Learn To...
The best mathematics you can ever learn is to calculate is
the cost of your current decisions.
The best language you can ever learn to speak, read and to
write, is the one that can aggregate how your thoughts and feelings, pan out
when it leaves you.
The best science you can ever learn is the one that keeps
your curiosity, alive to invent things in places far beyond your expectations.
The best history,
you can ever learn, is to recall things that you went through without filters
and convert them to learning experiences not just for today in this moment and
the future. Remember, to erase, the past stories, and create new history.
The best geography, you can ever learn, is the world that
resides inside you without boundaries,
and remove all the limiting beliefs, that are cramping you from
achieving you true potential.
Scripted especially for members of this group in R3 - Raman's
Random Ramblings,
Change Your Thinking
Business is changing rapidly, more with disruptions
with technology which is going to shape
the future.
Being what it is, it is time to rethink the traditional
pyramid too, with all working from the base and trying to get to the top.
Invert the pyramid, put the point at the bottom where you
are now (imagine you are starting a new career, which is because of
disruptions), conceive the future for an expending opportunity horizon where
you can move laterally across the spectrum in search of an ever-widening set of
career opportunities. Reinvent yourself regularly. See the world as an
ever-increasing set of realities.
Henry Ford said it rightly, "Whether you think you
can or cannot, you are right."
Scripted especially for the members of this group in R3 -
Raman's Random Ramblings
New Discrimination
Almost everyone agrees that age (irrespective of gender),
brings wisdom, experience, anecdotes and testimonials, which allows a person to
be sought after, as more of an expert in their field.
When it comes to hiring, isn't it an empty and hollow
gesture to try defining someone purely by age and/or by gender, rather than
their attitude, accountability, accomplishments, achievements and perceived
Is age and/or gender an issue?
Strange but True:
1. In the 1400s a law was set forth in England that a man
was allowed to beat his wife with a stick no thicker than his thumb. Hence we
have 'the rule of thumb.'
2. Many years ago in Scotland , a new game was invented.
It was ruled 'Gentlemen Only...Ladies Forbidden'...and thus the word GOLF
entered into the English language.
3. Each king in a deck of playing cards represents a great
king from history:
Spades - King David,
Hearts - Charlemagne,
Clubs -Alexander, the Great,
Diamonds - Julius Caesar
4. In Shakespeare's time, mattresses were secured on bed
frames by ropes. When you pulled on the ropes the mattress tightened, making
the bed firmer to sleep on. Hence the phrase......... 'goodnight, sleep tight.'
5. It was the accepted practice in Babylon 4,000 years ago
that for a month after the wedding, the bride's father would supply his
son-in-law with all the mead he could drink. Mead is a honey beer and because
their calendar was lunar based, this period was called the honey month, which
we know today as the honeymoon.
6. In English pubs, ale is ordered by pints and quarts...
So in old England , when customers got unruly, the bartender would yell at them
'Mind your pints and quarts, and settle down.' It's where we get the phrase
'mind your P's and Q's'
7. Many years ago in England, pub frequenters had a
whistle baked into the rim or handle of their ceramic cups. When they needed a
refill, they used the whistle to get some service. 'Wet your whistle' is the
phrase inspired by this practice.
8. In 1696, William III of England introduced a property
tax that required those living in houses with more than six windows to pay a
levy. In order to avoid the tax, house owners would brick up all windows except
six. (The Window Tax lasted until 1851, and older houses with bricked-up
windows are still a common sight in the U.K.) As the bricked-up windows
prevented some rooms from receiving any sunlight, the tax was referred to as
“daylight robbery”!
Now you have the origin of these interesting phrases
Practice the Pause.
It just takes a moment to change
your thought,
your perception,
your feeling,
your belief,
your intent and
your action,
which can change not just that moment,
the day
or an entire life
which in turn can change the world,
if only you can practice the pause.
Pause! Pause! Pause!
before accusing
before judging
before sparking
before assuming
before criticizing.
Pause whenever you are about to react harshly, then you'll
avoid doing and saying things you'll regret later. You'll never have to feel
guilty ever.
Beyond the walls of belief, there lies a whole different
Pause, and Explore.
Scripted specially for this group in R3 - Raman's Random
Extraordinary is..
Nothing extraordinary.
Being extraordinary is hardly ever the extravagant gesture, it is the
ordinary thing remembered and done well, like..
Being human
Being present
Care taken
The intangibles
Genuine interest
A timely response
The feeling of belonging
Thinking of someone in person
Executing on the small details
A handwritten note of appreciation
Choosing the best ingredients even if they are expensive
Treating people the way you would want to be treated
These are some that crossed my mind. You may add yours to
the list to become extraordinary.
Have an extraordinary day both at work and after.
Scripted especially for the members of this group in R3 -
Raman's Random Ramblings,
Just a seed of Thought. Can we be authors a book.
Fear less
Strange but true our life is governed by fear. It is
instilled in us from the time we are children..
Eat you food, otherwise...
It's sleep time now, sleep, otherwise..
Study well, otherwise..
This factor called fear manifests in us so much that we
begin to generate our own fears...
Fear of ridicule
Fear of failure
Fear of non-performance
Fear of being cheated
Fear of being alone
Fear of being judged
Fear of being hurt
The list of fear can go on endlessly and we labour hard to
get rid of those fears, all of which are imaginary.
What we forgot is the lessons and the values that our
parents gave us, and what we gained as knowledge that we got from school,
higher education, our teachers, our friends etc., which actually equips us to
take on life challenges and overcome every obstacle that comes in the path of
our goals.
However, there are things that most miss out on :
01. Fix realistic goals
02. Have the determination to chase them down.
03. Maintain focus on the goals, without being distracted.
04. Think, Think, Think..
05. Fear nothing (the worst is the fear of dying, yes, so
what that will happen anyway and for all without exception, so why fear
anything at all).
Scripted specially for the members of this group in R3 -
Raman's Random Ramblings,
Have You Heard This
- I need a few extra hours of sleep on Saturday's and
Sunday's every week.
- I like to pursue a hobby, just because it makes me feel
- I like a break for a couple of days and you take charge
of the house at least once every quarter.
- I am not able to the stuff I used to enjoy being single
(like lying and listening to songs, reading books I like, go out with friends
once a while have fun, go for movies, eat chocolates, popcorn or ice creams,
when I want to).
- I like being asked, what shall I make for breakfast for
you. Shall I make lunch for you. Shall I make dinner for you.
- I'll feel sweetly nudged when am asked to accompany you
for a 30 minute walk everyday.
- I need to be appreciated and told too.
- I am weighed down by the enormous baggage called guilt,
which breaks my spirit often.
- I don't need random advice from people in my life. If I
feel I need it I'll seek a trusted expert, which can be you too, who knows.
- I feel good inside out and that I require support from
everyone at home.
- I am fiercely proud, super ambitious and have big dreams
for myself as an individual.
I haven't shared these feelings with anyone, but, you.
Do you know who this could be?
This could be your working/non-working spouse, mother,
sister, daughter, daughter-in-law, mother-in-law.
If you haven't heard any thing like this before, there
could be just three possibilities.
01. You may be a super good partner, father, brother,
02. You may be a poor insensitive partner, father,
brother, father-in-law.
03. You may be hearing all of this for the first time. You
could be wondering what to do. You have the best opportunity to become good
mess up your life and everyone else's life.
I strongly believe that people who mess up like this, turn
out in their work places just as miserable and poor.
This conceptualization may be far fetched, such people can
tend to harass people in the workplace.
Scripted exclusively for this group in support of creating
awareness of harassment in the workplace. EVERYTHING BEGINS FROM HOME.
It's a relaxing winter morning, the sun warm enough to
give you some comfort of warming up. Newspaper reading done, breakfast over, it
may just be some idle time. Thought this would the apt time to script my
message. Here it goes.
You have to have a purpose in life is what everyone will
Yes, it is true. We all need it. How then do we know our
Am attempting to simplify it.
The First Pillar :
Doing that which you love.
To enable this you need a
PASSION for doing that which you like and that should
become your MISSION, only then you'll enjoy.
The Second Pillar
Doing that which the world wants from you.
To do this your MISSION will support you immensely and all
that you'll need is to bring your VOCATION, trained skills upon which you have
enough command.
The Third Pillar
Doing that which you can be paid for.
It is natural that you get employed for the skills for
which there's someone willing to engage you. So your VOCATION, helps you gets
The Fourth Pillar
Doing that which you are good at.
You gain experience being in a PROFESSION, and little by
little you begin to carve a nice. To get even better, you'll need to fall back
on your PASSION, which says Doing that which you love.
That which you love
That which the world needs
That which you can be paid for
That which you are good at.
My PURPOSE of scripting and sharing is done with this, now
work out yours. Best wishes.
Scripted exclusively for the members of this group in R3 -
Raman's Random Ramblings
Your password can change your
life..... lovely read
How a Password Changed a Life ... A
true story from the Reader’s Digest ...
I was having an average
morning until I sat down in front of my office computer .
"your password has expired”, a server message flashed
on my screen, with instructions for changing it...
In my company we have to change passwords monthly..
I was deeply depressed after my recent divorce. Disbelief
over what she had done to me was what I thought all day long ....
I remembered a tip
I’d heard from my former boss. He’d said, “I’m going to use a password that is
going to change my life”.
I couldn’t focus on getting things done in my current
mood.. My password reminded me that I shouldn’t let myself be a victim of my
recent breakup and that I was strong enough to do something about it.
I made my password – Forgive@her. I had to type this
password several times every day, each time my computer would lock. Each time I
came back from lunch I wrote forgive her.
The simple action changed the way I looked at my ex-wife..
That constant reminder of reconciliation led me to accept the way things
happened and helped me deal with my depression..
By the time the server prompted me to change my password
following month, I felt free.
The next time I had to change my password I thought about
the next thing that I had to get done. My password became Quit@smoking4ever .
It motivated me to follow my goal and I was able to quit
One month later, my password became Save4trip@europe, and
in three months I was able to visit Europe.
Reminders helped me materialize my goals and kept me
motivated and excited, it's sometimes difficult to come up with your next goal
Keeping at it brings great results.
After a few months my password was -
Life is # beautiful !!! Life going to change again...
Moral of the Story is Your Internal Talk Matters, what you
tell yourself conditions you to think in that direction and you are able to
witness real-time RESULTS.
The Power of Actionable Feedback.
How many times do you politely leave a restaurant after a
bad experience, vowing never to return back, without letting the manager know
what you think?
How often have you stopped buying from a brand you once trusted?
How valuable would your feedback be, if only companies
were in the habit of asking for it?
It is hard to ask questions that elicit useful feedback.
Fear about the responses we might get hold us back because
suggestions invariably and inevitably, make more work for us.
Feedback is a deliberately cultivated art through
observation, learning, practicing, making mistakes subsequently Learning
applying them right, review result and improvise if necessary, else
The trick to making feedback actionable is to ask specific
questions of the right people at the right time.
Final thought.
We do not need everyone's opinion about everything to
improve ourselves, or our products, or our business or our services, but, it is
important to ask the people who matter questions about things you are willing
to change.
Have a great week ahead.
Scripted exclusively for the members of this group in R3 -
Raman's Random Ramblings
Succeed You Must.
One must admit that everyone wants to succeed in whatever
they do. But, just thinking will not help as most live with regrets:
- Worrying too much
- Hide feelings without expressing themselves even to the
ones who care.
- Caring too much about what others might think.
- Living in the past, forgetting the present ignoring the
- Not daring to risk
...this list can go on endlessly...
When we focus on problems we can be sure we will have a
lot of them.
When we focus on possibilities we begin to find several
When we focus on solutions, we do not just get many, but,
we could even innovate.
Succeed You Must, and How?
The arrow is pulled back to the best of the archer's
strength and released to hit the target. That's the only way, it can be, as per
rules of physics.
Similarly, we need to pull ourselves back, leaving us with
no other choice, but, succeed. We need to let the chances of failure become so
dire, so unthinkable that we will have no other choice but to do whatever it
takes to succeed.
Someone who lives after he/she was about to drown, will
tell, how he/she beat every odd to reach the shore safely. He/she will vouch what it means to have no
other choice but to save his/her life and live.
So that's it, do everything you can because Succeed You
Scripted exclusively for the members of this group in R3 -
Raman's Random Ramblings,
Success and victory is not the same
If you had to choose between being successful or
victorious, which would you pick? You probably think, "What's the
difference? Either one would be great!" But there is a big difference
between success and victory, even though most people don't know it.
Success is something you receive, make, or achieve. For
example, if you make a great sale, or receive a promotion at work, or achieve
fame or a fat bank account balance, you could think of yourself as a successful
person. Success can be measured by external things, whether it's your worldly
possessions, popularity or fancy titles.
Victory is something deeper. You are victorious when you
overcome an internal challenge. For example, if you overcome a fear of
expressing your feelings and dare to be yourself, if you overcome an addiction
and take back control of your life, if you learn to forgive and let go of
resentment, then you can consider yourself a victorious person. The payoff from
a victory is priceless and enduring, while the payoff from success can be
fleeting. That's why many people who do achieve success may start to feel
unsatisfied and empty after a while, and need to obtain more and more.
Racking up successes is great, it can make you feel
powerful, but you shouldn't base your self-worth as a human on them. People who
achieve success aren't necessarily victorious. You could earn a lot of money
and think, "I'm successful!" But if you still feel insecure on the
inside, that's no victory! Real victory gives you true satisfaction over the
Think about what happened over the last year. Did you
experience success, or victory? Maybe you fell into debt, or lost your job and
now you think: "I had a year full of failure!" But if you dared to
face something you were afraid of, if you demanded the respect you deserve, if
you were more patient, if you didn't let criticism get to you, if you got out
of a situation that wasn't good for you, or if you loved more and were at peace
in your life, be proud of yourself, because it was a victorious year. Always go
after victory, because success will automatically follow.
Good one. Really appreciated this.
Yes, success and victory are two different things. Let me
explain further using sports analogy.
All sportsmen/women athletes, practice hard at their
discipline and the disciplines in which they compete. They clock their timing practicing
endless number of hours everyday. They maintain a diary and plot a graph on
their timings. They like seeing it bettered often and the graph worming it's
way up to the peak of their potential.
On the big stage it could be Nationals, an International
Sports Meet, World Championships or even the Olympics, the Athlete participates
(of course to win), but, his/her internal drive is to beat the last best timing
clocked during the practice session. That's success for them. Victory is pride
and certainly a motivator for future. It's a bonus. For people like Usain Bolt
too the same principle applies.
Keep Upgrading
Iron left unused for a while rusts. Wood left unattended
gets eaten by white ants. Edibles if not consumed a gets decayed. Even if it is
a brand new one it'll spoil and decay.
Don't you think the same applies to our life as well.
Unused God given talent and natural abilities remaining
unutilized, new things unexplored, available resources unexploited. In addition
we ignore the need for skills that we need for tomorrow that is never learned.
All that we have withers away and decays.
We forget that each of us are a masterpiece creation which
should unfold for the world to see. It is time for us to rewrite the chapters
of our story book of life. We need to upgrade our software regularly and share
stories - both of success and those learnings which resulted by not succeeding.
This doesn't need to be done for ego sake, popularity sake
or for encashment of any kind.
We need to understand we are a part of a big
jig-saw puzzle of the world that makes humanity great.
Every morning remind yourself that you are still in the
game and play your part to perfection, by being on the move, both mentally and
physically. Gain intellect, become wise. Don't ask how.
Just do it.
Ten years ago we had Steve Jobs, Bob Hope and Johnny Cash.
Today is the time to start again. Don't ever have to say, "We have no
jobs, no hope no cash."
Scripted exclusively for the members of this group in R3 -
Raman's Random Ramblings,
Who Likes
Who Likes You Work?
Who loves what you do?
Who tells others proudly about what you do?
Who wants to meet you, to share thoughts with you and to
be with you?
Who buys your thoughts and what you say, discussing things
threadbare, agrees to disagree, to get the best of you?
Who makes you care?
Who is the reason for your being?
Who has the problem you can solve?
When you get the right answers to all these questions, be
assured, you'll be a step closer to being your best and you'll also realize you
a a lot closer to reaching your highest potential being human.
Enjoy a relaxed Sunday, but, spare a moment to think about
these questions.
Scripted exclusively for the members of this group in R3 -
Raman's Random Ramblings,
Every adult who walks into our life, be it personal or
professional, wears an invisible message on him/her. We need to bring about a
perfect balance between their expectations and those of ours, being EMPATHETIC.
A to Z of an Adult's Plea.
Accept me as I am, for what I am.
Appreciate for all I have, and that which I don't have.
Am work in progress.
Advice if only you must, but don't Accuse me of not
heeding to it.
Bless me, but, don't bully me.
Correct me if you think it is a must, but, in doing so,
don't criticize me. Am not to be cursed, but, have to be carved.
Direct me, but, don't discourage me.
Encourage me but, don't embarass me. Educate and explain
to me, but, don't exploite me.
Guide me but, don't goad or grill me.
Help me, but, don't hustle, hasten, harass,
hurt, or hate me.
Inspire me, but, don't insult me.
Journey with me, but, don't jostle me.
Know my interests, but don't kill any of them.
Like or Love me, but, don't leach, or lust on me.
Motivate me, but, don't misguide me.
Nurture, me but don't neglect or leave me in the lurch.
Oblige me, oppose me, but, not always.
Persuade me, but, don't punish me.
Quicken me, but, don't quell me.
Respond to me, don't react or repel.
Support me, but, don't suppress me.
Teach me, but, don't taunt, or tease me.
Understand me, but, don't undermine my self-confidence or
my self-belief nor understimate my abilities.
Visualize me, but, don't vilify me.
e X cuse me, but, don't pamper me nor excuse me again and
You are my role model, but, don't become a rule-model.
Zoom my happiness, but, don't zoom my sadness.
You Are What You Feel Inside You...
A TV anchor once asked Martina Navratilova, "How do
you manage to keep your focus and how do you keep yourself fit and manage to
play at the age of 43 years to be still at the peak of your game?"
Her suave response was, "The ball doesn't know how
old I am?"
In his book, "Still power" Sports Psychologist Garret Kramer says that,
"The key factor to perform and excel, either in sports or life, is the
quality and the quantity of you internal dialogue."
Performance = Potential - Interference (external and
In other words what this equation suggests is that you
need to stop things that stop you from getting things you want.
Sports, Fitness, Business, Life are all games we play on
the 6" ground between your two ears.
Have a great week ahead.
Scripted exclusively for the members of this group in R3 -
Raman's Random Ramblings,
Reality Check
"A journey of a thousand miles begins with the first
step." ~ Anon.
In life we do so many things. Some things we wish we had
never done, some we wish to replay a million to.es in our mind. It's all these
that makes us what we are today and where we stand. And today we think to shape
our thoughts and details to put us where we want to be tomorrow and the day
after that. We are constantly thinking and evolving, so is the belief. If we
were to reverse any of them in the past, there's no guarantee we will be the
person we are now.
"We judge ourselves by what we feel capable of doing,
others judge us by what we have done."
- Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.
So, just live making moves making mistakes, learning from
them, garner experience, carve memories, but, never second guess, even for a
second, who you are, where are you and more importantly where it is going. It
will go where it should with you driving it.
The mind gets heated, continue your marching ahead. Things that actually counts
is not what we can do but what we actually do. Men move mountains beginning to
move stones.
"If you can fly, run. If you can't run walk. If you
can't walk crawl, but, whatever you do keep moving." - Dr. Martin Luther
Scripted exclusively for the members of this group in R3 -
Raman's Random Ramblings,
"Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak,
courage is what it takes to sit down and listen.." ~ Sir Winston Churchill
When to,
Where to,
How to stand up
for issues and people.
Why to stand up
and say
What to say all that you Want to say
When to,
Where to,
How to,
Why to,
sit down for issues and people, listening to
What is being said,
When it is said,
Who you are
which really is the
Art of Communication.
It's this time of the year that everyone reviews what
happened in the 12 months. It's also a time when people will tell you to make
resolutions for the coming year. Am not going to ask you to do anything more
C Connect with your accomplishments, achievements and
successes. List out all of it.
E E verything! List all things that made you proud (big or all), from all areas of life -
Professional, Personal, Social.
L Learn from experiences, (remember that there are
mistakes, it's all learnings), so include them in your achievements list.
E Enjoy your achievements, accomplishments and successes.
Review the list. Take a few moments to recall, relive,
enjoy, absorb and appreciate, how far you've come.
B Boost your celebration. It's fun to be with others. Who
all can you include in your celebration?
R Reward yourself. Buy yourself a useful or a beautiful
gift to symbolise your achievements, accomplishments and successes.
A Activities can also be rewards. What activity could be
most rewarding to you? What could put a smile on your face?
T The 4 W's. Plan your celebration! Decide - What, When,
Where and Who you'll celebrate with? And just go ahead!
E Express gratitude. Spread the celebration! Tell people
who helped you along the way, that, you appreciate them and why?
Y You are awesome! Round yourself about this knowing it is
your inner strength, hardwork, focus and energy that made all these things happen
for you.
O Observe who you are. Review your achievements,
accomplishments, successes list to
see what are the
common themes?
U Upcoming opportunities and challenges. Know that you are
capable of both achieving opportunities and overcoming challenges in the future
CELEBRATE YOU and have fun.
Note this isn't just to pump you up, this is a serious
Scripted exclusively for the members of this group in R3 -
Raman's Random Ramblings,
Be Happy, Be Content
A Story:
An elderly sage was walking through a city and found a lot
of joyous people and felt happy. And as he was walking he saw a small gold coin
on the path. He picked it up, looked at it and kept it in his hand, thinking he
would give it to the next needy one he finds. He went street after street,
covering the entire city, but found none that he could give the golden coin.
In the evening on the outskirts of the city, as he was
about to lie down on the slab in front of the granary, he heard the nose of
horse hoofs and some men. He got up to see and saw it was the King's troop. The
King too saw the elderly sage and asked him to Bless him and his troops as they
were marching to wage a war and conquer the neighbouring country.
The sage looked at the sky, closed his eyes as if in
prayers and immediately handed over the gold coin to the King.
The King took it in his hand and was surprised and angry.
Surprised because of the offering and angry as to how dare the sage give him a
small piece of gold coin.
He asked the sage, "What do you mean by giving me
this gold coin, when you know I am the king and I am already so wealthy."
The sage apologized and narrated the story of how he found
the small piece of gold coin and his intent of giving it to a needy person.
"Your highness, throughout the day walking through
all the streets of your kingdom I didn't meet a single needy. Every one was
happy joyous and looked contented with what they had in your beautiful kingdom.
Despite everything you have with you and going for a war to conquer your
neighbour to annexe more wealth, I felt you to be the most needy, hence I gave
you the gold coin."
The wise King got the message and felt ashamed. He
immediately called a halt to his troops and asked his men to return to the
palace, saying, "We have enough!"
Moral : When we have enough we need to be content with
what we have. Looking for more may get us what we want, but, that might be at
the cost of someone else too by making them miserable.
Scripted exclusively for the members of this group in R3 -
Raman's Random Ramblings,
Thought for the day
You never know how may seeds an apple has, an orange has
or a jackfruit has, but, one thing for sure, ever seed has a potential tree in
it and innumerable fruits from them later.
You are just like that, what you have in you is tomorrow's
generation, make it bear fruits of happiness and peace.
Do not blow off your life as if it is mere dust.
15/12/2018, 10:56 - Raman Bharadwaj: Journey of
In a world of transactions this might sound like Latin or
Transformation journey is often lost between two sets of
assumedly intelligent, voices within.
(I don't want to sound harsh calling them fools.
One keeps asserting that "this is old and therefore
it is good! The other keeps reiterating, "this is new, therefore better.
Transformation journey's succeed when someone wise is on
hand to guide.
Trying to enlighten assumedly intelligent is like trying
to soften bamboo by pouring milk over it. Pour as much as you like to your
hearts content, the bamboo will never soften, never bend either.
The journey is lost between an old thought and the new
The old wanting to retain everything merely because it is
The other wanting to usher in things merely because it is
The disruptions and chaos that we prevail in is because of
the old vs new.
I leave you with an intriguing thought though....
Imagine the plight of a poor new born baby in a bath-tub.
Doesn't know
whether it will remain or be thrown out?
Scripted exclusively for the members of this group
R3 - Raman's Random Ramblings,
I U V X Y are interesting alphabets.
Let's explore.
A ... of course is the start
B ... there and C
C ... seeing they say is believing,
and our
D ... dee...ds are always counted.
Let's move on..and go to
I the most self centred aplhaphet and word, that is filled
with ego and pride.
To know what we really are we need to have Self-Awareness.
Next comes
U and this is YOU. I assume U are self-aware, but, if I
need to know U then I be Emotionally Intelligent to know you through your (I's)eyes
the way you (C) yourself.
I need to surrender to
U and with that the bond becomes
V (We).
We become a TEAM.
S (YES) now we straight away (T) tee off to
X which is every mathematician’s
(Y) do we need to worry about all these.
If we can remove the I
and it's blood brothers Me and Mine meaning shunning our ego then all
U's and V's become pure Humans.
This wasn't meant to be a tongue twister.
The soul is about
Self Awareness, Understanding, Emotional Intelligence,
Togetherness, by removing Ego totally from the equation.
Love and care for the others as much as you do yourself.
That's joy and happiness assured for all seasons - more so in the Festive
Scripted exclusively for the members of this group
R3 - Raman's Random Ramblings,
A note as simple and as brief as it can be. This will give
you an idea.
What's Wrong?
-> miss the others point of view.
-> limit our world
-> make it tough for ourselves
- make it tough for the others around us - could be peers,
relatives, colleagues, professional friends.
How Not To Be Judgemental?
-> Being in the moment and be 100% present
-> Look at the issue and not the person. Not who is
saying. Not who is being referred to.
-> Choose what's right
-> Express your thoughts, opinions with finesse.
-> Resist the urge to control.
-> Welcome opportunities to learning more or new
How Does "BEING Non-Judgemental help?
-> You'll light in the mind and also feel liberated. No
clustered thoughts hanging.
-> You'll be more receptive of information and also
become a good learner.
-> You'll become
a solution-seeking problem-solver..
Conclusion :
Being Non-Judgemetal you become the most sought after
person for conversations, deliberations,
debates, arbitration and conflict
There was once a time when I was very judgemental but then
I realised that all have a right to express and a coin definitely has two sides,
it's now a habit not to be judgemental but empathetic.
True, I was quite like that for half my career.
That was because of the orientation I had and the
environment I prevailed practised.
When I moved into IT lot of things changed. I took it on
me to change as well, if I had to make a living from the rest and the best part
of my career. I did unlearn, learn and relearn. I practised it hard and it
became a second habit.
The same was applied personally too. Have changed
tremendously for then to now, but, sad the others are still judgemental. I have
stopped convincing them that I have changed.
Few things I practice every moment
1. No judgement
2. No limiting beliefs
3. Good intentions for all
4. Be strict with yourself but soft with all
5. Never say never
6. Never lie( it's a burden)
7. Smile
8. Naanak dukhiya sab sansar( you are not the only one in
9. Have fun ( not at the cost of mocking at others)
10. The show must go on despite.........
"Thought for the day."
We can do whatever we may with all the power we have and
we can summon, but, there are three things that we can't ever hide -
- The sun in the sky
- The moon and stars
- The truth hidden in us.
What does Efficiency, Improvement,
Change, look like really?"
Till not so long ago say from the 90's till recently, if
you wanted a passport, you'd have to go near the passport office, and meet one
of the agents who would do all the documentation submit it in the passport
They brought changes computerising process and eliminated
agents, yet, the system never came to settle down.
Later then it was announced by the MoEA (Ministry of
External Affairs),
announced new measures to cut waiting time.
This was great news for all including me, for one because
I had to always rejig and juggle around with so many other activities to make
this one.
The need came for renewing my passport, I arrived for my
appointment and handed over my appointment reference to the helpdesk. The
assistant acknowledged my arrival on time and asked me to take a seat, among
scores of others who were waiting too.
Unbelievably the office was not working just on time, but,
ahead of a schedule too.
Someone took me inside asked for my application, old
passport, passportsize photographs, address proof etc., which I handed over.
Again someone else came and too me to another hall and asked to wait saying the
Passport Officer is due to arrive. By the time we met the passport officer it
took us another 3 hours.
On the outside it looked things changed, but, honestly, no
much had changed.
I began to say to myself :
01. It is easy to design a system that looks efficient on
02. It is easy go reply to an email with a generic reply
without even responding to the issue.
03. It is easy to show up at a meeting without being present while you're there.
04. It is easy to treat symptoms than it is to get to the
heart of the problem.
Getting to the heart of the problem and caring enough to
fix is way harder. But, ticking boxes or peering over the cracks doesn't meet
our customers desire to feel seen and
heard. And it doesn't fulfil our need to do meaningful work either.
That's why the energy we devote to getting better at the
hard part is worth it.
How do we define and measure, "Efficiency,
Improvement and Changes" will shape the world.
Really speaking this doesn't need any policy or process,
it just calls for an "attitude,"
an "intent," and a "desire," to do it and all of us
have that power, except that it may be in a "coma."
Scripted exclusively for the members of this group R3
Raman's Random Ramblings,
We live 4 life's in a life time
- The one we lived... memories
- The one we thought we wanted to live... dreams
- The one we live ... facts
- The one we want to live... hopes.
As we are nearing the end of another year being signed off
into history, I just want you to resolve some issues which hangs on almost all
of us.
A. 99% isn't good enough.
If you can imagine what 1% would mean. On any given day
Indian Railways runs about 12,620 trains daily. And assume it runs on a 99%
accident free record daily, then there would be at least 126 accidents reported
every day.
This means, be relentlessly dissatisfied. This surely
doesn't mean being unhappy.
Compete against yourself challenging your own status quo.
Celebrate successes and gains, do not be complacent.
B. Be Strategic
Let's take "Time Management," for an example.
We need to learn to utilize our time and effort
strategically and balance many a thing to extract the maximum out of every
second we have for ourselves each day. Remember time is the most precious thing
in life, which we can't buy back however rich we are.
The art to develop and practice is how can we multiply it.
C. Sacrifice
"Oh yea - what's new?" You may ask.
True nothing is new really - but it is also true you need
to give something to get something.
Getting to the "top" will take a he'll of a lot
out of you. Be sure you learn to make sacrifices of something you were used to.
You need to do this consciously and most importantly never repent.
D. Be Ready To Be Ridiculed.
The might sound like the most ridiculous thing you've ever
heard, but, you would encounter many of those who would ridicule your uncanny
nature that separates you from them, they will leave no stone unturned to pull
you down. These could be friends, relatives, peers or whoever else, but, what's
important for you is to achieve what you've set for yourself.
Do not let their cacophony overpower your will power. Such
people are not worth your time to be spent on.
It is not the best and the smartest who always get to the
top. It is just that they are masters of what has been listed above.
I dare say, you too can, but, you need to work for that.
Do not just dream, act too.
Scripted exclusively for the members of this group R3
Raman's Random Ramblings,
by Raman
Be Useful When Alive and Even After.
A flock of sheep, for a change went into the forest to
As expected, a lion in search of its hunt, made its
The flock of sheep was like a well laid buffet for the
entire lion family.
The lion began to advance, when suddenly a well grown
sheep, probably the mother and the leader decided to take on the lion. It
ordered another from the flock to take away the rest to the village.
The sheep was now right in front of the lion, and began to
The somewhat bewildered lion asked the sheep why it was
The sheep said,
"Oh mighty lion, the king of the forest, I know you will kill me in
the next few moments and chew me up to the bones, after which the hyenas and
vultures will devour the left over bones and I'll be reduced to dust to become
a part of the soil.
While I am alive I give milk, to my master and his family.
They make butter and cheese after that. When we get old and die, our wool makes
good blankets and robes for them to cover themselves in the winter. Our flesh
and bones provide them a feast.
My life is useful before and after. And yours is useless.
You are known to be a killer, and you are dependent on others for your living.
Except your tribe you have no other friends. Everyone is freightened by your
sight. And some day when you are gone and would be lying there helplessly, no
other animal including the scavenging hyena will come close to you thinking you
are asleep. You will rot.
And I am thinking about that and laughing."
The lesson given here by the sheep is a mighty one. Just
think about your life and profession.
Are you a bully like the lion. Do you shout and harass
Who all do you hurt and scatter with your actions and
Who will remember you, and if they do what will they
remember you for.
A sheep can choose a lions skin but a lion doesn't fit
into a sheep skin, remember that.
R3 Raman's Random Ramblings.
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