Friday, September 20, 2019

Things You Can Control
- Your attitude
- Your beliefs
- Your thoughts
- Your perspective
- Your moods
- Your speech
- Your tone
- Your body language
- Your feelings
- Your anger
- Expression of your feelings
- How honest you are
- Who your friends are
- What books you read
- How often you exercise
- Type of food you eat
- Risks you take
- How kind you are to others
- Interpreting situations
- How often do you "thank"
- To ask or not to ask help
- Gratitude you practice
- Your smiles per day
- Effort you put forth
- Spending and investing
- How much you worry
- How often you think of things of the past
- Whether or not you judge other people
- Whether or not you try again after a setback
- How much do you appreciate others
- How much you appreciate things around you...

If these many things are in your control and you are truly in control of most, if not all, then why worry.


6 years ago a guy looked at me face to face, and boldly told me; "I don't like you!"
I immediately fired a response, I asked him that day; "Thank you for the honest feedback, but those that you like, how has it made their life better? How does your liking people pay their bills or take a bank loan? My brother keep your like, I need God's like And that's what guarantees my future.

Today I joined a CEO friend of mine in an interview Panel to recruit some new staff, it was a long session, as we returned from a coffee break to continue the hectic interview session, here was this same guy walked in with his grey jacket and CV coming for the interview.

Our eyes kissed by fluke, we immediately recognised eachother; "the world is indeed spherical", I soliloquized.
He felt very uncomfortable through out the interview, one could clearly see the volcanic eruption ongoing in his whole nervous system, he even mistook his date of birth for his last date of employment. It wasn't yet my turn to ask him questions so I allowed everyone to take their turns with him and deliberately opted to interview him last.

When it got to my turn, the first thing I said was, "I LIKE YOU so much, you look to me like a brilliant and intelligent person, but it seems you are not doing well now because something bothers you, true?"
"That's very correct Sir!" He responded.
"Ok look at me straight in the eye, I was never offended that day, it is very normal that sometimes as humans you just don't like certain people, but I wasn't bothered either, because whether you liked me or not, it was inconsequential to my life and my success path - as you can see, fate has brought you to my lair"

I stood up and beckoned him to come and embrace me, everyone on the panel at this point were at sea - wondering if we had expeditiously recast an interview session to a Hollywood movie scene.
He hugged me so long and deeply that I felt it. Then I told him, "now get your confidence back bro and answer the questions like a Pro Shark that you are, we all burst into laughter, everyone suddenly liked him and the room became livelier - the interview became more like a discussion, well to cut the long story short, he got the job!

1. Be careful how you treat people when they appear to be in their vulnerable state, your next level may be hanging in their balance; somewhere in the future.

2. If you dislike someone, it is not their fault, it is YOUR FAULT, work on yourself to find good in people and reinvent your Mind to see everyone as likeable.

3. Don't spew hatred vocally just because it came into your heart, you may say it to someone who will keep it forever and use it against you when you find yourself in your own low moments and need them.

4. Learn to forgive, overlook people's dislike and hatred for you, dont punish people just because you have the position and privilege to do so, bless them rather - that's how you court God's blessings, favour and protection.

What Schools Did To Us
Punishments in schools those days was a common thing. We had one for every act, for being naughty, talkative, mischief, laziness, sleepy during class etc.
It was yes, a little humiliating and discouraging especially when your mates would laugh and scream at you. We would all receive punishments of one or the other kind. We got used to it as we grew up. We didn't know what lessons were being impacted by such corrective methods, but, as we reach a certain position in life and having become a lot wiser, we interpret it with profound wisdom.
The first and foremost lesson is to get used to all the insults and discouragement that await us in our workplaces.
So let's run down the list.
Stand on the bench.
Take a helicopter view, an aerial view, a holistic view and look at the big picture.
Hold your ears
Listen more intently.
Finger on your lips
Stop boasting of yourself and your achievements. Don't flatter anyone either. Don't gossip or spread rumours.
Kneel down
Bend to touch your toes
Clean the black board
Forgive and forget, always start with a clean slate.
Stand with your hands up
Aim higher, reach higher.
Stand outside the class
Lear by observing others taking a broader view.
Stand facing the wall
Do a through introspection.
Sit ups
Build physical and mental endurance.
Write a line 50 times (imposition)
Work towards getting it write first time.

Scripted exclusively for the members of this group in R3 - Raman's Random Ramblings


A grandmother was writing on a while sheet of paper with a PENCIL.
Her little grandson asked her, " Are you writing about yourself?"
She said, "No! Am writing about you! But, more important than what I'm writing, is, what are the lessons a PENCIL gives us."

01. You are capable of great things in life, but, not alone. You'll need a hand to guide you - parents, teachers, mentors, coaches above all the Almighty.
You will need hand holding.

02. Every now and then
I need to stop writing, because the point of the PENCIL gets blunt, and work need sharpening. It is painful as it scrapes.
Every skill that you have will take you to one level and can help you perform, but to get to the next level you need to upgrade yourself (Like sharpening the pencil). It may be painful, but, nothing worthwhile comes without pain or struggle.

03. The PENCIL allows us the freedom to express ourselves freely, for, if we make a mistake we can erase it.
We, also need to express ourselves freely, without fear of mistakes, as it plays a major role in our growth. There are no mistakes There are only learnings and by erasing hang ups we gain experience.

04. What really matters is not the sodden exterior but the graphite in its core.
People pay attention to your exterior (personality, speech etc.), but, what's more important is what's inside you at the core. So always pay attention to what's inside you, because, what comes out is what is inside you.

05. Last but not the least, the PENCIL leaves a mark.
In the same way, remember whatever you say, do, or act upon will leave a mark so be conscious in everything you say, do, or act upon. Leave a legacy. People will remember all that you did to them and will be grateful for that.

That's how I can PENCIL the simplest truth.

Have a great day @ work and even after.

Scripted exclusively for the members of this group R3 - Raman's Random Ramblings,

Thought for the day
The same breeze that threatens to blow away a burning candle is the same breeze that helps it burn brightly.
The ones who you probably think hurt you, by telling you the truths about your assumed strengths and inherent weaknesses are probably the ones that help you really grow.

Design your life by the deliberate choices you make, and not by the lottery chances you take praying for luck

Don't let life happen, make it happen amidst the cacophony, the din, the chaos, the unpredictability and also use whatever resources you can lay your hands on for your good.

Scripted exclusively for the members of this group R3 -  Raman's Random Ramblings,

EQ means Listening

In a world that celebrates meritocracy, people will notice quality, people will notice leadership, people will only reward high achievers.

You may be the wisest and smartest, but, you may not still make it to the top, because the world still rewards book smarts.

Not all can be a shining star in the night sky  but, surely we can aim and be a burning candle in a dark room.

To be a real smart you need to learn to listen and listen intently, listen well to what the others say. You can even listen to their heart for those unsaid, unspoken words.
That's when you develop an Emotional Quotient with those you come in contact with. Change occurs to both them and us. That's when our Circle of Influence spreads.

The beginning then is to become self-aware and then being aware of the others their thoughts and feelings.

On a lighter note, our mouth does a great job if we can take care of it when it opens and when to keep it shut. By opening it helps us eat stuff that builds us internally by way of heath, and when we shut it to stop words going out, we rarely get into trouble.

So say less but listen, listen, listen...more and more.

Scripted exclusively for the members of this group R3 Raman's Random Ramblings

We need DAD and MOM in our life.
D -> Dreams, not just the ones we get in a sleep, but, those that keep us awake, till they are realized.
A -> Awareness of one self’s  feelings and being aware of others with their feelings, the way they feel it.
D -> Determination to sustain despite odds and go all out to succeed, without giving up.

M -> Money, very essential for living a dignified and comfortable life, sans extravagance, but being conscious about spending for now and investments for the future. Anything more that this is either a "bonus" or a "curse."
M -> Maturity of thoughts and words.

Grandparents - Gratitude, Integrity, Love and Care.
Children - Character, Energy Humility, Honesty.
Grandchildren - Affection, Curiosity, Excitement, Respect.

That makes a family. Our family. Spend enough time integrating.

Scripted exclusively for the members of this in R3 - Raman's Random Ramblings,
by Raman

The single most important thing in building relationships,
irrespective of gender, race, colour of the skin, irrespective of age,
between people, be it one to one, one to many, between every organiztion - public, private
even between nations.
This is across the planet and  this has no language no religion or region.
It is not given, it has to be earned,
by being...
T ruthful, in thought word and deed.
R espect for others
U nambigious
S incere at all times in every  way
T hankful, that there's an opportunity to bond.

If you TRUST,
or if you are TRUSTED, nothing else the world matters.
If you don't TRUST,
or if you aren't TRUSTED, nothing else in the world matters.

TRUST wholeheartedly, be TRUSTED wholesomely.

Scripted exclusively for the members of this R3 - Raman's Random Ramblings,


This is one of the most feared word beginning from the "womb to the tomb."

Recall how our parents, teachers, elders, society and community, have taught us that "failing," is bad. Truly one of the worst lessons we ever got.

Reasons why "failure," isn't  all that "bad," as "taught or feared."

- Failure, strengthens us mentally.
- Too much success makes us "heady." We assume we are the greatest ever.
- "Failing," and getting up is courage, and there's only way way forward that is up, up, and up.
- Taste of success, much more sweeter after failure.
- "Failure," teaches us enough lessons as to how we shouldn't do certain things.
"Failure," makes you thing and introspect. It triggers and catalyzes changes.
"Failure, make you evolve.
"Failure," stops you from feeling scared.

To avoid failing people might resort to crossing boundaries of ethics, integrity, slander costing us strained friendships and relationships. Remember that is "bad."
The cardinal principles are...
-To err is human and Failure is inevitable, whoever you are, whatever you are wherever you may be. Don't be shy of failure nor be timid not to admit it. You'll be proud that you did.

Scripted exclusively for the members of this group R3 Raman's Random Ramblings,

Questions that can define..
Thanks to Google, it provides us with answers. On a daily basis Google gets billions of questions through their search engines, and as expected it provides thousands of answers to choose from. It's up to us.

All this is fine, but, have we as professionals, business leaders, entrepreneurs, planners, creators, executors etc., we struggle to find the time to ask really important questions of ourselves to get a signature definition of who we are.

The best ideas, products, services and movements are launched as a result of understanding the reasons why they exist?

You will be doing yourself the greatest favour doing this for your sake. You will be delighted you did it.

Here then are the questions worth taking time to answer.

Brainstorm each question, generating multiple answers, from the silliest to the best. Choose what really fits you.

01. Why am I doing all this?
02. Why am I the person to do it?
03. Why is now the time to start?
04. What all problems can I solve?
05. What problems am I solving, now?
06. Who all is it for?
07. Why will they care?
08. What do the people I hope to serve want?
09. What are their expectations of me?
10. What do they believe?
11. What do they do - where, when, why, with whom and how?
12. What will each of them tell their friends to recommend about my services and me as a person?
13. What am I really trying to do beyond serving them?
14. How can I add more value?
15. What happens because of my being there and doing what I am doing?
16. How will people find me?
17. What are my true strengths?
18. What are my real weakness?
19. What weaknesses will get in my way, to progress, if I don't address it now?
20. Are there grey areas, what do I do with them?
21. What will success look like for me today, this year, next five years from now?
22. What all do I value?
23. What promises do I want to make and keep?
24. What's my difference?
25. How will I be able to measure myself?

Scripted exclusively for the members of this group
R3 - Raman's Random Ramblings,

There are three types of people in the world.

People who change, after change will survive.
They go with the routines, follow the same track, happy in their zones of comfort.
People who change with change will succeed.
They are evolved people who are emotionally intelligent, rid of a mind set, are innovative and do not mind taking a few risks here and there, by going that extra mile.
People who cause and bring about the change will lead.
They are inspired people who set the tone, walk the  talk, create paths where none existed proactively. They are everywhere - in the front at times, on the side rubbing shoulders along with others, and at times right at the back.  They hardly work or wait for any credit or appreciation, they are above it all. Their journey inspires the others to become leaders as well.

Which are you?

Scripted exclusively for the members of this group R3 - Raman's Random Ramblings

Rules Govern Us like it or not.

Our life always offer choices. We become what we choose.

- Know who is your competitor. Also know you are your biggest competitor. Being better than you were yesterday is good enough to be ahead.
- If you don't go after what you want, you'll never get it.
- See failure as a beginning, not as the end.
# Believe in yourself.
# Be a non-conformist.
# Push through even when it pains.  Remember the caterpillar.
# Never give up.
- Own yours, what's yours, let others do likewise.
- Create something sustainable, better still let it be perpetual.
- Be kind, but have boundaries.


# Take action on all the above and create more to add to the list.

# Forget all these, define your own rules, live by it, let others know about it.

Scripted exclusively for the members of this group
R3 -  Raman's Random Ramblings,

Knowing Your Self Worth is Smart isn't it..?

On its schedule international flight Airbus 380 flying across the ocean, cruising over @ 35,000 feet and @ 900 kms per hour consistently,  finds a supersonic jet fighter appearing on the left hand side.

The pilot of the jet, slows down to fly alongside the Airbus, greets the pilot over the radio of the passenger plane, "Flying the Airbus is boring isn't it? Take care, and look at this here."

He then rolls the jet on its back, accelerates furiously, breaks through the sound barrier, rises rapidly to a great height and then swoops down swiftly almost to sea-level, then loops back and close to the Airbus flying at equal speed and asks the passenger pilot, "Well  how was that?"

The Airbus pilot answers, "Very impressive indeed  but now here, you have a look at this!"

The jet fighter pilot watches the Airbus, but nothing happens, as it continues to fly stubbornly straight @ the same altitude and speed.

After precisely 8 minutes the Airbus pilot radioed the fighter pilot, "Well, what have you to say about that now?"

The confused fighter pilot asks, "What did you do?"

The Airbus pilot laughed and says, "I got up  stretched my legs bend my body front wards and back, walked right down the aisle to the washroom at the tail of this massive plane, then stepped out, had a cinnamon cake with a cup of coffee, shared a few pleasant words with my sweet cabin colleagues and came back to resume my flight."

When you are young, speed and adrenaline will seem great, but as you mature to grow older age you get wiser, comfort and peace are not to be disposed either. This is also called,

First lesson for you is to remember, that  if you don't know your worth, people will push you to your maximum limit, which could drive you insanity and madness.
You then, will have to fight harder, for what you think you deserve.
Be smart enough not lose your own focus and interest, because you are always dispensable to most people.

The other and more kmportant lesson is - you don't be a tool to someone's cog if you assume only you doing something worthy.

A very good example of Emotional Intelligence.

Scripted exclusively for the members of this R3 - Raman's Random Ramblings,

You become what you think you can become...

It is all your choices, your efforts..

If you seek peace
be still
If you seek wisdom
be silent and just listen
If you seek love
be your genuine self

When you win you defeat yourself.

You beat
you drub yourself,
you beat those  negations, 
you beat those dejections
around you, including yourself in your faith
in your abilities
your innate skills
your talent,  and
your capabilities.

For your real stengths
lie in setting goals
to reach,
being committed enough to achieve all of them 
to accomplish
your dreams
to become distinguished.

Be an in-form player at all times in the game of life, doing uour best, giving your best  to be the best YOU, yoi can possibly be.

All the best.

Have a great week ahead.

Scripted exclusively for the members of this group R3 - Raman's Random Ramblings,

What's the Self-Talk/Chat
Like no two sun rises are the same, we don't wake up with the same feeling everyday, isn't it. There's a self-talk/chat we all indulge in, some of us are conscious of this everyday, some of us just on some days.

Yesterday is history, tomorrow is mystery, and all that you have is today. Make every moment count, make it good  by starting out on a good note.

It's good to admire others for their looks, booming career, envious lifestyles, but don't forget to love your ordinary beautiful self.

Remind yourself that you are enough and doing very well for yourself.  Be self assured and accept yourself with all your strengths and vulnerabilities.

Being appreciative is a powerful habit that shifts your energy to bring in more you want in life. Quoting Oprah Winfrey, "Be thankful for all what you have, you'll end up having more.  Offer your  gratitude to life.

We sometimes spend a lot of time thinking about things  we have no control over.

Let's accept there are things we can't change.
None of us despite whatever knowledge, wisdom, education or experience, know everything. No one does. It is ok to say, "I don't know that."The moment we think we know it all, we close doors to knowing anything more. It is essential to keep learning and growing to become a better human being.
There are so many things to know still.

It's a basic human tendency to form an opinion of ourselves the way others perceive us to be.
The way others see us, could often be the reason for your happiness or sorrow. Let others not define you.

Life has ups and downs. Everyday will never be the same that's ok. There'll be some good days, some bad days, some exciting days, life goes on. What's important is to enjoy the journey of life

Scripted exclusively for the members of this group
R3 - Raman's Random Ramblings,

Die empty

One of the most beautiful article that I have read in the book called "Die Empty" by Todd Henry.

The author was inspired and got this idea of writing ​​this book while attending a business meeting.

When the director asked the audience: "Where is the richest land in the world?"

One of the audience answered: "Oil-rich Gulf states."

Another added: "Diamond mines in Africa."

Then the director said: "No it is the cemetery. Yes, it is the richest land in the world, because millions of people have departed from it, "they have died" and they carry many valuable ideas that did not come out of the light and benefited others. It is all in the cemetery where they were buried."

Inspired by this answer, Todd Henry wrote his wonderful book "Die empty." Where he did his best to motivate people to pour out their ideas and potential energies in their communities and turn them into something useful before it is too late.

The most beautiful of what he said in his book is that: "Do not go to your grave and you carry inside you the best that you have, always choose to die empty."

Die empty is a new expression and unique on its on way, at first glance you will think it is normal.

But I was surprised to know the true meaning of this new expression.

It is to die empty of all the goodness that is within you. Deliver it before you leave this world.

If you have an idea perform it.

If you have a knowledge give it out.

If you have a goal achieve it.

Love, share and distribute, do not keep it inside.

Do not keep the goodness inside of you, and die full of ideas and be a delicious meal for the earthworms in the grave.

Most of us live with the stubborn idea that we will always have tomorrow. But sooner or later all of our tomorrows will run out.

Now I understand the meaning of the words of all the Holy Books "If the Final Hour comes upon one of you while he has in his hand a sapling then let him plant it."

How can we plant a plant when we have reached out last day?

Yes, God wants us to die empty. To live every day like it is the last day. To give the maximum energy to all that we have, and when we work on something we do it the best way. When we create something it should be spectacular.

We should be inspiring, happy, optimistic, and always seek to be empty until our souls rise up to the sky.

Are you empty?

I think we all weigh thousands of tons of goodness, creativity, love and hope that we can give.

We have not given all of it, except a little.

How I wish that we start the race to give and remove every atom of goodness inside us. We should learn how to find and sustain our passion and generosity, even in tough times.

Have a pleasant day...

Take care.....

Start the race..

▪ If your path is more difficult, it is because your calling is higher. ▪

▪ Live your life and forget your age. ▪

An interesting article for those who believe in God  and those who do not believe in God ! 
It stimulates our lateral thinking :

This lovely parable is from "Your Sacred Self" by Dr. Wayne Dyer.

In a mother’s womb were two babies.

One asked the other: “Do you believe in life after delivery?”

The other replied, “Why, of course. There has to be something after delivery. Maybe we are here to prepare ourselves for what we will be later.”

“Nonsense” said the first. “There is no life after delivery. What kind of life would that be?”

The second said, “I don’t know, but there will be more light than here. Maybe we will walk with our legs and eat from our mouths. Maybe we will have other senses that we can’t understand now.”

The first replied, “That is absurd. Walking is impossible. And eating with our mouths? Ridiculous! The umbilical cord supplies nutrition and everything we need. But the umbilical cord is so short. Life after delivery is to be logically excluded.”

The second insisted, “Well I think there is something and maybe it’s different than it is here. Maybe we won’t need this physical cord anymore.”

The first replied, “Nonsense. And moreover if there is life, then why has no one ever come back from there?

Delivery is the end of life, and in the after-delivery there is nothing but darkness and silence and oblivion. It takes us nowhere.”

“Well, I don’t know,” said the second, “but certainly we will meet Mother and she will take care of us.”

The first replied “Mother? You actually believe in Mother? That’s laughable. If Mother exists then where is She now?”

The second said, “She is all around us. We are surrounded by her. We are of Her. It is in Her that we live. Without Her this world would not and could not exist.”

Said the first: “Well I don’t see Her, so it is only logical that She doesn’t exist.”

To which the second replied, “Sometimes, when you’re in silence and you focus and listen, you can perceive Her presence, and you can hear Her loving voice, calling down from above.”

May be this is one of the best explanations to the concept of 'GOD'!

The beauty and the mystery.

A piece of coal, lies deeply buried in the bowels of the earth, waiting to me mined.
And when it sees light, someone realizes it is more that a piece of coal that is meant to burn to ashes.

In a raw form with others pieces, a day arrives when someone braces it smooth and cuts it hard to become a stone of value called diamond. Each finished piece carries its own value and worth.

A caterpillar in the comfort of its cocoon has to someday breakaway to find wings as a butterfly. It goes through the process naturally with hues that enchant everyone. If flutters from flower to flower collecting the nectar for life. Lives it's days with joy and giving everyone a big share too making everyone feel how beautiful everything can be?

We are in a way like the piece of coal, a polished diamond and the elegant butterfly at various times in our life.

How we think, how we feel how we act and what we leave behind is what mostly matters in the end.

Who knows how many apple trees and apples are hidden in the seeds of an apple?

The mysteries of life keeps us intrigued all the time.

Be it so, that is why becomes so engaging.
Let's enjoy the moments, moment by moment.

Scripted exclusively for the members of this group R3 - Raman's Random Ramblings,
by Raman

If you are a leader
this serves as something to ponder over, as to whose talent are you unearthing and polishing for worth.
Whom are you giving air for their wings to take flight or whose hidden potential you are investing in.
If you are one early into your career, how are you working yourself to earn value and worth.
Are you ready to take wings to fly to heights and how much are you investing in your future.
Think it over!

Time and We

Time the time I scripted two words, a few seconds from the time account went poof.....

Time is something that none of us can buy, be it the one gone, or the next to come.

We can but use what we have in our hands now. Even the richest can't. The only level-field for every one is the moment in hand. It is just one tick of the clock the histories get changed.

Those who succeed are ones who make their moments count to make the defining moments, and they do it moment by moment like all of us to make it a worthy life.

Words, especially the spoken one is just like time. Once out we can neither erase nor be pulled back. One needs to therefore think very well before speaking, as it has the power of both, building a weak relationship into a strong one and also break a strong one, all in one moment. The fall of many an empire is also attributed to this.

Every one of us, in our time has a story to tell, it could be his-story or her-story and that matters the least in comparison to what he or she says. What counts is whether history will record those moments to remember the story and either read or recall that story as being
- a different story,
- a defining story,
- an impactful story worth emulating.
Things that can help is
- being alive
- being aware
- being appreciative
- being kind
- being graceful
- being grateful
and also having the
- CHARM ->
C haracter
H onesty
A uthenticity
R espect
M indful

Knowing the value of time, and the ability to use appropriate words that too relevant and spring

Scripted exclusively for the members of this group in R3 - Raman's Random Ramblings,

Why Do Your Customers (External and Internal), Choose You?
Sit down and think for a moment...What are the three top reasons your customers (both external-the ones who give you business and internal-those who deliver value choose you?
Think, what stories are you giving those customers to tell, not just to recommend but to trust and value, prefer and remain loyal to you and your company?
You can make assumptions and best guesses too about what motivates the people you serve to come to you, or even ask reasons as to why they come to you, they'll surely be happy to share it with you, provided the stories you tell your customers tell themselves are a part of the story you need to tell.

Scripted exclusively for the members of this group R3 - Raman's Random Ramblings,

Work Life = Real Life
Live the way you want
Doing the work you like, and,
Live the way your loved ones want
Giving them the time, love and care
Give as if you have everything, abundantly, or,
Give as if you never owned anything
Give you certainly must, because, what you give is not what you brought
Give that which you got, here, because, you can't take anything when you go
Be natural, Be authentic
That's what nature too is, be it the mountains, rivers, ocean, wind and all those lively things around us like the animals, plants and insects.

There's no simpler life that this.
It is as simple as that, don't debate much.
Live every moment, as if there isn't going to be another.

Scripted for members of the group R3 - Raman's Random Ramblings,

A thought...
The ocean is the same, some find pearls, some find fishes, some just find their feet wet, isn't it?
Life is common for all. We will find only what we look for and get only that which we look for. We could get more if we explore more.
I remember reading a light hearted quote, "You only need to find yourself, for everything else you have GOOGLE. Ain't this true?

Think it over.
Woke up at 6.30 AM
Earlier than usual.
Went for a walk (to impress my spouse and neighbours).
Returned back after 45 minutes.
Had piping hit aromatic coffee, skimming the newspaper.
Sat chatting with my spouse very leisurely over breakfast.
Felt really awesome.
Went for a bath.
Got ready to go out.
Looked at the clock, it still showed 6.30 AM.
What did I realize?
Obviously all of you might say, "The clock stopped."
True and will not argue about it, but would certainly add, that, "To have a wonderful time with your near and dear you don't need to look at the time.
You can have it anywhere, anytime, always. It's just your choice.

Scripted exclusively for the members of this group R3 - Raman's Random Ramblings,

I Never knew this.

Hence am sharing it:
Some interesting facts and observations about
"Playing cards"

Did you know that the Traditional Deck of the Playing Cards are a strikingly coherent form of a Calendar?

There are 52 weeks in the year and so are 52 Playing Cards in a Deck.
There are 13 weeks in each Season and thus there are 13 cards in each suit.
There are 4 Seasons in a Year and 4 Suits in the Deck.

There are 12 Months in a Year so there are 12 Court Cards (Those with faces namely Jack, Queen  King in each suit)

The Red Cards represent the Day, while the Black Cards represent the Night.

If you let
Jacks = 11,  Queens = 12, and the Kings = 13, then add up all the sums of 1 + 2 + 3 + …to 13 = 91. Multiply this by 4, for the 4 Suits, therefore 91 x 4 = 364, Add 1 that is the Joker and you will arrive at the number 365 being the Days in a Year?

Is that a mere coincidence or a greater intelligence ?
Of interest is the sum of the letters in all the names of the cards; eg : add up the letters in "one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, Jack, Queen, King" = 52 !

The Spades indicate ploughing/ working.
The Hearts indicates Love thy crops.
The Clubs indicates flourishing and growth.
The Diamonds indicate reaping the Wealth.
Also, in some card games 2 Jokers are used. Indicating the Leap year.

There is a deeper Philosophy than just a merely a Game of Playing Cards.

The Mathematical perfection is mind blowing.
16/04/2019, 11:06 - Raman Bharadwaj: The following are lessons I learnt in life.
01. Discover your "why?"
02. Discover your purpose.
03. Follow your passion.
04. Chase harder things over easy.
05. Stop adding, start subtracting things in life. Less is more.
06. Do not compromise on "values," ever.
07. Forget not your roots. Value them high all your life.
08. Work to earn respect more than money.
09. Do not fret over failures, in fact, they teach more lessons than success. They carve your character.
10. Have enough Humbition (This word may not be found in the dictionary. It is Humility + Ambition).
11. Embrace diversity.
12. Get rid of whatever your "Mindset," that stalls progress.
13. Be focussed on execution, results will follow.
14. Focus on creating value and not valuations. When value is created, valuations follow automatically.
15. Be a student all your life, doesn't matter who the teacher.

Having a sharp memory is a very good quality of the brain. But, the ability to forget the unwanted things is a far better quality of the heart, for living in peace rather than in pieces.

Some Management Lessons Learnt in all these years.

However Clever You May Be, Remember You Too Can Err.
Sir Isaac Newton lost $2.8 millions prospecting on the stock market.

Make Optimal Choices.
Napoleon tried to win a land war in Russia.

Play the long game.
Cleopatra almost lost her empire twice.

Think things through.
The Trojans didn't look into the mouth of a "gifted horse," and paid a price for it.

Make the right call
Blockbuster could have bought Netflix in 2000.

Learn to think
Everyone needs a resourceful mentor and a smart coach in their career.

Learn what you need, not what you want, but, certainly learn whatever you should to remain resourceful, smart and relevant.

Movement isn't necessarily progress made, but, acting fast gives a sense of urgency that is enough to give us impetus.

We get a lot of information listening to people talk.

It's best to forget past victories. One tends to think further and better if one stops resting on past laurels and glory. Better to start as an ignorant novice. Everyday is a new day, a new journey, a new battle, best to go without too much of baggage.

We all are playing a role in the drama of life, each is a character. We tend to wear masks that cover up our deepest secrets. We need to know what to say, when, where, why and how.
If we need to win games, not only should we practice hard and play well, but, we need to know how the others play their game. It'll help us formulate our strategies. Winning Isn't Important, but, Playing Our Part Well and Putting Up a Good Performance matters most.


The 27 Mental Laws of the Universe

Law of Accident : By failing to plan, you plan to fail

Law of Accumulation: Every single thing you do, positive or negative, accumulates. Everything counts.

Law of Attraction : You will always attract, positive or negative, people and circumstances that are in harmony with your dominant thoughts. Whatever you think about you attract into your life.

Law of Belief: Whatever you believe with feeling becomes your reality; You always act in a manner consistent with your beliefs.

Law of Cause and Effect : For every effect in your life there is a specific cause. Everything that happens has a cause. Failure doesn’t happen by accident; success doesn’t happen by accident

Law of Compensation: You are always compensated in more than equal measure for what you do. The more you give, the more you have to give. As long as you are doing good things for other people, other people will do good things for you.

Law of Concentration : Whatever you dwell upon grows. Whatever you think about over and over grows into your reality.

Law of Control: You feel good/positive about yourself to the degree to which you are in control of your own life. You feel negative about yourself to the degree to which you feel you are not in control of your life.

Law of Correspondence : As within, so without. Your outer world is a mirror and reflects what is going on in your inner world.

Law of Creativity: All positive change and progress in your life begins with new ideas. Since the supply of ideas is unlimited, your potential is also unlimited. Your happiness, future, success and longevity depend largely on the quality and quantity of the ideas that you produce.

Law of Emotion : Every decision you make is based on emotion. A stronger emotion will dominate a weaker emotion and will determine your decisions and actions.

Law of Expectations: What you expect is what you get. You do not get what you want but what you expect.

Law of Expression : Whatever is impressed is expressed. Whatever is impressed into your sub-conscious for whatever reason and from whatever source, when mixed with emotion and dropped into your sub-conscious, will eventually be expressed as part of your personality-a part of your reality.
Law of Forgiveness: You are mentally healthy to the degree to which you can forgive and forget grievances against you. Your willingness to forgive others and to let go of past grievances is the single most important determinant of whether or not you are a fully integrated, fully functioning human being.

Law of Habit : In the absence of a specific decision on your part to change some aspect of your life, the natural tendency will be to go on the same way indefinitely. Ninety-five percent of what we do is habit.

Law of Indirect Effort: In our relationship with other people, we have a tendency to get what we want indirectly faster than directly.

Law of Overcompensation : Always do more than you are paid for. In other words go the extra mile.

Law of Practice: Whatever you do over and over again often enough becomes a new habit. A new habit takes approximately 21 days to develop.

Law of Relaxation : In all mental working, effort defeats itself. The harder you don’t try, the better it works.

Law of Return: Whatever you contribute in terms of service you will get back in terms of rewards, tangible and intangible.

Law of Reversibility : The objective reality creates the subjective (emotional) state. If you can create artificially the subjective state (the feeling), the feeling will trigger the Laws of Attraction and Correspondence and will draw into your life the people, circumstances, and opportunities necessary to create the objective that is consistent with the subjective. Whatever you do to raise the self-esteem of someone else, simultaneously boosts your own.

Law of Service: You will always be rewarded in life in exact proportion to the value of your service to other people-to your customers. Your return will always equal or better your service.

Law of Sowing and Reaping: You always reap exactly what you sow, in life, business and relationships.

Law of Subconscious Activity: The Subconscious Mind goes to work immediately on whatever you plant in your mind to bring it into reality. The subconscious Mind makes all words and action fit a pattern consistent with your self-concept and your dominant goals.

Law of Superconscious Activity : Any thought, plan, goal, or idea that you can hold in your conscious mind on a continuing basis and that you intensely desire or intensely fear, must be brought into your conscious mind. The Superconscious mind will begin to organize the entire universe of experience around you to draw into your life the people and circumstances necessary to make that idea come true.

Law of Substitution : The conscious mind can hold only one thought at a time, positive or negative. You can replace a negative thought with a positive thought. You can replace a thought of what you don’t want with a thought of what you do want.

Law of Use : Whatever talent, ability, or gift you possess becomes stronger and better with exercise. If you don’t use it, you lose it.

It is personal experience.

At a gym, the first entry registered is @ 5.00 AM and the check out @ 6.30 AM every morning for the last 8 years, winter, summer or whatever be the season. In addition to this, every evening this gentleman is out for a walk from 5.00 - 6.30 PM every evening, every season. Needless to mention therefore that this gentleman is the fittest I have known around me.

The made me wonder, isn't this something that happens in the workplaces too.
I recall the beginning of my career too, after we were educated both through school, college, home and community that we need to be disciplined, committed, hardworking, honest and sincere.

Equipped with this foundational qualities, we would reach workplaces before time setting ourselves up quickly to handle our work/tasks for the day. We would work hard. We were curious and wanted to know more, learn more, apply more and improve more on a daily basis. We quickly caught the eyes of those who mattered. More responsibilities were given, while we could pass on some of the routines to interns. We grew up and by merit, not just because of the work alone but because of our behaviour too. We were in control of our mind, heart, emotions, tongue, words, temperament, action, response etc. All this was possible because of the company we kept and what we fed our mind with. The hunger for learning and growing just kept increasing regularly. Being so positive, we only looked at opportunities, hardly ever complained and took everything into our strides as a part of the deal.

This is like going through the process in mental gymnasium.

Almost everyone starts off this way, and somewhere along the way lose their path. It is very much like joining a gymnasium and going regularly initially and the discontinue.
Physical and Mental fitness requires continuity of regular daily practice, giving no excuses.

For your fitness sake answer these...
1. Do you take your mind to the gym everyday?
1.1 Do you exercise physically everyday?

2. What are you feeding your mind with?
2.1 What are you feeding yourself with good food and habits?
3. Do you keep complaining?
4. Do you keep looking for solutions to challenges?
5. Where are you getting stuck?
5.1 What steps are you taking to overcome them?
6. Are you the fittest version yourself physically and mentally?

Scripted and shared exclusively for members of this group R3 - Raman's Random Ramblings

You Create Your Mess
It was lunchtime a worker working on a skyscraper construction site's 25th floor opens his lunch box and takes a bite at his sandwich. Spits it out cursing "peanut butter," and throws it away. Takes another and bites it, yells again "peanut butter" and throws that one too. Takes the third one and bites it, says the same thing, "peanut butter," and throws that one too.
Someone watching all of this goes to that man and asks him, "Are you married?"
The man looks at him intriguingly and replies, "Yes!"
The other man asks again, "How many years?"
"23 years," is the reply.
"You are married for 23 years, and strange your wife who packs your lunch doesn't know you don't like peanut butter!" quips the stranger.
This man looks at him a little agitated and retorts, "Don't bring my wife into this. I made these sandwiches myself."
Connecting this story to real life, aren't we the creators of all our mess, misery, troubles and all?
And trying to get out of it we create more and more, only to say, life is horrible. We make others feel horrible as well.
Think it over.
Scripted exclusively for the members of this group R3-Raman's Random Ramblings,

Whatever you do comes back to you.

A man walking next to the mango groove by a river side.

His eyes fell on the mango.
Eyes can't pick the mango, so his legs carried him to the mango tree.

Legs can't pluck the mango so he used his hands to pluck a mango.

The eyes can't eat the mango, the teeth in the mouth has to and the tongue tastes it.

The tongue can't keep it there all the time so the crushed mango is sent to the stomach.

The caretaker of the garden saw the man stealing the mango, so he comes running and whacks the man on his back.

Was it the fault of the back? No!
The eyes saw the mango, the legs carried him to the tree,
the hands plucked it,
the teeth in the mouth crushed it,
the tongue tastes it,
the stomach digested it,
the back got the whack on its back for no fault of it at all.
The whack pained and automatically there were tears in his eyes.

All of it began with the eye, and came back in the end to the eye.

That's what it is in all aspects of life as well - what goes out comes back.

Send hate out, comes back as anger.
Send negativity out, it comes back as sadness. Send good wishes out, it comes back as joy and cheer.
Send happiness out, it comes back as smiles and happiness.

Always Be Blessed.

Scripted exclusively for the members of this group R3 - Raman's Random Ramblings,

Try Anyway
Most of us are sailing in the same boat with more with
wanting to become more, do more, grow more, give more, but, it is just a few, who make a determined effort to pursue without giving up succeed. Some keep it just in thoughts and some more just don't do anything and keep looking at the world and curse their luck, fate etc. The thing is one has to try and try to get more disciplined, committed to make things happen. So some people can try anyway keeping these aspects in mind.

01. You are more likely to succeed when you have a clear purpose.

02. Conditions are rarely ever perfect, try anyway, by adjusting yourself quickly to the situation, circumstances and environment.

03. Always be well equipped and ready.

04. Not everyone who you see having succeeded may be the best in their job.

05. Helping others helps you do better. Try anyway.

06. There are things outside our control about which we can do nothing much, but, there are a whole lot of things which we have in our control. Try to use them to inspire yourself and the others, so that more succeed, not just you.

Just go ahead, try anyway, what have you got to lose? Or even better, what does the world stand to gain because you did?
Best wishes.

Scripted exclusively for the members of this group R3 Raman's Random Ramblings,

Life is Music.

Getting to know anyone is like getting to know the music that attracts us to the melody each holds and as we get to know them closer we begin to understand the meaning of their lyrics.

They say music has a captivating power.

We get hooked to any music that is played soft and sweet.

It is also believed that we all have several songs hidden in our heart.

Some sing often, some sing at times, but some go away with all the songs still within them.

Learning to listen with intent,  understanding and appreciating  it, encourages others to express themselves more and more. We all do this, but, it probably ends with our listening well to only to our small circle of kith and kin, near and dear - parents, siblings, spouse, children and immediate close relatives.

We need to expand that circle a lot more and become more compassionate.

The more we do the better and better the world will seem to us.

Music has the power of bringing people together, so sing the sings you have in you and encourage others to sing the songs they have in their heart too.

While I have just sent this piece of music to you, let me remind you that I haven't heard your music for a while now. Please sing your song for me.

Scripted exclusively for the members of this group R3 - Raman's Random Ramblings,

Life is meant to be lived

Living beings make the planet a place to be, but, they're of different types.
They come in different sizes, shapes, colour, creed, culture, economic, social and educational backgrounds (including some who are ill-literate). There's a chaos prevalent everywhere always and we have no options but, make a living, whatever it may be.

Show me one person in the world who doesn't have a problem which challenges him or her. I bet you can't unless he/she is in a lunatic asylum.

Some people have made it a habit of whinning, brooding and lamenting about the problems they have that it seems it is more like an incurable disease rather than a habit. If we are determined we can mend our habits, but, there's no medicine for an incurable disease, except to change the way one thinks.

There are some who face problems and challenges silently and go about seeking solutions.

There are some more who don't think anything is a problem, and there are some more who don't even know that there is a problem.

Lastly there are some people who know that there's a problem and do nothing about it. They leave it to time and tide.

Am yet to meet one who'd call me or meet me and tell me, "I am feeling happy, am feeling joyous, wanted to just tell you that."

Life is meant to be lived with all emotions we have - let's switch on the right things
at the right time,
at the right place,
with the right people.
This is Emotional Intelligence.

You'll be amazed how your enthusiasm, energy and efforts change when you become aware of yourself and everyone everything around you. This is the Emotional Quotient you need to work out.

Enjoy your Sunday.

Scripted exclusively for the members of this R3-Raman's Random Rambling,

Evolve and Change
Being jnspired my good friend Hima Pravin, who recently shared on Mindfulness especially in the Digital era, I script this here this morning.

Mindfulness is a discipline. It helps our maturity.
We evolve being mindful, and then the game starts.

We begin to change.
We make several deliberate changes.
We change jobs,
change homes,
change habits,
change life style,
change status
change clothes,
change cars,
change styles,
change body language,
change places,
change environments, change cities,
change countries,
change continents.
Am not risking a guess on these changes being done mindfully or unmindfully.
The fact in essence is that we seek to change constantly. We change everything around us, but, ourselves from within.

We might have everything we want, yet seem troubled, disturbed, unsettled, wanting more and more.

The crazy run will continue until we take courage to listen to what our inner core tells us.

Am reminded of a quote by Mirza Ghalib, "Umr Bhar Ghalib Yeh Bhool Kartha Raha Dosthon, Dhool Cherey Pey Tha Aur Aaina Saaf Kartha Raha." (Literary translation for those who don't understand Mirza Ghalibs language "Throughout his lifetime, Ghalib has been making the same mistake, grime and dust was on his face, but he kept cleaning the mirror.

Wishing you a great week ahead.

Scripted exclusively for the members of this group in R3 - Raman'sRandom Ramblings

Delve into yourself and find one in you...

Emotional pain is something  that shouldn't be hidden away and never spoken about. There's truth in pain, there's growth in pain, but, only first it is brought out in the open.

Here's where one finds someone who's will to listen and to lend his/her shoulder.  People call them leaders.

Leadership is about empathy. It is about the ability to relate and connect with people for the purpose of inspiring and empowering lives of those around.

An important part of leadership is about loving just not what you do but what other do too and caring not just for self but the others as well ahead of you.

If you see someone being interrupted in a conversation, acknowledge them and don't let them be pushed aside.

If you see someone lagging behind walk beside them lending a should and assure  you are there with them.

If someone feels ignored or is being ignored, ensure that you step back and include them.

Always remind people about their worth, because it hurts when it feels like you are being forgotten.

These may be small gestures, but, it means a lot and goes a long way in building trust and respect for you.

Scripted exclusively for the members of this group R3 Raman's Random Ramblings,

We believe we can understand others.
We believe we know what they mean when they speak.
Some are experts to even believe they know what is not being said.
We may....
see faces
hear voices
hear words, but, can we really understand...
the anticipation in their eyes
the disappointment in their sighs,
the yearning in their pauses
the apprehension in their bent heads,
the fear in their smiles,
because their silence speaks much much more.
When we really to understand, we will see they are not others, but, they are just like us, waiting to be seen, waiting to be heard, waiting to be understood.
Till the day everyone at all levels in the organization, in all strata’s of society realizes this, the world will not change or mend its habits.

When the future is unclear, it is best to help people around us to focus on doing good work every single day, and take each day as it comes.


People are too prejudiced and judgemental. It can't be helped. It might give you some relief if we don't take them personal.

Overthinking leads to sadness.

We can't do anything about the past, we can't help but, wait for the future to unfold. We can only choose how we use the present, so we might create a desirable future.

Everyone's life journey is different, so what people say or choose to say about you or the opinions they have about you don't define the real you. Remember only you know yourself well. As long as you know yourself well, trust and believe in yourself, manipulators will not be able to distract you.

You have only one life to live. Live with dignity, leave a mark, work to leave a legacy. In the end what really matters is whether you were a "game-changer," or just a player, or one among the audience.

Just remember your parents worked hard to overcome all these hurdles to raise you to what you are today. Your siblings supported you to the best they could. You have the best chance to show who you are as a human, in this chaotic fast paced technology dominant world. Make the best use of your thoughts, words and deeds to be, what you were meant to be.

It is pay-back time now. Do yourself this favour, not just for your sake, but, for the others around you.

If each of us played our part well, am sure we will not just change the world, but, also inspire the next generation to follow our path.

We the present generation have been, not just one's who inherited a good world, but, we also stand guilty to have been a part of the degeneration of resources, pollution and values, be it as silent witnesses or active partners. We have harmed a lot. It's time we commit ourselves to correct all of it, and leave a beautiful world we inherited. We owe it to them who follow.

Scripted exclusively for the members of this group in R3 - Raman's Random Ramblings,


To get to know "what is a progressive organization," it is important to start from here.

What does ownership mean to you?

For Richard  Branson  it means a "culture," where employee behaviour is guided by values and proactive choices. Not by rules. People think like entrepreneurs. They see  clead "connects," between kndivifusl actions and their impact on business. They feel significant.

4 Components.

The informal organization: Values and beliefs.

The formal organization: Systems and processes.

The power: The power of human capabilities.

The work: The company's performance.

The Ownership Quotient (OQ) of a company, is its degree of a fit among these 4 components.

The challenge lies in handling these
4 Aspects

-> Behaviour changes unleashed by technology disruptions.

-> Strange illusion of Security in a VUCA World.

-> The fear of change in all its forms.

-> The fear of fear in every form.

4 Actions

-> Define and articulate your culture all over, all the time.

-> Get the leadership team to "eat  drink  sleep, breathe," ownership behaviours.

-> Engage people to participate and reward the best performers.

-> Redesign systems and processes by thinning organization layers broadening spans of control...and simplifying tasks.

4 Facts
-> Don't underestimate the resistance coming your way.

-> The CEO is the "first" process lead, everyone else follows.

-> Culture change is a "marathon," not a 100m, sprint or 200m dash, 400m, 800m runs.

-> There's no "magic-wand." This is "tested and proven."

When Ownership increases automatically Engagement, increases too. When Engagement increases, there's no limit to Productivity and Results.

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