Friday, September 20, 2019

Change Your Beliefs and Perceptions and you will change your Performance

It's a relaxing Sunday morning, a cool gentle breeze brushes my face, while I sit to script this message after enjoying my cuppa steaming aromatic coffee, a little while ago.
Henry Ford said "If you believe you can or if you believe you can't, your right."

I was on a call last night with a friend, who has tonnes of self belief and loves taking on odds, especially things that others say she can't do. She thrives in proving them wrong. She has on her own steam come a fair distance in life battling several odds, overcoming several obstacles. She is really a "powerhouse of energy," carries a lot joy and is adventurous by nature. She is in
terms of sport a very "talented" and a "gifted athlete," in the race of life she runs wanting to better her own timing, as she isn't in competition with anyone. This script of today is dedicated to that friend Very Special friend VS...

She reminded me of Roger Bannister, the English Athlete who created history by breaking four-minute barrier for the mile. Until then no one believed that it was possible to run a mile in less than four minutes. Once Bannister smashed the limiting belief, the task became easier because everyone knew it could be done. Within a year, the race was run under four minutes by forty athletes and with ten years 296 times.
What's the lesson here?
If you want to achieve something really worthy, change the limiting beliefs that are holding you back and the negative self-talk that is sabotaging your performance, your career, your life.

Beliefs, perceptions, thoughts and self-talk control our emotions and behaviour. If you change your belief, you'll change your perception, if you change your perception, you'll change your thinking and your self-talk, and if you change your thinking and self-talk, you will change your feelings, action and performance.

If a plant grows in a bottle it will take on the shape of the bottle and will be confined to it even though it has the potential to become a large and beautiful tree. This is exactly what happened to my friend who was bottled up. To get that plant to grow one would have to break the bottle to set it free. The plant will grow mature, bear fruits and propagate.

Like the bottle, limiting beliefs inhibits growth. Unmindful of all these she has earned enough laurels and has set her mind on much bigger things with which she wants to impact several young life’s by empowering them and enable them reach the potential as quickly as possible.

Cheers to this friend. Just spare fifteen seconds to think about this that you read. That'll do good to help my friend dedicate her life to this cause and will encourage everyone to get rid of their limiting beliefs.

Have a beautiful Sunday with friends and family having all the fun.
Scripted specially for members of this group in R3 - Raman's Random Ramblings, by

Stop - Start
It's Monday the first day of a brand new week. Here is a thought to kick start your week ahead.
In any mechanical vehicle - motorized or mechnical. One uses the brake to stop and the accelerator pedal to start.
You thought it was only for vehicles, but, no you too have to use the start and stop to make progress.
Let's see how :
Stop worrying about how to get attention. Start paying attention.
Stop obsessing about creating awareness. Start becoming more aware.
Stop making people want things. Start making things people want.
Stop analysing data Start seeing people it represents.
Stop trying to be more interesting. Start becoming more interested.
Stop keeping score Start forgetting the past incidents.
Stop hoarding. Start sharing.
Stop competing. Start collaborating.
Stop comparing. Start noticing.
Stop doubting. Start doing.
Stop striving. Start caring.
Stop wondering about what's next, start from here and right now.
Have an awesome week ahead.
Scripted specially for members of this group in R3 - Raman's Random Ramblings, by

If you have this, you will go places.
In a fast paced world that we preside over now, we can't be blamed for looking at instant gratification, speedy growth, quick buck, fast food, and lightning quick answers to whatever we want to know or solutions for whatever we seek, because there's Google to our rescue which provides us all answers, much more that we want or have bargained for. We want to become information rich because we wanted to show off that we are intelligent, and our IQ is high. There's one driving force which fuels all of this that makes us explore for new things, new thoughts and new ideas.

You may be wondering what's all this. Yes! You guessed it right, it is just one thing that drives all of us from "the cradle to the grave," and that is CURIOISITY. The impulse to seek new information, the craving for new experiences and to explore new possibilities is a basic human trait, and that is called CURIOUSITY.

CURIOUSITY drives us to view critical aspects more creatively. History is a witness to all of this and bears a testimony to it for most breakthrough discoveries and remarkable inventions of mankind - from flint stone for fire to wheels, right down to the much talked about and awaited driverless cars.
This when it comes to an organisation, it seems so paradoxical as both leaders and employees receive an implicit, message that asking questions is an unwanted challenge to the authority.
People are trained to focus on process and process alone, for guaranteed performance results that lead to the milestones, goals and vision of the organization.

On the other hand it is the same management of organization's that urges it's people to maintain a sense of words which is crucial to creativity and innovation.
The most effective organizations of the world and their leaders look for ways to nurture their employees' CURIOUSITY to fuel leaning and discovery.

See where you are and see where is your CURIUOSITY, leading you to in every step you take.
Scripted specially for members of this group in R3 - Raman's Random Ramblings,
Yours curiously

IQ - EQ - DQ - RQ
Brian Herbert said, "The capacity to learn is a gift; the ability to learn is a skill; the willingness to learn is a choice.

People are definitely the greatest asset of any organization. It is only as good as the people who make it. It is not going to make a difference whether the company makes cars, cosmetics, capsules, writes codes or makes rockets.

That which makes these things happen is IQ (INTELLIGENCE QUPTIENT) -> Building Knowledge The ultimate source of happiness, is our mental attitude, which comes from wisdom, and that is built on knowledge.

EQ (EMOTIONAL QUOTIENT) -> Having Emotions Once in a lifetime, you meet someone, who changes everything in your life.
Emotional Intelligence will say, "No matter what age you are or what your circumstances might be, you are special, and you have setting unique to offer. It's your life, because of who you are, and that to me has meaning. Trust and long lasting relationships are built by Emotional Intelligence.

DQ (DECENCY QUOTIENT)-> Having Decency Greeting and treatinng people following etiquettes.

RQ (RELEVANCE QUOTIENT) -> Being Relevant. While you are waiting someone else is already doing it.
It all comes down to employee engagement. It all comes down to recognition. It all comes down to leadership, which leads to everyone feeling ownership and accountablity for the results. You can ask a team to achieve targets or even accomplish a mission, but you never can order excellence. People do not buy the product, they buy the experience. It can be Apple, Mercedes, IKEA etc., - it's thoughts and products you have bought for sheer experience.
Scripted specially for members of this group in R3 - Raman's Random Ramblings, by

The Inspiring Storytelling of Jim Thorpe...
Jim Thorpe, an American Indian from Oklahoma, was chosen to represent US in the 1912 Stockholm Olympics, in the track and field event.

On the morning of the final competition, his shoes were stolen. Fortunate that he was he found two shoes in the garbage bin, which were different from each other in every aspect of colour, size, spikes etc. He decided he will try them anyway. He had one major problem that the shoe of the left leg was bigger. He chose to wear extra socks to fill that gap, and two extra filled it to fit his legs. Wearing them that day, he went on to win two gold medals.

That feat of Jim is a perfect reminder to all of us that we do not have to resign ourselves to the excuses that keep us holding back.

So what, if life hasn't been fair, or so we might believe.

Whatever feelings, thoughts or happenings, it was that we woke up in the morning with - stolen shoes, ill-health, headache, disappointing news, slip and fall or a broken relationship, let that not stop us from running our race for the day.

Let's remind ourselves when the sun is up and out, let's get on to our feet and go for our hunt.
We can experience more in life, if we can get over the excuses we give and get on with life.
Scripted especially for members of this group in
R3 - Raman's Random Ramblings,

Shakespeare said I always live happy. You know why? Because I do not have any expectations from anyone whatsoever. Expectations always cause hurt. Love your life because it's so short, so keep smiling and be happy always. Just live for yourself. Before you speak, listen. Before you write, think. Before you spend, earn. Before you pray, forgive. Before you hurt, feel. Before you hate, love. Before you quit, try.
Before you die, live.
Am inspired by these lines always.

Asking Questions
In the words of Rudyard Kipling, "I kept six honest serving men near always, and it is they who taught me all I got to know, their names are : Why? What? Where? When? Who? and How?
To keep a healthy curiosity, we need to ask questions so that we understand things and people around us be they relatives, friends, peers colleagues, team mates, stakeholders, customers or whoever else.
It's not the quantity but, the quality and the value of the questions that is important.
Asking the right questions, at the right time, in the right place, to the right people, gets you the right answers to go places.
Good questions are a worthy investment always.
Do you believe in this?
Scripted especially for members of this group, in R3 - Raman's Random Ramblings, by

The Best Shine from Within
Cheerful Tuesday morning folks.
There's an old Aesop's Fable of The Man, The Wind and The Sun.
On a certain day, the wind and the sun were in a friendly conversation talking a whole lot of things and landed on the topic strengths, which became hot, and in that heat the wind challenged the sun saying let's see who among us is strong. The sun laughed, but the wind looking down saw a man walking with an overcoat on said, "Let's see who among us can get the man to remove the coat. The sun said, "Go ahead," so the wind began to blow and blow fiercely too. The more it blew the tighter the man hugged to his coat." It was now the turn of the sun. It shone, shone brightly and it started becoming warmer and warmer. The man began unbuttoning his overcoat and in a little while more he took off his coat and went under a tree, to rest." The wind furious by now, asked the sun, "How did you make the man remove his coat without any force whatsoever?" The sun replied, "I did it through brightness and gently."
It may on the surface seem this being just another fable, but, this fable has a lot to do with good people - they may be professionals, leaders or just ordinary ones.
Such people operate like the Sun.
- They shine when they help others weather the storm. -They shine when they respect the others, whatever their status. - They shine best when they encourage. -They shine when they show they care. -They shine when they listen intently to show their interest for the others. -They shine when they acknowledge others.
When the sun is shining warmly on us we feel we can accomplish almost anything - no mountain is too high, no ocean is too deep, no wind is too strong, no obstacle is difficult to surmount.
The best people have the same effect - they shine from within, they're gentle, kind, warm and accessible always.
Wishing all you wonder people, a great day.
Scripted specially for members of this group in R3 - Raman's Random Ramblings, by

Humility A trait everyone has, but, just that only a few display it continuously. Humility is the hallmark of wise people, great people and inspirational leaders.
It takes a great deal for anyone not to get blinded by their position and accomplishments and to walk into the dark alleys of arrogance. Being "humble" being "firm," are not contradictory, as much as being "humble," and being "confident" aren't contradictory." However, being "humble," and being "respected," are not complimentary.'
Being "humble," doesn't mean - Being Weak - Being less Assertive - Being less Ambitious - Being less Passionate
Humble people - bring out the best out of those who work for them. - make it easy for having difficult conversations with them, at ease, by empowering them to share their feelings, thoughts, ideas, without any reservations, without interrupting and without being judgemental. - they minimise whatever gaps that might exist.
Keys To Remain Humble.
Respect others by Admiring Diversity.
Being at ease with Self by not competing with anyone, but self
Focussing in Excelling through self awareness, self exploration, and confronting insecurities addressing vulnerabilities, of self.
Reflect, learn, unlearn, relearn continuously and evolving every moment.
Let's all be as humble, as we can and make our lives together better and better.
Scripted especially for members of this group, in R3 - Raman's Random Ramblings, by Raman

Strive - be the best
There's hardly anyone I know who doesn't want to be the best.
Those who want to, try their very best always. Even if one tried hard it's sometimes not always possible to be on the top, but, surely would be close to it.
On the other hand, if one thinks that he/she can't do it, that he/she doesn't have the capabilities, then he/she will never accomplish anything.
Of course whatever one does is important, but, it is not as important as how one goes about it.
Ones attitude should be one of becoming the best on whatever one is doing. Whether one was to be a businessman or business woman, an artist, scholar, sports person or an engineer, doctor, lawyer, management professional or whatever one has to strive hard to be on the top and to be the best.
Try and try your best continuously and you'll be rewarded.
Just sit down for a while to list out what you are good at and go out to do everything that's possible to become the best, of course with a time line. When you get there the others will acknowledge you, that's when you know you are the best.
Wishing you all the best to become the very best.
Scripted especially for members of this group R3 - Raman's Random Ramblings, by

The Way You Ask, Changes Perspective.
Yes, I mean it, the way you ask the question changes the perspective completely.
Let's see how :
- Why isn't it working for me? This question shifts focus on to searching for a solution.
- Facing challenges in your workplace, your start-up or new venture?
Don't ask, "What will it not work for me? (Problem Centric). Ask, "Why isn't it working for me?" (Solution Centric).
- Started as a free lancer, not getting clients?"
Don't ask, "Why am I not getting clients?" (Problem Centric) Ask, "Why isn't it working fore?" (Solution Centric).
- Not able to change a bad habit?"
Don't ask, "Why am I not able to break the bad habit?" (Problem Centric). Ask, "Why isn't it working for me?" (Solution Centric).
- Not growing in the career, having a difficulty learning new skills?"
Don't as "Why am I not growing?" (Problem Centric). Instead ask, "Why isn't it working for me?"
Problem Centric, - You imagine, you are very good or not so very good. Hence your focus is on you.
Solution Centric The focus is on the challenge, and what is the obstacle you wish to overcome the issue.
It is just one question always, Why isn't it working?"
Ask the right question, in a solution seeking mould.
Scripted specially for members of this group in R3 - Raman's Random Ramblings, by

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