.  The father in his abilty and the child in the father.

We often spend  a lot of time wondering who we can trust. 

We are very careful to work out who is worthy of our friendship, business, time, respect, care or love. And yet we often fail to make the right connections between success and trust, when it comes to ourselves.

You don't become trusted by being successful (we have several examples in our country in recent times). You become successful by being more trusted! (We have several traditional businesses in our country to prove this). So start there.

Scripted exclusively for the members of this group 
R3 - Raman's Random Ramblings,

There's a saying, "Sometimes, soft music is the only medicine for the heart and soul."
Yes, it's true.
The melody of the FLUTE makes me happy
brings peace and joy
gives me wings to fly
to the pushed out past
to the pleasant present 
towards the dreamland of a promising future.. 

F. L. U. T. E.

F -> FLOW (Allow your energies to go with the flow).

L -> LOVE (Everything in you, around you).

U -> UPLIFT (Your life, get better by change).

T -> TRANSFORM (Learn, Unlearn, Relearn, let this cycle go on and on).

E -> Embrace and Enjoy (Keep an open mind, embrace change, live life king size, share joy).

Let the Music lift you, think of the FLUTE too for magical melodies.

Scripted exclusively for the members of this group 
R3 - Raman's Random Ramblings, 

(The need of the hour today).

Ecological well-being 

An all encompassing leader would be somewhat like this. 
A compassionate - employee champion, whose mindfulness architects the direction of an organization, promoting careers by all ethical means as a value custodian caring for the 
ecological well-being being a partner in progress and a performance driver practicing 
inclusivity through diversity.

A leaders' attitude is caught much quicker, than actions, by those who follow.

Their leadership style is...

They build teams and infuse confidence, enhance trust.

They sense it before seeing it. That's (Intution)

The begin to look for it and ask leading questions (Curiosity).

The gather data (Process oriented). Helps a great deal in decision making.

They share their findings, feelings and thoughts with a few trusted colleagues. (Open Communications)

4(C's + L's + E's + A's + R's)

Communication Collaboration


Exchange (information)
Establish (trust)
Ensure  (undestanding)
Express (commitment to action, by clear thinking)

Accept (people/things as they are)
Ask (questions for clarity)
Agree (to meet goals better still exceed them)
Awareness (of self and others, become emotionally intelligent)

Read (habitually to broaden your persoecting, for knowledge, to gain wisdom)
Respect (people irrespective of background and positions)
Remain focused (you have to be focused to accomplish things, meet goals realizing your limitations)
Relate (quickly to people, situations, happenings to be effective).

Excellence, like Success, can mean different things to different people at different time, situations and places.
Define yours.
Cultivate your Excellence like a Habit.

~ Raman

We are responsible for...?

Read on and enjoy this tea-time release, post a Saturday siesta.

We can't choose how many years we will live but, can choose how much life those years will have.

We can't control the beauty of the looks of our face but,
can control the expressions on it..

We can't control the challenges that life keeps throwing at us but, can choose not being reactive, and, equip ourselves and make the challenges on us seem less stiff.

We can't control the negativism we see on the outside but, can choose to control our thoughts and  actions, by not being caught in the webs of negativism.

Too often we try to control things which we can't. Too seldom, we choose to control what we can, and that's our Attitude for which we are totally responsible. 

Scripted exclusively for the members of this group 
R3 - Raman's Random Ramblings,"

Belief vs Trust
though are different, though we all need both in plenty.
An experienced tight rope-walker, ventured on a very ambitious, never done before challenge. 
On a fixed day he began to walk on a tight rope between two skyscrapers several 100' high into the sky. Not just himself but within child on his shoulders, he was walking slowly with a long stick as a balancer. In a few minutes he crossed over safely.
People applauded, cheered, congratulated, shouted his name in celebration. They wanted to even take selfies with him.
He thanked everyone and asked them whether they would like him to go back to the tower he came from, by repeating what he did.?
They all approved his ability and in a chorus yelled, "Yes."
He said "Great, but, instead of my son, one of you come on my shoulder."

A stunning silence followed.

To trust someone is surrendering ourselves to someone. 

We may believe what we hear or see, but, may not trust what we hear or see. That's the difference.

We will not "trust," easily, which is probably the right thing to do, but do you hesitate to trust the Almighty?

We are living in times when even this is not easy to answer.

Scripted exclusively for the members of this group 
R3  - Raman's Random Ramblings, 



Try again

Try something different 

Try asking for help 

Try finding out what doesn't work.

Try finding what works.

Try eliminating what doesn't work

Try what other people do to succeed.

Keep trying till you succeed.

Try always doing your best, there can't be a loss as even trial can teach us something new.

Try you will always a winner.

Scripted exclusively for this  group in R3- Raman's Random Ramblings, 

I can't teach anyone anything, I just can make them think. Socrates.

It isn't so much about how you forget, but, about how you forgive.

It isn't so much about how you listen, but, about how you understand.

It isn't so much about how you see, what you see, but, about how you feel.

It isn't so much about how you let go, but, about how you hang on, despite...

It isn't how many distinctions you've earned and degrees you've aquired to declare how much knowledge you gave and to assert yourself with all that, but, that's only half the truth. Real knowledge comes  when people learn to apply their learnt knowledge to shape up those around us.

We get this from our friends and family or family and friends. Can be either ways as the destination is the one that really matters most in the end.

Happy friendship day.

Scripted exclusively for the members of the group 
R3- Raman's Random Ramblings.,

Happy friendship day.
I can't teach anyone anything, I just can make them think. Socrates.
It isn't so much about how you forget, but, about how you forgive.
It isn't so much about how you listen, but, about how you understand.
It isn't so much about how you see, what you see, but, about how you feel.
It isn't so much about how you let go, but, about how you hang on, despite...
It isn't how many distinctions you've earned and degrees you've acquired to declare how much knowledge you gave and to assert yourself with all that, but, that's only half the truth. Real knowledge comes  when people learn to apply their learnt knowledge to shape up those around us.
We get this from our friends and family or family and friends. Can be either ways as the destination is the one that really matters most in the end.
Happy friendship day.
Scripted exclusively for the members of the group
R3- Raman's Random Ramblings.,

A thought on Leadership.
It is generally understood that one needs to be nominated, appointed to a position and given the powers so that he/she may lead. That isn't the reality. It can begin from anywhere with anyone at anytime.

is about inspiration,
not domination.

is about transformation,
not manipulation.

is about appreciation,
not intimidation.

is about communication,
not dictation.

is about conversation,
not intimation

is about elevation,
not humiliation.

Leadership is all about
moment to moment
being a 100% in the moment.

Scripted exclusively for members of the group
R3 - Raman's Random Ramblings

Saturday Morning Gratitude Prayer.
I always remember thank the Almighty for stitching some nice threads into the fabric of my life. The texture of each thread adds immense value to the whole. May God keep the threads happy and flowing always.
Life often doesn't introduce us to people whom we want to meet.
Life often puts us in touch with people
to meet and to help us,
to teach and to hurt us,
to love, to care, and to leave us become the strong person we were meant to be.
We are all humans and so we are all equally vulnerable.

Howard A Walter writes on Character...

I would be pure, for there are those who care.
I would be strong, for there are those who suffer.
I would brave, for there is much to dare.
I would be a friend to all - the foes, the friendless all.
I would be giving and forget the gift.
I would be humble for I know my weakness.
I would look up and laugh, and love, and lift.

Wishing you all an awesome weekend. Capture as much as peace as you want and relax leaving no weak-ends.

Scripted exclusively for the members of the group
R3 - Raman's Random Ramblings,

Practice and Repetition helps your Reputation.
Practice like you never won before.
Let's see this...
Monday - I practice, you don't
Tuesday - I practice, you practice too
Wednesday - I practice, you don't.
Thursday - I practice, you too practice.
Friday - I practice - you don't
Saturday - I practice, you practice too.
Sunday - I don't practice and you too don't.
So in a week am practicing and repeating it 6 times vs your 3.
In 2 weeks me vs you it is 12 - 6
In 3 weeks 18 - 9
In 4 weeks 24 - 12
In 12 weeks - 72 - 36
In 24 weeks - 144 - 72
In 52 weeks - 312 - 156
All through if one looks at it, that clearly say that I have practiced and repeated twice more than you which suggests I am twice better than you.
Take exercising, fitness, walking, jogging, swimming, reading, listening, singing,  meditating or whatever it is twice more because of repetition, repetition, repetition....
It helps your perform as if you never lost and that helps your reputation indeed.

Practice...Repeat...Perform...Enhance Your Reputation as beging a confident performer - winning or losing doesn't matter.
Scripted exclusively for the members of this group
R3  - Raman's Random Ramblings,

What if...
Two words that don't help us at all.
Instead instilling us this thing called...

And this...
Can make the following happen..

It can...
freeze us - make us feel numb and make us do nothing but sit tight with no action, whatsoever
fry us - make us feel uneasy and force us to act - leaving us with no options

When we act...
We can tend to makes the following things happen...

We may make mistakes which end up becoming a learning and add to our experience.
We might take the challenge and go all out to overcome obstacles and accomplish the desired result. Helps confidence, adds to experience.

One may even become an adventurous, non-hesitant, spontaneous, intuitive and bold risk taker too.

These are all possible. Whatever be it..
it helps growth,
it helps progress,
it helps advancement.

All of which helps us
want to know more,
learn more,
do more.

That paves the way for growing in our careers too.

All of this is better than doing the same thing over and over again being in the "comfort zone" and become static.

Choices are yours to
Firing on all cylinders
Your innate resources

for your SAKE


be in the shell of


What if... you dare and succeed...

Scripted exclusively for the members of the group R3  - Raman's Random Ramblings

Share, Share, Share..
Grow, grow, grow....
the more you share,
the more you get,
the more you get,
the more you give...
this cycle goes on and on..
Share your knowledge, liberally
Share your thoughts, chosenly
Share your ideas, freely
Share your experience, wilfully
Share your time, endlessly
Share your gifts, generously
Share your love, abundantly
Share your joy, relentlessly,
Show kindness, gracefully
Show grace, really,
Show patience, lovingly
Pay respects to all....forever..
All these and many more are lessons our teachers beginning from parents gave.
Am what I am because of being a beneficiary and recipient of all those love lessons.
Also what I am today is also because of my friends who make me feel who I am and liberally share with me their life.
Am what I am again because of my family - siblings, spouse, children, extended families for all their love, affection and care. And last but not the least my lovely little grandson who not just teaches me but amazes me with everything he does.
Can't lift my hands to ask the Almighty for more as I offer my gratitude to him and everyone around me who make my living worthy, teaching me to be a good human being.
Happy Teacher Day.

Happy Teachers Day – September 5, 2019
SV Nathan on LinkedIn – Life Truths
There have been many teachers in my life. And many added each day.
When a lift-man smiles at me, I learn what it is to bring cheer to another. Thank you sir.
When a woman sings a soulful song, I learn what it is to stir the feelings of joy in me. Thank you dear woman.
The driver who follows the rules ( a rare breed of such teachers though), a mechanic who burnishes his car to a shine, the cobbler who smiles at the way his interweave stitches has made a difference to the sole of a shoe, all are my teachers.
And then there are my many friends.
When they stand in the hospital all day and night waiting for someone to get well, they teach me what it is to be human.
My queen, my wife, of course, from whom I learn what it is to stay grounded.
My parents, my formal teachers, and many more - the list is endless.
Thank you all - a sincere thank you for teaching me what it is to be on earth and be a person who should be in the quest as a seeker and learner. Happy Teacher's Day.

A Teacher and Learner for Life

I See a Learner in a Teacher
A Teacher in a Learner

I Feel a Teacher in a Critic
A Critic in a Teacher

I Notice a Teacher’s Slavery in Sacrifice
A Sacrifice in Slavery of a Teacher

I espy a Teacher’s tolerance in Empathy
An Empathy in Tolerance of a Teacher

I Experience a Teacher’s Success in a Learner’s Growth
A Learner’s Success in the Growth of a Teacher

I am a Teacher, I am a Learner
I want to be known as a Teacher,

I want to be known as a Learner too
I want to be like a Techer

I want to be remembered even when I am gone.
Not just as a Teacher but also as a life long learner.

Inspired by Dr. Ujjwala, on Linked In

Share, Share, Share..
Grow, grow, grow....
the more you share,
the more you get,
the more you get,
the more you give...
this cycle goes on and on..

Share your knowledge, liberally
Share your thoughts, chosenly
Share your ideas, freely
Share your experience, wilfully
Share your time, endlessly
Share your gifts, generously
Share your love, abundantly
Share your joy, relentlessly,
Show kindness, gracefully
Show grace, really,
Show patience, lovingly
Pay respects to all....forever..

All these and many more are lessons our teachers beginning from parents gave.
Am what I am because of being a beneficiary and recipient of all those love lessons.
Also what I am today is also because of my friends who make me feel who I am and liberally share with me their life.
Am what I am again because of my family - siblings, spouse, children, extended families for all their love, affection and care. And last but not the least my lovely little grandson who not just teaches me but amazes me with everything he does.
Can't lift my hands to ask the Almighty for more as I offer my gratitude to him and everyone around me who make my living worthy, teaching me to be a good human being.
Happy Teacher Day.
Yours Truly

When billion hearts wish together
Dreams eventually come true ever
When billion brains work together
World we live, becomes a shade better..

A lifeless device landing on a dead rock
A tiny metal piece taking out a moonwalk
Millions of eyes waited for this sight
Waking up, praying through the night

No, not just a piece of metal from Earth
It's a sign of ancient civilization's re-birth
Moving on craters on the sands of the moon
Is the hope for better times coming soon..

Yes the Indian flag may not be yet there on moon's land
It's a message to humanity as a whole
We will keep working to reach our goal
Poverty or diversity can't suppress our soul

We have had hundreds of years of error
Shall overcome this fifteen minutes of terror
As we take baby steps in the space domain
Let our knowledge and wisdom rise again..

What's all this about MindSet?
It was about 11+ years ago Dr. Carol Dweck has dealt with this in detail in her book "MindSet."  She was dealing with the ways children went about the lessons and tests in school.
The research and studies thereafter shows how and when people get fixed with mental models that make them believe that they can't go further, nor can anyone else.
That's the beginning of the "limiting factor," and over a period of time we put a lid on several things to enhance and lend credibility to the "limiting beliefs," we have.
It doesn't end there.
It is not just that we believe that our beliefs as being truths, we share it with others who believe it being true and they share their beliefs, too. Sadly not we nor them realize these are just our "limiting beliefs."
On the contrary, we feel happy that we have friends who share our beliefs and thoughts.
"Misery loves companions, doesn't it?"
Together all these accumulate and accrue to become established factors that govern the culture in the  society, in the institutions, in the community and right down to our homes.
Some day, someone challenges this then he/she becomes "the revolutionary," or "the disruptor." After that things don't remain the same. That's exactly what's happening now. Be it in businesses all over the world or the way the the young are moulding themselves. The earlier we rise and acknowledge this as true, the better it would be.
MindSets in the simplest form are "habits."
Psychologists, scientists and research tells us that if we do anything continuously for 21 days it becomes a habit. And when we build habits, we can also build new habits that may add to the good or replace the old habits for better results, can't we?

That building process needs thinking and challenging old habits old thoughts. It is called a "Growth MindSet."
Organizations of today being challenged constantly by the VUCAD (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, Ambiguous and Disruptive) World are looking more and more for people with a "Growth MindSet."
Pause for a moment to think   and ask yourself, "Where am I now, today? Where do I want to be then, tomorrow and after?"
Your answers to this will define how you are preparing yourself for the future.
Best wishes for the future.
Enjoy a relaxed weekend, but, spare a though to what has been shared. You'll be doing yourself a huge favour.
Scripted exclusively for the members of this group
R3 - Raman's Random Ramblings,
Value Check
We don't get paid by the hour, we get paid for the value we bring to each hour we put at work. The more we add value, the more valuable we become.

There are a lots of things that we need to do to become value-adders, but, there are other simple softer things too which add immense value, about which we care for very little.

We stop listening to the others,
because we think we are right,
because we think we know it all
because we think we are above others,
so, we stop listening.
With that our learning also diminishes.
We aren't aware that our bonding with colleagues and affiliation @ work and the workplace decreases, if we don't listen well enough.
The same applies at all places even outside work.

We therefore need to listen and communicate sincerely.
It is not enough just what we say that most actions, but also how we communicate exactly what we feel that makes all the difference.

Our integrity is at stake if we don't "walk the talk, walk the walk, or talk the walk."

Stop for a moment. Check where you stand now. Whatever be the status, just pick this -> add value, become valuable has to be your mantra for your future.

Scripted exclusively for the members of this group
R3 - Raman's Random Ramblings

You Give What You Have.*

There's an old story about the times when there used to be a wall dividing Germany - East on one side and West on the other side.

It seems some East Germans would habitually dump garbage everyday of the on other side. Contrarily at the end of the wall there would be bread, milk, honey cookies and fruits by the West Germans.

The media watching this curiously ask the West Germans, "Why do you do this, after receiving dirt?"

To this the West Germans say, "Each gives what they have."

This applies to us as individuals too.

What comes out - is what's inside us and if - we don't like what we have inside us, only we can change it.

It's our reaction to situations  or what people do to us makes us take command of our life else become a victim. Everything in life is a lesson we can learn from or succumb becoming a victim.

People who aren't good at giving away love can't give love because they don't have it.
If what we have is ANGER, CONTEMPT and FEAR, then that's what we are going to give away too.

Life is too short for us to waste by carrying this baggage of ANGER, CONTEMPT and FEAR.

Keep yourself happy and be generous sharing it with others too.


Have a super week ahead.

Scripted exclusively for the members of this group
R3 - Raman's Random Ramblings,

Nothing Belongs to us.

We arrive bare, will go that way too.

Every other thing in life happens in this period.

Every moment is a like an alphabet which weaves the lyric of a song and gets tuned with to become a song - a melodious hit song or just another song.

This then becomes a part of a play in which we go to acquire a number of things to keep us going.

We do this
to live, to be,
and then it is..
to show to world we are are this,
we are that,
we have this,
we are looking for this,
we just got that...

This goes on...just like the waves of the ocean that always coming on to the land as if it say, "I want more, I want more..."

Not being judgemental not being unrealistic, whether we admit it or not,
a vast majority of people in the world live this way.

However, in the midst of all this we find contended people, elevated people and emancipated people too.

It is good to have needs, it is good to want things, but, there's got to a saturation point and then an end-point somewhere.

 It is in our hands to choose when and how. Without a second thought that may entertain a question why, we must end the game and feel light that we refused to add anymore to our.....

Scripted exclusively for the members of this group
R3 - Raman's Random Ramblings,

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